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  • 回收美國Photo Research亮度計PR-680L-電子/半導體檢測儀器

PR-680L 回收美國Photo Research亮度計PR-680L-電子/半導體檢測儀器

  • 型號PR-680L
  • 品牌
  • 所在地東莞市
  • 更新時間2016-11-18
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數(shù)量148
  • 人氣值562


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回收美國Photo Research亮度計PR-680L
Unique Design
The PR-680L SpectraDuo marks the beginning of a new era in light measurement. This unique patent
回收美國Photo Research亮度計PR-680L-電子/半導體檢測儀器 產品詳情

回收美國Photo Research亮度計PR-680L

回收美國Photo Research亮度計PR-680L


Unique Design
The PR-680L SpectraDuo marks the beginning of a new era in light measurement. This unique patent pending, battery powered portable instrument is the first and only combined fast-scanning 256 detector element spectroradiometer and PMT based photometer on the market. The PR-680L has three available operating modes
A fast scanning spectroradiometer (like the PR-655)
A highly sensitive photometer (like the PR-880)
Auto Select mode which automatically selects between detectors based on the available signal.
The PR-680L is supplied with 4 Automated Measuring Apertures (1°, 0.5°, 0.25° and 0.125°) and an Automated Measure Shutter. Other hardware features include AutoSync? for automatically synchronizing to the source refresh rate insuring the utmost accuracy, a Secure Digital (SD) port for measurement storage, an External Trigger Port allowing remote measurement activation from either a push button or peripheral device, and a long lasting rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery.

Easy to Use
The PR-680L is controlled via the on-board, 2.25" x 3" high resolution, full color touch screen LCD display and 5-way navigation keypad for easy navigation. Following a measurement, the PR-680L displays data and color spectral graphs on the system display. The PR-680L design provides stand alone operation - no PC required. The PR-680L can also be controlled via the world famous SpectraWin? 2 software over the USB, RS232(optional)  or Bluetooth (optional)  interface.

The unique design of the PR-680L makes tasks such as spectrally based colorimetry and high speed, low level luminance - required for display metrology - possible with a single instrument by supplying a wide dynamic range - 0.00007 fL (photometer and 1° aperture) to 5,000,000 fL (spectral and 1/8° aperture) without using external neutral density filters. Since the Pritchard? viewing and measuring optics are shared by both the spectroradiometer and photometer, no realignment of the instrument to the target is required when switching between modes. 

An optional analog output provides the capability of using the PMT as a high speed tool for characterizing display ON / OFF response (3 μsec response) or waveform analysis of flash sources. We've further enhanced the flexibility by adding two sensitivity modes (Standard & Extended) and 4 measurement speeds : Normal, Fast, 2X Fast, 4X Fast.

For applications other than luminance, the PR-680L can be supplied with optical accessories such as a cosine receptor for illuminance, LR-127 LED Analyzer for testing LED's to CIE 127, fiber probe for remote non-line-of-sight testing, and a series of magnification lenses for small spot size analysis. The PR-680L also provides the capability for interactive display white point calibration (RGB Software).

It's easy for the PR-680L to talk to the outside world - it comes equipped with USB and (optional) Bluetooth? wireless interfaces. It is supplied with text based, Remote Mode syntax and a driver that emulates an RS-232 interface (COM: port) making it a simple task to generate custom programming to perform specific tasks or for inclusion in an ATE environment. If needed, an RS-232 interface can be added to complement the standard USB.

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