Software for operation
EMC - test generators
(Schlöder generators)
EMC-Soft 11
The Microsoft-Windows (WIN98 /XP /2k /7) based software EMV-SOFT controls the Schlöder test generators
via one interface cable. The “EMV-SOFT” includes the interface cable. The program EMV-SOFT controls the
generators for BURST, SURGE, incl. 3 Phase coupling network and the Voltage interruption simulator (VIS).
For a USB connection you need a USB-RS232 converter. For this purpose the software, up to
16 selectable COM ports are available.
All parameters which you can adjust directly at the test generators can be handled also with the software.
Additionally you have the possibility to create ramp functions and device-specific test functions. With the
sequential test-editor you can add several single programs to one multi test file to create complex test
S c h l ö d e r G m b H
Hauptstr. 71, D - 75210 Keltern-Weiler
? +49-7236/ 9396-0 • ? +49-07236/ 9396-90
: info@schloeder-emv.de
Internet: www.schloeder-emv.de
• Create sequential files (batch test) by combining setting files
• Allows testing with ramp function of the voltage, phase, frequency or time, dependent of used
• An integrated Editor for project information allows you to create and store individual headlines for
your test logs.
• The current project information is displayed each time you start the software (can disabled)