當前位置:青島華青自動化儀表有限公司>>壓力表>>電阻遠傳壓力表>> YTZ-100\150華青電阻遠傳壓力表1.6級
青島華青電阻遠傳壓力表詳細說明規(guī)格參數 類型: 遠傳壓力表 聯接型式: M20X1.5 型號: YTZ-150 精度等級: 1.6 品牌: 華青 環(huán)境溫度: 85(℃) 加工定制: 是 公稱直徑: 150(mm) 測量范圍: 0-60(MPa) YTZ—150電阻遠傳壓力表?。?電阻遠傳壓力表適用于測量液體、蒸氣和氣體等介質的壓力??梢詫崿F集中檢測和遠距離控制。此外,本儀表并能就地指示壓力,以便于現場工作檢查。 Resistance Transmission Pressure Gauge is suitable for measuring the pressure of medium of liquid,gas and steam.It can realize the concentrative check and distant control.Furthermore,it can show the pressure on the spot so that the inspection can be done on site. 主要技術指標 Main Technical Parameter: 精確度等級:1.6級 發(fā)送器起始電阻值:3~20Ω 發(fā)送器滿度電阻值:340~400Ω 發(fā)送器接線端①②外加電壓不大于6V Precision Grade:1.6 Initial resistance of the Transmitter Full resistance of the Transmitter External voltage imparted to the end①②of the transmitter is not more than 6V. 滑線電阻式發(fā)送器接線圖 Connecting diagram of the Slide—wire resistance transmitter 總電阻FulI resistanc 起始電阻 Lnitial resistance ① ③ I ② 使用環(huán)境條件:-40~60℃,相對濕度不大于85%,且振動和被測(控)介質的急劇脈動應對儀表正常工作無明顯影響。 溫度影響:使用溫度偏離20±5℃時,其溫度附加誤差不大于0.4%/10℃. Working Environment Condition:-40~60℃ Relative moisture<=85%,There is no obvious effect on the instrument for the vibration from environment and the sharp pulse ofthe measured medium. Temperature effect:If the working temperature shifts away from 20±5℃,error is not more than0.4%/10℃. 與二次儀表XMY-10壓力數字顯示儀及XMY-12壓力數字顯示控制儀配套的接線圖。 Connectinq diagram of the manometer with the secondary instrument of XMY-10,XMY-12 pressure value displag control device are shown below. YTZ-150 輸出插座Output jack XMY-10壓力數字顯示儀 XMY-10 Pressure Value Disply Equipment YTZ-150 輸出插座Output jack 上限UPPER LIMT 下限 LOWER LIMIT XMT-12 壓力數字顯示控制儀 XMT-12 Pressure Value Display Control Equipment 測量范圍 Scale Range 型號 Model 測量范圍Scale Range YTZ-100 YTZ-150 0~0.1; 0~0.16; 0~0.25; 0~0.4; 0~0.6; 0~1; 0~1.6; 0~2.5; 0~4; 0~6; 0~10; 0~16; 0~25; 0~60; 0~100 YTZ-100 YTZ-150 -0.1~0; -0.1~0.06; -0.1~0.15; -0.1~0.3; -0.1~0.5; -0.1~0.9; -0.1~1.5; -0.1~2.4 注:遠傳壓力表系列還生產:耐振型、不銹鋼型、氨用型、電接點型、隔膜型。 Note:The resitance transmission pressure gauge series includes shock-proof type,s.s type,Ammonia type,electric contact type and diaphragm type