Rexroth Indramat
TTC / Acterna T-BERD TB-950 Communications Analyzer
ASM PN: 16-193622-01 Susceptor-125MM?-1.2MM Thk Substrate
Donaldson LithoGuard Chemical Air Filtration Cabinet
Schweitzer Engineering SEL-4000/AMS/RT?S Source/Relay Test System 400000110
ASM 03-140485-01 PCB Assy Mod Sys Intfc Hyb Ph2 CE
Rapid/Dynapower 12V 500A DC Plating Power Supply 6kW
Ebara 50X20 (50 X 20) Dry Vacuum Pump Package
MKS/Astex WG21100 Water-Cooled Dummy Load
Oxford Microanalysis Link ISIS 1100-098 XRay Controller
Fluke OC3port Plus Handheld OC3/ATM Analyzer OC3-P1S
Kensington 300mm Multi-Link Wafer Handling Robot 12"
KLA Prometrix SpectraMap SM-200 Film Thickness System
Nelmor Plastic Machinery G81OM1 Granulation Shredder
Terra Universal 1964-06 4-Port Glove Box Chamber Isolator w/Air Lock Series 300
ASM PN: 3752526-01 Chamber-Loadloc?k-300MM
Lindberg/Blue-M 56882/CF56822C Crucible Furnace w/Contr
Keithley 2001 7-1/2 Digit Multimeter Multi Meter w/Cal
Varian Turbo-V 300HT MacroTorr Turbomolecular Vacuum Turbo Pump PN: 9699037S07
ASM PN: 02-140273-01 Assy-Cover-Prot?-Maint-WHC-RH
ASM PN: 83-125000A56 ATM RB End Effector XYCarb
Asyst PN: 15332-002 486 Controller Board, ASM PN: 90-123159A37
Asyst PN: 15532-006 486 PCB Controller Board Ver: 1.6, ASM PN: 90-123159A36
Keithley 2400 20W Broad Purpose I-V Source Meter SourceMeter +DMM SMU
Genmark GB4 CHR Wafer Robot GB4-CTR? ASM PN:2969571-01
Blue-M CW-5580 Ultra-Temp High Temperature Gas Oven, 1.6 cu. ft. 704°C (1300°F)
Novascan PSD-UV10 10" x 10" Benchtop UV/Digital Ozone Cleaning System
ASM PN: 83-125005A02 End Effector-Cerami?c-Asyst-E3000
VAT 61232-KEAQ-AJK1 Pressure Control Butterfly Valve, ASM PN: 50-125708A05
VWR 1177PD Signature Refrigerated Recirculating Water/Fluid Chiller
EFD Ultra 2800-10 CC Dispenser Dispensing System
Sun Electronic Systems EC11 Environmental Test Chamber +315C .7 cu. ft. w/Inert
IFR RD-300 Weather Radar Test Set/Simulator Aircraft
Wavetek 3600D Cellular Cordless Phone Tester CDMA + Opt
Neslab Coolflow System II Water-Water Heat Exchanger w/TU-3 Pump
BOC Edwards QDP-40 Drystar Dry Vacuum Pump Drypump
Sotcher 265 Hi-Pot Insulation Automatic Test System
Wentworth MP-1300 FASPROBER Manual Wafer Prober MP1300
Nikon Optistation A Wafer Inspection System
ADE Technologies 3810 Capacitive Gage Master & Slave
HP/Agilent 6653A DC Power Supply 35V, 15A, 525W
ASM PN: 03-187801D01 DC Interlock II DTS Circuit Board Assembly Assy
Johnson Matthey PureGuard HP-10-VCR Palladium Hydrogen Gas Purifier H2
ASM PN: 02-188661-01 Assy-HW Gate Valve Interface Panel
National PXI-1000B 8-Slot 3U Chassis 132 MB/s
Vac-U-Max MDL55AF Venturi Dry Vacuum Cleaner w/HEPA
ASM 845000292 Regulator-Press?ure-Ultra Hi Purity Tescom 23-3B25MMLD3ED3?Z /3
Brooks 002-4037-04 PowerPak Battery Back Up Unit
Xenon 437B Nanopulser System Nanopulse M437-B w/Nanolamp UV/IR Lamp
Lydall Affinity EWA-04AJ-CD19CB?D0 Water Heat Exchanger
Neslab HX-150 Water-Cooled Refrigerated Recirculating Water Chiller 4.8 kW
Delta Electronics OIB-2 High Frequency Operating Impedance Bridge 2-30 MHz
Tuttnauer Brinkmann 2540E Sterilizer/Auto?clave 23 liter
AMAT/Applied Materials PN: 0660-90060 Hi-Res Video Graphics Processor Board Card
ASM PN: 04-140056-01 Hi Temp Lamp Insulators Retro Kit (Retrofit,Tempe?rature
RTE Aerovox PX360E20 High Voltage Capacitor 1.340 µF 100kV DC, 6700 joules
Pink 11.5" ID x 16.5" D Stainless Steel Vacuum Chamber
Progressive /Brooks Automation SENTRY 1510 Furnace Pressure Control System
GE American Pump/Osmonics BRUTUS UP Diaphragm Pump U.P.
Heraeus Amersil PN: 227220 Furnace Process Tube for ASM 300mm/12" ~33"L/37"L
Hughes 8010H/8010H15F0?00 TWT/TWTA Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier 10W 8-18.0 GHz
CTI/Helix 8300 & 8001 Cryo-Torr Cryopump Compressor
/Tokyo Electron Left Quartz Bath MegaSonic?
Glassman EK03R200-XP1 3kV 200mA 600W High Voltage DC Power Supply
EMI EMS 250-20-2D-0209E Power Supply, Varian 85247-01
Novellus/GaSoni?cs 94-1172 Rotator, Receive Asyst
L-3 L-4906A Laser/Fast Switching Thyratron Tube L3
Stainless 8" Wafer Boat Storage Cabinet/Desicca?tor N2
Daihen XGA-18C RF Generator 1800 W @ 1.6 MHz
AMAT PN: 3870-05685 / VAT PN: 95238-PAGQ-ACW1 Control+Gate Valve System DN80
Applied Materials AMAT 8330/8310 8300 Series Etcher Chamber Bell Jar
IFR ATC-1200Y3 Transponder & DME Test Set / Simulator
Raven Industries 100 Gallon Chemical/Acid Storage Tank
ASM 2610914-01 Assy Flanges ATM HT NG Flange
IFR T-1200SR Scanning Receiver +Opt.04 (Scope/Spectrum?)
Inledex 2400 Robot Transfer Arm & Controller
Entegris/Millip?ore/Mykrolis 10" Chem-Line II ATX WDFGATX0F 0.2 µm Filter
ASM PN: 02-351183-01 Assy-Paddle/Arm?-200MM DTS/A Quartz
ASM PN: 02-185139D01 Assy-Regulator-?Purge Exhaust
Parker Compumotor Dynaserv DR-1070E-115 Servo Motor Actuator DR1070E60
ASM PN: 50-125108A36 Valve-Throttle Cont Heatable 150C NW50 MKS 683B-25580
ASM PN:26-123950A01 Circuit Breaker-480 V/200 A/3-Pole Cutler Hammer FD3200L
Sorensen DCR 300-16T 5 kW Lab Power Supply DCR300-16T1
ASM PN: 54-106931A67 Controller-Assy?-Dual Board-Interface Asyst 3200-1171
ASM 64-106760A23 Magnetron, MRG, 2.450 GHz Muegge
MKS T3BIA-27247 Exhaust Throttle Valve NW50 Heatable, ASM PN: 50-125108A01
ASM/VAT 3552640-01 Assy-Valve-Gate?-Pneumatic 01034-KE24-ACT1
Refurbished ASM PN: 96-125485U05/96?-125485A05 Assy-Wafer, Mapper-300 Frnt LD-S3
London Engineering 250-10-5'0" Slider Bed Conveyor
Nord SK9052.1VF-250T?C Gear Reducer/Geared Motor Gearbox
MovinCool Office Pro 12 Portable Air Conditioner
Horiba STEC SEC-4550M HCl 30 slm Mass Flow Controller MFC ASM PN: 845005154
OK Industries JEM-210 Benchtop Batch Reflow Oven JEM-210N w/Nitrogen
Brooks Automation SENTRY 1510 Pressure Control System
Thermo Forma 1284 Class II, Type A/B3 4 ft. Biological Safety Cabinet w/Stand
Brooks Automation TEC-3000 MMS-S2.1 Robot Controller
ASM PN: 03-187801D02 PCB Assy Assembly DC Interlock II Hybrid Circuit Board
ASM PN: 02-147187-04 Foxboro-Rear W/EPROM/NOVRAM PCB Board Assembly
Pfeiffer Balzers TPH-330 Turbo Pump (Turbomolecular?)
ASM PN:50-123824A67 Valve-Throttle Control-KF40 MKS 153D-20-40-2 Smart KF-40
Advanced Energy Aera FC-PA7820C H2 Mass Flow Controller ASM PN: 54-125598A14
Honeywell/MST Salite XT HCl Gas Detector Transmitter, ASM PN: 02-332423-01
ASM PN: 03-188733D02 E3000 SIB II Hybrid Circuit Board Assembly PCB Assy
GlobalVac GPR-115 Lubricated Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump 70 cfm
TTC / Acterna T-BERD 224 PCM Analyzer W/OPTs and Keypad
TTC / Acterna T-BERD 305/1/2/4/201 DS3 Anaylzer
ASM PN: 02-140263-01 Assy-Cover-Prot?-Maint-Lid
ASM PN: 35-106642A19 Thyristor-Quad SCR 40A 480V CECERT /Eurotherm TU1451 CE
ASM PN: 03-187742D01 54-121550A03 B1279EN Circuit Board Foxboro with Roms
ASM PN: 3753476-01 Shield-PCE Left Side-300MM
ASM PN: 02-352380-01 Assy-Paddle/Arm?-100MM-Quartz
ASM PN: 03-186177D01 Lamp Check 1-9 PCB Circuit Board Assembly Assy
Stainless Steel Cleanroom Air Lock Pass Thru (Clean Room)
ASM PN: 2809818-01 Assy-BTC for A412 Furnace, Controller Assembly
Hughes 8010H/8010H04F0?00 TWT/TWTA Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier 10W 12.4-18.0GHz
Lam Research PN: 716-031535-005 Ring Clamp, Bottom, Ceramic, ESC, XL Kit
Siemens RW-21 Travelling Wave Tube TWT
Western Electric 463A Travelling Wave Tube TWT Collectors!
Varian VSTAR VZU-6991V1 TWT Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier C 12.4-18 GHz 20 W
Varian Turbo-V 300 ICE Turbo Vacuum Pump Controller TV Turbomolecular 9699433
CTI On-Board RetroFast Control Module Chasis Rack
Leybold NT-1000/1500VH Turbo Pump Controller/Conv?erter
Headway Research PWM101 Pulse Width Remote & Power Pack
Adept 310 A Series Transfer Robot Controller/Ampl?ifier
Codonics NP-1600 Photographic Network Digital Printer
Markem U-1355 Component Marking/Printin?g Machine
BCP/JDSU Uniphase 320A-33ST Optical Laser O-E Receiver
In USA IN2000-L2-RM Ozone Analyzer IN-2000 Qty. 2 InUSA
Lam Research 853-009000-003 Bottom Plate Assembly/Loadlo?ck Base Plate
AeroAcoustic Corp Vacuum Pump Silent Enclosure
Horiba STEC SEC-4500M H2 10 slm Mass Flow Controller MFC ASM PN:54-123117A60
ASM PN: 16-179009-01 Shield PCE Bottom Front Shield-PCE BOTTOM FR-NITR-P8300
ASM 03-900687D02 PCB Assy-AUX Mem/Timing Board
Fluke/Philips PM5139/023 20 MHz Function Generator (PM 5139(
ASM PN: 16-185929D01 Bellows-Rotatio?n
TTC / Acterna T-BERD 224 PCM Analyzer W/OPTs and Keypad
ASM PN: 3751937-01 Cover-Lamp Ends-Lower-RH
TTC / Acterna FIREBERD 4000 Communications Analyzer
HP/Agilent E4418A/EPM-441A EPM Digital Power Meter
Rigaku 608HS Rotary Vacuum Feedthrough PN:A597-0085