RA35H1516M是40-watt RF的MOSFET放大器模塊12.5-volt移動電臺在向工作在154-162-MHz范圍.電池可以直接連接到漏極增強型MOSFET晶體管.如果沒有門電壓(VGG進入=0V),只有一小漏電流排水和輸入信號衰減的RF高達60 dB.輸出功率和漏電流增加門極電壓上升.與周圍4V(zui低),輸出功率和電壓門漏電流大幅增加.額定輸出功率變在4.5V(典型值)和5V(zui大)提供.在VGG=5V,的典型柵極電流1 mA.該模塊是專為非線性調(diào)頻調(diào)制,但可能也可用于線性調(diào)制通過設(shè)置靜態(tài)漏電流隨柵極電壓和輸出功率控制輸入功率.
The RA35H1516M is a 40-watt RF MOSFET Amplifier Module for 12.5-volt radios that operate in the 154- to 162-MHz range.The battery can be connected directly to the drain of the
enhancement-mode MOSFET transistors. Without the gate voltage(VGG=0V), only a small leakage current flows into the drain and the RF input signal attenuates up to 60 dB. The output power and drain current increase as the gate voltage increases. With a gate voltage around 4V (minimum), output power and drain current increases substantially.The nominal output power becomes available at 4.5V (typical) and 5V(maximum). At VGG=5V, the typical gate current is 1 mA.This module is designed for non-linear FM modulation, but may also be used for linear modulation by setting the drain quiescent current with the gate voltage and controlling the output power with the input power.
• Enhancement-Mode MOSFET Transistors(IDD?0 @ VDD=12.5V, VGG=0V)
• Pout>40W, ?T>50% @ VDD=12.5V, VGG=5V, Pin=50mW
• Low-Power Control Current IGG=1mA (typ) at VGG=5V
• Module Size: 66 x 21 x 9.88 mm
• Linear operation is possible by setting the quiescent drain current with the gate voltage and controlling the output power with the input power RoHS COMPLIANCE
• RA35H1516M-101 is a RoHS compliant products.
• RoHS compliance is indicate by the letter “G” after the Lot Marking.
• This product include the lead in the Glass of electronic parts and the lead in electronic Ceramic parts.However, it is applicable to the following exceptions of RoHS Directions.
1.Lead in the Glass of a cathode-ray tube, electronic parts, and fluorescent tubes.
2.Lead in electronic Ceramic parts.