


  • 高頻疲勞試驗機

Resonant Testing Maschine TESTRONIC 高頻疲勞試驗機

  • 型號ResonantTestingMasch
  • 品牌
  • 所在地
  • 更新時間2018-05-16
  • 廠商性質(zhì)經(jīng)銷商
  • 入駐年限1
  • 產(chǎn)品數(shù)量3
  • 人氣值483


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高頻疲勞試驗機瑞士公司是高頻疲勞試驗機制造商amsler公司的分支之一,在同等的技術(shù)條件下該設(shè)備給用戶提供了更高的性價比和更好的售后服務.高頻疲勞試驗機用于進行測定金屬、合金材料及其構(gòu)件(如操作關(guān)節(jié)、固接件、螺旋運動件等)在室溫狀態(tài)下的拉伸、壓縮或拉壓交變負荷的疲勞特性、疲勞壽命、預制裂紋及裂紋擴展試驗。高頻疲勞試驗機在配備相應試驗夾具后,可進行正弦載荷下的三點彎曲試驗、四點彎曲試驗、薄板材拉伸試驗、厚板材拉伸試驗、強化鋼條拉伸試驗、鏈條拉伸試驗、固接件試驗、連桿試驗、扭轉(zhuǎn)疲勞試驗、彎扭復合疲勞試驗、交互彎曲疲勞試驗、ct試驗、cct試驗、齒輪疲勞試驗。resonant testing maschine testronicthe concept of the resonant testing machine testronic is based on the latest possibilities in resonant testing machine engineering.many decades of experiences in devlopingmanufacturing of resonant testing machinesalso our continuous task to support our customers in their testing needs are the benefit .the main application for a resonant testing machine are tests with a large number of load cycles. on the machine table with t-nuts is possible to perform complicate test arrangements. the daylight of 500 mm between the columns allows the installation of a furnace, environmental or vacuum chamber.dataexecutions in steps of 50 / 100 / 150 / 250 kn dynamic stroke:static stroke / displacement:operating frequency:power consumption magnet:power requirements:weight: up to 8 mmup to 600 mm40-300 hz< 500 watt230 v / 16 a3000 kg measures of the testronic as pdf document:testronicmasse.pdf 18 kbbrochure testronic 1.1 mbresonant testing machine mikrotronthe resonant testing machine mikrotron is the smallcompact execution of the testronic, designed for smaller loads applicable to standard specimenscomponents. the t-nuts in the machine table allow to perform complicate test arrangements. the daylight of 500 mm between the columns allows the installation of a furnace, environmental or vacuum chamber.the simplesuccessful machine concept is also available in horizontal design, e.g. for corrosion tests.dataexecution as 5 kn20 kn machine dynamic stroke:static stroke / displacement:operating frequency:power consumption magnet:power requirements:weight: up to 4 mmup to 450 mm40-250 hz< 500 watt230 v / 10 a600 kg measures of the mikrotron as pdf document:mikrotronmasse.pdf 18 kbbrochure mikrotron 982 kb resonant testing maschine vibro-fortethe resonant testing machine vibrro-forte is the latest development of rumul.the design of the vibro-forte 500 is based on a strict further development of the resonant system magnodyn. an ideal solution has be found to test long shape components like fasteners, reinforcement steel bars, etc.roundflat specimens. the changeable frequency range is between 50160 hz depending on the stiffness of the specimen. noteworthy is the low weight of a testing machine at this high capacity.dataexecutions 500 kn dynamic stroke:static stroke / displacement:operating frequency:power consumption magnet:power requirements:weight: up to 4 mmup to 600 mm40-160 hz< 3 kw400 v / 16 a3400 kg measures of the vibro-forte as pdf document:vibro-forte layout 197 kbbrochure vibro-forte 114 kb

高頻疲勞試驗機 產(chǎn)品詳情

resonant testing maschine testronic

the concept of the resonant testing machine testronic is based on the latest possibilities in resonant testing machine engineering.
many decades of experiences in devloping and manufacturing of resonant testing machines and also our continuous task to support our customers in their testing needs are the benefit .

the main application for a resonant testing machine are tests with a large number of load cycles. on the machine table with t-nuts is possible to perform complicate test arrangements. the daylight of 500 mm between the columns allows the installation of a furnace, environmental or vacuum chamber.

executions in steps of 50 / 100 / 150 / 250 kn

dynamic stroke:
static stroke / displacement:
operating frequency:
power consumption magnet:
power requirements:

up to 8 mm
up to 600 mm
40-300 hz
< 500 watt
230 v / 16 a
3000 kg


measures of the testronic as pdf document:
testronicmasse.pdf (18 kb)

brochure testronic (1.1 mb)
地 址:西安/北京/成都/上海/重慶/成都/武漢
郵 編:710065
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郵 箱:loxofo.cn

resonant testing machine mikrotron

the resonant testing machine mikrotron is the small and compact execution of the testronic, designed for smaller loads applicable to standard specimens and components. the t-nuts in the machine table allow to perform complicate test arrangements. the daylight of 500 mm between the columns allows the installation of a furnace, environmental or vacuum chamber.

the simple and successful machine concept is also available in horizontal design, e.g. for corrosion tests.

execution as 5 kn and 20 kn machine

dynamic stroke:
static stroke / displacement:
operating frequency:
power consumption magnet:
power requirements:

up to 4 mm
up to 450 mm
40-250 hz
< 500 watt
230 v / 10 a
600 kg

measures of the mikrotron as pdf document:
mikrotronmasse.pdf (18 kb)

brochure mikrotron (982 kb)

resonant testing maschine vibro-forte

the  resonant testing machine vibrro-forte is the latest development of rumul.
the design of the vibro-forte 500 is based on a strict further development of the resonant system magnodyn. an ideal solution has be found to test long shape components like fasteners, reinforcement steel bars, etc. and round and flat specimens. the changeable frequency range is between 50 and 160 hz depending on the stiffness of the specimen. noteworthy is the low weight of a testing machine at this high capacity.

executions 500 kn

dynamic stroke:
static stroke / displacement:
operating frequency:
power consumption magnet:
power requirements:

up to 4 mm
up to 600 mm
40-160 hz
< 3 kw
400 v / 16 a
3400 kg

measures of the vibro-forte as pdf document:
vibro-forte layout (197 kb)

brochure vibro-forte (114 kb)
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