頻率范圍 | 0.7GHz-9GHz |
大輸入功率 | 300W(1GHz) 100W(6GHz) 具體見datasheet |
增益 | 10.3dBi具體見Datasheet |
VSWR | <1.5:1 具體見Datasheet |
阻抗 | 50ohm |
連接頭 | N female |
尺寸(長*寬*高) | 460*270*270mm |
重量 | 3.7Kg |
Stacked Logarithmic Periodic Broadband Antennas
STLP 9128 C - Stacked Log Periodic Antenna
| The stacked Logarithmic Periodic Dipole Antenna consists of two ordinary Log.-Per. structures. The excellent characteristics (flat gain over a large bandwidth, low SWR) of the ordinary Log.-Per. designs could be maintained using the stacked LP design. The stacked design helps to focus the directional pattern of the H-plane somewhat, resulting in a typical gain improvement of ca. 2-3 dB compared to an ordinary LPDA. This is especially important for immunity testing, where a maximum fieldstrength and a good field uniformity is required. The beamwidth in the E-plane and the H-plane are nearly identical, providing an optimised illumination of the EuT with minimised ground reflection influence. Further the STLP 9128 C has an excellent cross-polar rejection.
Option: with 7/16-connector 3 kW Option: with [13-30-connector] limited to 2500 MHz but higher power up to 8 kW including adapter similar to AA 9202
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