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來源:杭州揚晨泵業(yè)有限公司   2025年02月10日 17:02  


Many deep-well pumps and deep-well submersible pumps do not use constant pressure control, but direct water supply by pumps. When the water load is reduced (users use less water), the pressure of the pipeline network will rise, which often causes bursts at valves and joints, which will cost a lot of water and increase maintenance costs. Especially in many rural areas, reinforced plastic pipes are used. Increased risk of tube explosion.


There are three ways of constant pressure water supply: water tower water supply, air pressure water supply and variable frequency constant pressure water supply. Frequency conversion constant pressure water supply control mode is the least investment and the most energy-saving control mode. There are no problems of water tower water supply area and frequent start-up and shutdown of air pressure water supply pump. Practice proves that variable frequency constant pressure water supply control mode is the best one. Constant voltage control mode. It can save electricity and reduce the cost of water supply.


1. Frequency conversion control can reduce the speed of deep well pump when the water consumption is small, and consequently reduce the energy consumption. The deep well pump is a square torque load. Its power is proportional to the cubic power of the speed. When the speed is reduced to 60% of the rated speed, its power is 21.6% of the rated speed, which can save 78% of the power. In addition, when the speed is reduced to 60% of the rated speed, it can save 78% of the power. The application of frequency conversion speed regulation can improve the power factor and convert reactive power into active power. Practice has proved that the use of frequency conversion control power saving rate is at least 30% to improve the service life of the pump.


2. Frequency converter has strong protection function. The factors causing pump damage, such as pump overload, over-current, stall, under-voltage and over-voltage, are protected in time so as not to cause pump burnout.


Frequency converter makes the pump start soft, that is, the speed of the pump increases slowly according to the acceleration time from zero speed. This reduces the impact of large current when the pump starts, and also reduces the wear and tear when the pump poles start rapidly.


When the pump stops, the frequency converter lets the pump stop gradually according to the deceleration time, thus reducing the water hammer caused by the sudden shutdown and the water staying in the pipeline network, which causes great damage to the pump.


Practice has proved that frequency conversion constant pressure control can improve the service life of the pump more than double, and can effectively reduce the number of pump maintenance.


3. Intelligent control and full automatic operation:


The water supply equipment adopts PID closed-loop regulation, which has high constant pressure precision and small fluctuation of water pressure. It has various automatic protection functions such as overload, short circuit, over current, etc. The equipment runs stably and reliably, and is convenient to use and maintain. The utility model has the functions of water shortage, water shutdown, timing automatic switching of water pump operation, etc., and can realize no duty. The remote monitoring system can be established to monitor the operation of the equipment in real time.


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