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來源:江蘇安科瑞電器制造有限公司   2021年12月30日 15:09  

安科瑞 耿敏花


??Abstract:This article introduces the application of ADF400L Multi Circuits Energy Meter in Vietnam. ADF400L series multi-channel energy meter, through the way of combination module can realize less than 36 circuits single-phase or 12 circuits three-phase, CT connect or direct connect. this series of energy meter with high

??accuracy, high concentration, centralized management, installation flexibility, the advantages of each other noninterference by the community, schools, enterprises of all areas. The series of meters support prepaid power function.

??1.項目概述 Project overview:


??The company is located in Vietnam.The customers need 2 channels three-phase direct access and 2 channels three-phase secondary access measurement. Acrel ADF400L series energy meters meet the user's application and conditions.

??2.產(chǎn)品規(guī)格Product specification:




??3.主要功能main function:



??ADF400L Multi Circuits Energy Meter can achieve up to 12 three-phase or 36 single-phase direct access measurement or 12 three-phase mutual inductor access measurement, a hybrid of direct access and mutual inductor access through module combination measurement method.

??5 .結(jié)論Conclusion


??ADF400L series of electric energy meters are popular among communities, schools, enterprises, etc. due to their high accuracy, centralized installation, centralized management, high installation flexibility, and non-interference.


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