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紅外 觀察鏡

來源:北京菁美瑞科技有限公司   2021年08月09日 10:34  

 INTRODUCTIONYour new FIND-R-SCOPE® is a wide angle, monocular, near-infraredviewer with a focal range from six (4) inches to infinity. It is fabricated ofrugged polycarbonate with aluminum housed precision ground opticseyepiece and objective lenses, and consists of several major componentswhich are listed on the following page. Preassembled, tested, and readyfor use, the FIND-R-SCOPE® infrared viewer should provide many yearsof trouble-free operation.OPERATING PROCEDURETo view any object, it must emit, or be illuminated by, some quantity ofvisible or infrared light. Incandescent lights and daylight are both acceptablefor checking instrument operation. CAUTION: .Viewing excessivelyhigh powered light may damage the FIND-R-SCOPE® image tube.1. Unscrew the End Cap Assembly and insert enclosed “C” cell battery(+ side down); re-assemble.2. Remove the lens cap.3. Turn the viewer switch on. ON is located in the upper position, OFFis located in the lower position.4. Pre-focus the eyepiece lens by rotating the rubber portion to clarifythe phosphor screen “grain” of the image tube.CAUTION: Rotating the eyepiece beyond the point of easymovement may damage the image tube.5. Direct the viewer towards the illuminated object and look through theeyepiece lens.6. Focus the objective lens by rotating the lens to obtain the clearestand sharpest image possible.7. Repeat STEP 4 to fine-focus and maximie image clarity.8. Be sure to turn viewer switch OFF (lower position) when not in use.


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