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MPR E-Scan在線濃度儀應用于濃縮果汁行業(yè)

來源:上海京度電子科技有限公司   2017年01月06日 22:11  

The production of fruit juice concentrate involves taking a comparatively dilute feed stock of fruit juice and delivering a uniformly concentrated output. The process accomplishes removal of water through an evaporative operation employing purpose specific equipment. Fruit juice concentrate contains the solid components of the feedstock fruit juice, and provides for easier transportation and longer storage life.

The array of fruits processed into concentrate includes almost every commercially harvested type. 

Juice is extracted from various fruits in a number of ways that are specifically adapted for the shape, size, and nature of the fruit. Once the juice is extracted and purified it will generally be stored in a primary tank which serves as the feed device to the evaporator. Juice concentration will vary at this initial stage due to a number of natural factors. The concentration process output will provide product uniformity.

Regardless of the method used for concentrating the juice, in-line process refractometers can be used at strategic points in the process to measure solids concentration and evaluate equipment performance and product quality. Output signals from the refractometers serve as inputs to the command and control system for the evaporators, allowing feed rate to closely match evaporation rate and make most efficient use of the energy consuming equipment. 

In an industrial environment, ruggedness, reliability, and accuracy are key features needed for an in-line process refractometer. Share your refractometry challenges with the experts at Electron Machine Corporation and get effective solutions.


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