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來源:金湖西亞自動化儀表有限公司   2014年12月18日 10:07  

我國液位儀表液位計的研制在上世紀已經開始,國內作為液位儀表液位計重要的需求市場也越來越受到商家的關注,國內市場對質譜需求量的高速增長,卻未把這一福音分蕙自家的企業(yè),科研領域洋品牌壟斷,國產儀器無奈不得不偏師經略,可仍無法擺脫尷尬境遇。液位儀表液位計的應用范圍非常廣,涉及食品、環(huán)境、人類健康、藥物、國家安全、和其他與分析測試相關的領域?,F(xiàn)已成為發(fā)展前景的分析儀器之一,近幾年市場需求增長率超過10%,中國市場的需求增長遠甚至還要大于這個比例。尤其目前人類健康、環(huán)境安全以及能源的合理利用等是當前世界各國面臨的突出問題,液位儀表液位計也因其在分析檢測過程中準確的定性和定量能力而受到格外青睞。然而這日漸繁榮的市場,卻未給我們國產的儀器廠商帶來太多的收益,據(jù)了解目前我國的中壓力表*依賴進口,也就是說我們所青睞的多是些國外品牌,我國的市場也成為別國商家吸金的對象。這真的不是“蠅頭小利”啊,一臺液位儀表液位計國產的*的也要幾十萬,進口每臺差不多都要100萬到500萬甚至更多,一所211工程大學光液位儀表液位計一項設備就需投入幾千萬,。但是這幾千萬又有多少是采購國內產品的支出呢?沒有多少吧。北大、清華有國產液位儀表液位計嗎?估計可能性不大,其它作為科研基地的高等院校呢?恐怕加在一起也不會超過十幾臺吧。那么這個超過10%的需求量都是給誰創(chuàng)造的,安捷倫?賽默飛世爾?還是沃特世?總之很少會輪到中國的品牌。然而國產儀器在性能、價格等方面均不敵外國產品,因而逐漸失去市場。為了維持生計,這些國有儀器廠逐步由獨立設計生產演變成為外國產品裝配和委托維修,技術力量和設備隨之流失。   如此一來壓力表行業(yè)國產品牌里便出現(xiàn)蜀中無大將的局面,我們承認在壓力表領域我們和國外的技術存在差距,但導致國產儀器無人問津局面的罪魁就是——中國設備上得出的數(shù)據(jù)在無法得到認可,,這不僅僅是境遇的尷尬,說是悲哀亦不過分。雖然國產液位儀表液位計也占據(jù)著一小部分教育市場,不過多不是去搞科研用,而是作為一般的使用了,發(fā)揮的作用比模型強不許多。


Design of a liquid level instrument level China has already started in the last century, China as a global level meter level meter important demand market is also more and more attention of traders, the domestic market of high-speed growth of the mass demand, but not to the gospel Hui own enterprises, scientific research field of foreign brand monopoly, homebred instrument helpless to army management, still can not get rid of the awkward situation. The scope of application of liquid level meter level meter is very wide, involving food, the environment, human health, medicine, national security, and other test and Analysis on related field. It has become one of the most promising analytical instruments, in recent years the global market demand growth rate of more than 10%, Chinese market demand growth is far greater than the proportion of even. Especially at present, human health, environmental safety and the rational utilization of energy is a serious problem faced by all countries in the world, but also because of its accurate analysis by the qualitative and quantitative ability in the detection process favored liquid level meter level meter. However, the market is prosperous, but did not give us a homemade instrument manufacturers bring too much income, according to the current understanding of the high-end pressure meter in our country totally dependent on imports, that is to say that we favour mostly foreign brand, our market has also become a foreign businessman aspiration of the object. This is not really "petty profits" ah, a level meter level meter made of the cheapest to hundreds of thousands, import each almost 1000000 to 5000000 or more, a 211 project university optical liquid level meter level meter a device will need to invest tens of millions of,. But the millions and how much is the domestic procurement of goods expenditure? There is not much. Domestic level meter level meter: Peking University and Tsinghua University? Estimation is unlikely, as other universities base? I'm afraid with more than a dozen stations together will not. So that more than 10% of the demand and to whom are created, Agilent? Thermo Fisher? Or Voight? In short, rarely turn to brand china. However, domestic instrument in performance, price and other aspects are not the enemy of foreign products, it gradually lost the market. In order to make a living, these state-owned instrument factory gradually by the independent design and production become foreign product assembly and entrust maintenance, technical strength and equipment will be lost. So the pressure meter industry in domestic brands appeared Shu no generals of the situation, we acknowledge the existence of the gap in the high-end pressure gauge field in our and foreign technology, the culprit but led to the situation of domestic instrument by is - the equipment derived data on international not recognized, this is not the only situation, embarrassed, said it is also not too sad. Although the domestic level meter level meter also occupy a small part of the education market, but many not to engage in scientific research,  but as a general use, play a role model for many strong than not.



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