Anti-DOCK7抗體別名Deltex 2; Deltex2; hDTX2; Highly similar to hPMSR6 [H.sapiens]; Pr...
Anti-DHX32抗體別名DHHC-20; Probable palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC20; ZDH20_HUMAN; ZDHHC...
Anti-DOCK3抗體別名ARHP; ARHR; AV020965; Dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein 1; Denti...
Anti-DISP2抗體別名DAZ homolog; DAZ like autosomal; DAZ-like autosomal; deleted in az...
Anti-DLX2抗體別名ATP dependent RNA helicase DDX3X; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3X;...
Anti-DUSP6/MKP-3抗體別名Developmental pluripotency associated 5; DPPA5; Embryonal st...
Anti-Dscam抗體別名100 kDa U5 snRNP-specific protein; DEAD box protein 23; EC 3.6.1.-...
Anti-DCAMKL1抗體別名alpha 5; ;alpha 5 Defensin; DEF5; DEF5_HUMAN; Defa; Defa29; DEFA...
Anti-DUOXA1抗體別名DACH 2; dachshund 2; Dachshund homolog 2 (Drosophila); Dachshund ...
Anti-DUOX2抗體別名Deltex protein 1; Deltex; Deltex-1; Deltex1; Dtx1; FXI-T1; Fxit 1;...
Anti-DHRS7B抗體別名Desmoplakin I; 250/210 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen; Desm...
Anti-DUOX1抗體別名DARPP 32; DARPP-32; Dopamine and cAMP regulated neuronal phosphopr...
Anti-POLA2/DNApolymerasesubunitII抗體別名250/210 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antige...
Anti-DUSP13抗體別名180 kDa protein downstream of CRK; Ced5; Dedicator of Cytokinesis...
Anti-DIM-7抗體別名Death effector domain containing 2; DED containing protein FLAME 3...
Anti-ASB2抗體別名P8IP1; Death effector domain containing; Death effector domain cont...
Anti-DCBLD2抗體別名CCBP1; CD234; CD234 antigen; DARC; Dfy; Duffy antigen/chemokine r...
Anti-Defensinalpha6抗體別名DAD 1; DAD-1; dad1; DAD1_HUMAN; Defender against cell dea...
Anti-DBF4B/ASKL1抗體別名Acid DNase; Deoxyribonuclease 2 alpha; Deoxyribonuclease 2; ...
Anti-DCK抗體別名CAD; Caldesmon; Caspase activated deoxyribonuclease; Caspase activat...