當前位置:天津市電纜總廠橡塑電纜廠>>計算機電纜>>DJYVP計算機電纜>> ZR-DJYVPR32 2X2X1.0電纜結(jié)構(gòu)價格
絕緣厚度 | 3 | 芯數(shù) | 3 |
產(chǎn)品簡介 ?
ZR-DJYVPR32 2X2X1.0電纜結(jié)構(gòu)價格
變頻器電纜使用條件:1、額定電壓U0/U:0.6/1KV。 2、電纜導體長期允許溫度為:+90度,短路時溫度+250度。 3、安裝敷設溫度:≥ 0度,固定敷設時溫低于-10度。 4、電纜允許彎曲半徑:≥15D(D-電纜外徑)。
鋪設在室內(nèi)、電纜內(nèi)、管道、直埋、垂掛,男受較大拉力的固定 。
PZYA22 聚絕緣綜合護套鋼帶鎧裝聚氯外護套鐵路電纜 。
ZR-DJYVPR32 2X2X1.0電纜結(jié)構(gòu)價格
The greatest diplomatic game ever played on the world’s chesoard was that consummate succession of intrigues which for nearly half a century was carried on by Queen Elizabeth and her ministers with the object of playing off one great Continental power against another for the benefit of England and Protestanti, with which the interests of the Queen herself were indissolubly bound up. Those who were in the midst of the strife were for the most part working for immediate aims, and probably understood or cared but little about the ultimate result of their efforts; but we, looking back as over a plain that has been trersed, can see that, from the tangle of duplicity which obscured the issue to the actors, there emerged a new era of civilisation and a host of young, new, vigorous thoughts of which we still feel the impetus. We perceive now that modern ideas of liberty and enlightenment are2 the natural outcome of the victory of England in that devious and tortuous struggle, which engaged for so long some of the keenest inlects, masculine and feminine, which he ever existed in Europe.
(ZR192-)KFV22 氟46(進口PFA)絕緣聚氯外護套鋼帶鎧裝控制電纜。
HJVVP 銅芯聚氯絕緣聚氯擴套屏蔽型局用電纜。
專業(yè)生產(chǎn)研發(fā)各類煤礦用阻燃通信電纜、煤礦用阻燃電纜、煤礦用阻燃控制電纜,煤礦用阻燃通訊電纜、礦用電纜、礦用通信電纜、礦用電纜、礦用通訊電纜、,礦用控制電纜,礦用監(jiān)控電纜、礦用監(jiān)測電纜、礦用遙測電纜、控制電纜、計算機電纜、阻燃電纜、耐火電纜, 市內(nèi)通信電纜、鐵路電纜、通信設備電源線等,
阻燃等級 :A 供火溫度: ≥815℃ 供火時間:40min 成束敷設電纜的非金屬材料體積:≥7升/米 炭化高度: ≤2.5米 自熄時間: ≤1h ;
other s besides that of the English Queen. The approaches made to Elizabeth by the brothers de Valois, or rather by their intriguing mother, Catharine de Medici, he been related somewhat fully, mainly from the documents in the National Library in Paris, by the Count de la Ferrière,1 and the recent publication of the Spanish State Papers at Simancas of the reign of Elizabeth by the Record Office,2 puts us into session of a vast quantity of hitherto unused material of the highest interest, especially with regard to the matrimonial overtures made by Philip II. and the princes of the house of Austria; whilst the full text of the extraordinary private letters to and from the Queen in relation to the Alen?on match, 1579–82, printed by the Historical5 MSS. Commission from the Hatfield Papers, affords an opportunity of the greatest value for criticising the by-play in this curious comedy. From these sources, from the Walsingham Papers from the French diplomatic correspondence, from the Foreign, Domestic, and Venetian Calendars of State Papers, and from the various contemporary and later chroniclers of the times, it is proed to construct a consecutive narr
在阻燃型系列產(chǎn)品中,成功地應用了隔氧技術(shù),不僅0.6/1KV的聚氯絕緣和交聯(lián)聚絕緣阻燃電力電纜能達到GB/T12666.5《成束電力電纜試驗》中A類,而且額定電壓6/10KV及8.7/15KV交聯(lián)聚阻燃電力電纜也能達到A類高阻 燃要求且有較大裕度。
橡套電力電纜yc2*4 橡套電力電纜yc2*2.5
YZYZW 中型橡套軟電纜 用于各種移動電器設備和工具
YCYCW 重型橡套軟電纜 用于各種移動電器設備,能承受較大的機械外力作用 天津市電纜總廠.
地址:河北省大城縣劉演馬工業(yè)區(qū)橡套電力電纜yc2*4 橡套電力電纜yc2*2.5
. 銷售 . 手機;.
YC(略)3*120+1*50,產(chǎn)品標準:MT818.5-****。1、MYP型電纜有3個帶絕緣屏蔽的主線芯和一個包覆半導電橡皮層的地線組成,圍繞半導電橡皮層墊芯絞合成纜。外面擠包黑色氯化聚乙烯橡皮護套或黑色氯丁橡皮護套。2、導電線芯:采用軟銅線,其性能符合 GB/T****-****。3、絕緣:采用GB****.2-****中XJ-00A型橡皮。4、線芯識別:采用絕緣分色識別,主線芯紅、綠、白。5、地線:采用半導電橡皮包覆。6、絕緣屏蔽:在絕緣表面包半導電帶。7、成纜:3個主線芯1個地線圍繞半導電橡皮墊芯按右向絞合成纜。8、護套:采用GB****.7-****中XH-03A型橡皮。
安全性:由于全天然橡膠的質(zhì)地,這種產(chǎn)品十分安全橡套電力電纜yc2*4 橡套電力電纜yc2*2.5
橡套電纜是由多股的細銅絲為導體,外包橡膠絕緣和橡膠護套的一種柔軟可移動的電纜品種. 一般來講,包括通用橡套軟電纜,電焊機電纜,潛水電機電纜,無線電裝置電纜和攝影光源電纜等品種. 、
ZR-DJYVPR32 2X2X1.0電纜結(jié)構(gòu)價格
本產(chǎn)品用于交流 額定電壓Uo/U 450/750V 及以下動力,家用電器及各種移動或電氣設備和工具用。YC通用橡套軟電纜[1]:1、產(chǎn)品依據(jù)GB/T5013-2008及 JB8735-1998 標準。 2、電纜長期允許工作溫度應不超過 65℃; 3、W 型派生電纜具有耐氣候和一定的耐油性能,適宜于 在戶外或接觸油污的場合使用; 4、成品電纜應經(jīng)受下表規(guī)定的電壓實驗。 實驗條件 試樣長度 溫度 單位 m ℃ 整卷 室溫 額定電壓 V 300/300 300/500 450/750 整卷 室溫 實驗電壓 電壓施加時間天津市電纜總廠.
. 銷售部總:. 手機;.橡套電力電纜yc2*4 橡套電力電纜yc2*2.5
、產(chǎn)品依據(jù)GB/T5013-2008標準; v min 2000 5 2500 5 2、電纜的長期允許工作溫度應不超過 65℃; 3、成品電纜應經(jīng)受表 A 規(guī)定的交流 50Hz 浸水電壓實驗; 4、成品電纜應經(jīng)受表 B 規(guī)定的交流 50Hz 浸水電壓實驗; 5、成品電纜應經(jīng)受表 C 規(guī)定的靜態(tài)曲線實驗。 表A 護套厚度 δmm δ≤2.0 2.0<δ≤3.0 2.5<δ≤3.0 3.0<δ≤3.5 表B 試驗電壓 V 6實驗條件 試樣長度小 浸水時間小 水溫 試驗電壓值 施加電壓時間小 表C 單位 m h ℃ v min 性能要求 10 1 20± 2000 5 標稱截面 mm2 10 16 25 35 50天津市電纜總廠.
實用于交流額外電壓Uo/U為3.6/6KV及以下銅芯橡皮絕緣橡皮護套礦用軟電纜。MY-0.38/0.66 煤礦用移動橡套軟電纜 額定電壓為0.38/0.66KV各種井下移動采煤設備的電源連接