當前位置:天津市電纜總廠橡塑電纜廠>>電力電纜>>銅芯鎧裝電纜>> 阻燃電力電纜ZA-YJV 4X4平方電纜價格
全新現(xiàn)貨 MYJV22 8.7/10kv鎧裝礦用電力電纜
防護等級 | IP40 | 護套材質(zhì) | 橡膠 |
絕緣厚度 | 2 | 外表材質(zhì) | 塑料 |
線芯材質(zhì) | 紫銅線 | 芯數(shù) | 3 |
應(yīng)用范圍 | 電力系統(tǒng) |
阻燃電力電纜ZA-YJV 4X4平方電纜價格
為了保持的兼容性,普遍采用EIA/TIA 568B來制作礦用網(wǎng)線。在整個網(wǎng)絡(luò)布線中應(yīng)用一種布線,但兩端都有RJ-45插口的網(wǎng)絡(luò)連線無論是采用568A,還是568B,在網(wǎng)絡(luò)中都是可行的。
PTYA23 12芯鐵路電纜 銅導體直徑:1.0毫米直流電阻:≤23.5Ω/km電纜參考外徑:27mm纜芯結(jié)構(gòu):3×4對絞組工作電容:≤70nF星形四線組工作電容:≤50 nF絕緣電阻:≥3000MΩ/km。
DJVP3VP3 DJYP3VP3 DJYJP3VP3 鋁塑復合膜分對屏蔽、總屏蔽 。
阻燃電力電纜ZA-YJV 4X4平方電纜價格
備注:阻燃型產(chǎn)品在型號前加“XX—"",用阻燃“Z、ZR、ZA、ZB、ZC、ZRA、ZRB、ZRC、ZBN、ZCN、ZAN、ZN、ZRN"",低煙低鹵阻煙“ZL、ZD、"",低煙無鹵阻燃“ZW、ZDW、ZLW、ZWD、ZRD、ZRW"",表示鎧裝型產(chǎn)品在產(chǎn)品的型號后下角加“—XX"",用鋼帶鎧裝“22、29""、細鋼絲鎧裝“32、132""表示。加“ia、I、ZRI、IZ”是本安,加“N、NA、NH”是耐火、加(T、D)是對絞形式、屏蔽:P銅網(wǎng)屏蔽、P1鍍錫屏蔽、P2銅箔屏蔽、P3鋁箔屏蔽、PL鋁箔屏蔽、P22屏蔽帶鎧裝、P2/22銅箔屏蔽帶鎧裝 ,耐壓等級有:300/500V、300/300V、-0.5KV、-0.75KV、450/750V、-1KV、0.45/0.75生產(chǎn)規(guī)格有1-52芯
ed his suit she was just as ready to say that she was never free from the importunities of Sus on behalf of the Archduke. Matters were in this ition in July, 1565, when, douless at the instance of the English Protestant party, inimical to Leicester, King Eric made another attempt. First came an envoy with a present of magnificent sables for the Queen, and news that the King’s sister96 Princess Cecilia, who had married the Margre of Baden, was awaiting a ship at Embden to sail for England, and Elizabeth lost no time in sending two of her own vessels to convey her royal visitor to her capital. Early in September the Margrine arrived at Dover with her huand and a large suite, and a few days afterwards came by boat from Gresend to Durham House, where she was to be the guest of the Queen. She was dressed, we are told, in a black velvet robe and a mantle of cloth of silver, her fair hair being surmounted by a golden crown. The Queen could not do too much, apparently, to honour the first royal v
VR型300/300V銅芯聚氯絕VR聚氯軟護套線緣聚氯護套安裝用軟電纜R 0.12平方 紅,黑,黃,綠R 0.5平方 紅,黑,黃R 0.3平方 紅, 黑VR 4*0.3平方 白色護套線(藍,綠,白, 黃)VR 2*0.5平方 白色護套線(紅,黑)RVVP 2*0.75平方 黑色護套線。
鋪設(shè)在室內(nèi)、電纜內(nèi)、管道、直埋、垂掛,男受較大拉力的固定 。
ZR-BPGGPP2 硅橡膠絕緣和護套銅絲編織銅帶繞包屏蔽耐高溫變頻電力電纜。
HYAT (防水 ) 內(nèi)導體線徑 ( mm ): 0.40 、 0.50 、 0.60 、 0.63 、 0.70 、 0.80 、 0.90 ? 對數(shù) (對 ? ): 10—1600
雙絞線的順序與RJ45頭的引腳序號—一對應(yīng)。 10M以太網(wǎng)的網(wǎng)線使用 1、2、3、6編號的芯線傳遞數(shù)據(jù),而 100M網(wǎng)卡需要使用四對線。由于10M網(wǎng)卡能夠使用按 100M制作的網(wǎng)線;而且雙絞線又提供有四對線,因而即使使用 10M網(wǎng)卡,一般也按 100M制作網(wǎng)線。
To do this through the whole of the events of a long and important reign would be beyond the powers of an ordinary student, and the attempt would probably end in confusion. I he therefore considered it best to limit myself in this book to one set of negotiations, those which relate to the Queen’svi proed marriage, running through many years of her reign: and I trust that, however imperfectly my task may he been effected, the facts set forth may enable the reader to perceive more clearly than hitherto, that capricious, even frivolous, as the Queen’s methods appear to be, her main object was rarely neglected or lost sight of during the long continuance of these negotiations.
本廠專業(yè)生產(chǎn)研發(fā)各類煤礦用阻燃通信電纜、煤礦用阻燃信號電纜、煤礦用阻燃控制電纜,煤礦用阻燃通訊電纜、礦用電纜、礦用通信電纜、礦用信號電纜、礦用通訊電纜、,礦用控制電纜,礦用監(jiān)控電纜、礦用監(jiān)測電纜、礦用遙測電纜、控制電纜、計算機電纜、阻燃電纜、耐火電纜, 市內(nèi)通信電纜、鐵路信號電纜、通信設(shè)備電源線等,礦用電纜主要產(chǎn)品有:MHYV,MHYAV,MHYA32,MHY32,MHYVP,MHYVR,MHYVRP,MKVV,MKVV22,MKVV32,MKVVR,MKVVP等,各種產(chǎn)品均有《煤安標志》證書,規(guī)格齊全,產(chǎn)品廣泛應(yīng)用于各大煤礦系統(tǒng)和煤礦監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)。產(chǎn)品在全國幾十個煤業(yè)集團及礦山上使用,獲得了較高的評價和贊譽。
HYAC (架空 ) 內(nèi)導體線徑 ( mm ) : 0.40 、 0.50 、 0.60 、 0.63 、 0.70 、 0.80 、 0.90 對數(shù) (對 ): 10—300