: oyl@silkroad24.com
IC647HSTES250KM | Historian Enterprise Server 250000 Points |
IC647HSTES300M | Historian Enterprise Server 300 Points |
IC647HSTES30KM | Historian Enterprise Server 30000 Points |
IC647HSTES3KM | Historian Enterprise Server 2500 Points |
IC647HSTES40KM | Historian Enterprise Server 40000 Points |
IC647HSTES500M | Historian Enterprise Server 500 Points |
IC647HSTES50KM | Historian Enterprise Server 50000 Points |
IC647HSTES5KM | Historian Enterprise Server 5000 Points |
IC647HSTES75KM | Historian Enterprise Server 75000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO100KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 100000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO100M | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 100 Points |
IC647HSTESEO10KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 10000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO150KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 150000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO15KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 15000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO1KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 1000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO20KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 20000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO250KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 250000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO300M | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 300 Points |
IC647HSTESEO30KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 30000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO3KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 2500 Points |
IC647HSTESEO40KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 40000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO500M | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 500 Points |
IC647HSTESEO50KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 50000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO5KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 5000 Points |
IC647HSTESEO75KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Enterprise Server 75000 Points |
IC647HSTSS100M | Historian Standard Server 100 Points |
IC647HSTSS10KM | Historian Standard Server 10000 Points |
IC647HSTSS15KM | Historian Standard Server 15000 Points |
IC647HSTSS1KM | Historian Standard Server 1000 Points |
IC647HSTSS20KM | Historian Standard Server 20000 Points |
IC647HSTSS300M | Historian Standard Server 300 Points |
IC647HSTSS30KM | Historian Standard Server 30000 Points |
IC647HSTSS3KM | Historian Standard Server 2500 Points |
IC647HSTSS40KM | Historian Standard Server 40000 Points |
IC647HSTSS500M | Historian Standard Server 500 Points |
IC647HSTSS50KM | Historian Standard Server 50000 Points |
IC647HSTSS5KM | Historian Standard Server 5000 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO100M | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 100 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO10KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 10000 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO15KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 15000 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO1KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 1000 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO20KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 20000 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO300M | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 300 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO30KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 30000 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO3KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 2500 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO40KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 40000 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO500M | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 500 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO50KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 50000 Points |
IC647HSTSSEO5KM | eSignature Option for Historian - Standard Server 5000 Points |
IC647HWC001 | Proficy Historian Analysis 1 User |
IC647IFCLNTCDVM | iFIX iClient Developer |
IC647IFCLNTCRNM | iFIX iClient Runtime |
IC647IFCLNTCRO001M | iFIX iClient Read Only 1 PK Keyed |
IC647IFCLNTS001M | iFIX iClientTS Each Additional User |
IC647IFCLNTS005M | iFIX iClientTS 5 Additional Users |
IC647IFCLNTS010M | iFIX iClientTS 10 Additional Users |
IC647IFCLNTSRO001M | iFIX iClientTS Read Only 1 PK Keyed |
IC647IFCLNTSRO005M | iFIX iClientTS Read Only 5 PK Keyed |
IC647IFCLNTSRO010M | iFIX iClientTS Read Only 10 PK Keyed |
IC647IFGLBLDPNSRVRM | iFIX WebSpace Dependent Server |
IC647IFGLBLRLYSRVRM | iFIX WebSpace Relay Server includes 25 Users |
IC647IFGLBLSRVRM | iFIX WebSpace Server including iClient Dev and 2 Web Users |
IC647IFOEMSLNPK_M | OEM Solutions Pack for iFIX 5.0 M4 Key Reference |
IC647IFPLDV00075M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 75 I/O Dev |
IC647IFPLDV00150M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 150 I/O Dev |
IC647IFPLDV00300M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 300 I/O Dev |
IC647IFPLDV00900M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 900 I/O Dev |
IC647IFPLDVUNLMTM | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak Unlimited Dev |
IC647IFPLRN00075M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 75 I/O R/T |
IC647IFPLRN00150M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 150 I/O R/T |
IC647IFPLRN00300M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 300 I/O R/T |
IC647IFPLRN00900M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 900 I/O R/T |
IC647IFPLRNUNLMTM | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak Unlimited R/T |
IC647IFPLSR00075M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 75 I/O Server |
IC647IFPLSR00150M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 150 I/O Server |
IC647IFPLSR00300M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 300 I/O Server |
IC647IFPLSR00900M | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak 900 I/O Server |
IC647IFPLSRUNLMTM | iFIX Plus SCADA Pak Unlimited Server |
IC647IFPRDV00075M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 75 I/O Dev |
IC647IFPRDV00150M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 150 I/O Dev |
IC647IFPRDV00300M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 300 I/O Dev |
IC647IFPRDV00900M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 900 I/O Dev |
IC647IFPRDVUNLMTM | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak Unlmtd Dev |
IC647IFPRRN00075M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 75 I/O R/T |
IC647IFPRRN00150M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 150 I/O R/T |
IC647IFPRRN00300M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 300 I/O R/T |
IC647IFPRRN00900M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 900 I/O R/T |
IC647IFPRRNUNLMTM | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak Unlmtd R/T |
IC647IFPRSR00075M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 75 I/O Srvr |
IC647IFPRSR00150M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 150 I/O Srvr |
IC647IFPRSR00300M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 300 I/O Srvr |
IC647IFPRSR00900M | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak 900 I/O Srvr |
IC647IFPRSRUNLMTM | iFIX Profsnl SCADA Pak Unlmtd Srvr |
IC647IFSCTSSPRT01M | iFIX Trmnl Srvcs Spprt on SCADA - 1 Client |
IC647IFSCTSSPRT03M | iFIX Trmnl Srvcs Spprt on SCADA -3 Clients |
IC647IFSTDV00075M | iFIX Std HMI Pak 75 I/O Developer |
IC647IFSTDV00150M | iFIX Std HMI Pak 150 I/O Developer |
IC647IFSTDV00300M | iFIX Std HMI Pak 300 I/O Developer |
IC647IFSTDV00900M | iFIX Std HMI Pak 900 I/O Developer |
IC647IFSTDVUNLMTM | iFIX Std HMI Pak Unlimited Developer |
IC647IFSTRN00075M | iFIX Std HMI Pak 75 I/O Runtime |
IC647IFSTRN00150M | iFIX Std HMI Pak 150 I/O Runtime |
IC647IFSTRN00300M | iFIX Std HMI Pak 300 I/O Runtime |
IC647IFSTRN00900M | iFIX Std HMI Pak 900 I/O Runtime |
IC647IFSTRNUNLMTM | iFIX Std HMI Pak Unlimited Runtime |
IC647IFUBSTSM | iFIX iClientTS User Base Support |
IC647IFXPELRGE | iFIX for Embedded XP Large Package (Runtime with 5000 Tags) |
IC647IFXPEMDUM | iFIX for Embedded XP Medium Package (Runtime with 1500 Tags) |
IC647IFXPESMLL | iFIX for Embedded XP Small Package (Runtime with 500 Tags) |
IC647IGSBSC_M | IGS - IGS Basic Drivers for M4 keys |
IC647LDP000 | Logic Developer Process Edition |
IC647MBL001 | Machine Edition Lite Development Suite - Hardware key |
IC647MBL001 | Machine Edition Lite Development Suite - Hardware key |
IC647MBP001 | Machine Edition Professional Development Suite - Hardware key |
IC647MBP001 | Machine Edition Professional Development Suite - Hardware key |
IC647MBS001 | Machine Edition Standard Development Suite - Hardware key |
IC647MBS001 | Machine Edition Standard Development Suite - Hardware key |
IC647MBW001 | Machine Edition Professional Development Suite with R/T - Hardware key |
IC647MDA000 | View Development & Runtime 8000 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MDA075 | View Development & Runtime 75 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MDA150 | View Development & Runtime 150 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MDA159 | View Development & Runtime 1500 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MDA300 | View Development & Runtime 300 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MDA700 | View Development & Runtime 700 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MGM001 | Enterprise Adaptor for Maximo 5.2 |
IC647MGM002 | Enterprise Adapter for Maximo 6.2 |
IC647MGM003 | Enterprise Adapter for Maximo 7.1 |
IC647MGM004 | Enterprise Adapter for Maximo 6.2.3 |
IC647MGM005 | Enterprise Adapter for Maximo 6.2.2 |
IC647MGP001 | Plant Applications Maintenance Gateway Adapter |
IC647MGS001 | Proficy Maintenance Gateway Server |
IC647MGX001 | Enterprise Adapter for SAP v4.6c |
IC647MHWU01 | Machine Edition S/W to H/W Key upgrade (order must include the customers contact information as well as the serial number for the software) |
IC647MHWU01 | Machine Edition S/W to H/W Key upgrade (order must include the customers contact information as well as the serial number for the software) |
IC647MODEV | Motion Developer - Hardware Key |
IC647MOP001 | Logic Developer PC with View - Development ONLY Supports up to 8000 I/O tags - Hardware key |
IC647MPC001 | Logic Developer - PLC Configuration Tools |
IC647MPM001 | Logic Developer - PLC Nano/Micro |
IC647MPP001 | Logic Developer - PLC Professional |
IC647MPP101 | Logic Developer - PLC Professional w/Programming Cable |
IC647MPS001 | Logic Developer - PLC Standard |
IC647MPS101 | Logic Developer - PLC Standard w/Programming Cable |
IC647MRA000 | View Runtime 8000 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MRA075 | View Runtime 75 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MRA150 | View Runtime 150 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MRA159 | View Runtime 1500 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MRA300 | View Runtime 300 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MRA700 | View Runtime 700 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MRC000 | PC Control & View Runtime 8000 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647MRC075 | PC Control & View Runtime 75 Point Count - Hardware Key |
IC647NAC002 | CIMPLICITY Alarm Cast Advanced |
IC647NAC003 | CIMPLICITY Alarm Cast Enterprise |
IC647NCA000 | Unlimited I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCA075 | 75 I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCA150 | 150 I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCA300 | 300 I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCA700 | 700 I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCA910 | 10,000 I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCA915 | 1,500 I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCA935 | 35,000 I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCA950 | 5,000 I/O Point Change Approval |
IC647NCL000 | Action Calender |
IC647NCN001 | HMI for CNC Version Upgrade |
IC647NCN010 | HMI for CNC Option |
IC647NCN020 | HMI for CNC Additional Connection |
IC647NDF000 | Allen-Bradley DF1 Communications |
IC647NDH000 | Allen-Bradley Data Highway Plus |
IC647NDT000 | Integrator's Toolkit |
IC647NEA000 | Allen-Bradley Communications |
IC647NEF000 | FLOPRO/FloNet Communications |
IC647NGB000 | Mitsubishi TCP/IP Communications |
IC647NGJ000 | Johnson Controls N2 Communications |
IC647NGL000 | Omron Host Link Communications |
IC647NGM000 | Honeywell IPC620 Communications |
IC647NGS000 | Sharp TCP/IP Communications |
IC647NGT000 | Omron TCP/IP Communications |
IC647NGU000 | Gage Port Mitutoyo Communications |
IC647NGV000 | CIMPLICITY GlobalView - 1 Concurrent user. |
IC647NHR000 | Redundancy |
IC647NMA000 | Marquee Driver |
IC647NMD000 | Modbus Plus Communications |
IC647NME000 | Mitsubishi A-Series Serial |
IC647NMM000 | CIMPLICITY Marquee Manager (5 Devices) |
IC647NMR000 | Modbus RTU Communications |
IC647NMX000 | MODBUS TCP/IP Communications |
IC647NPG000 | CIMPLICITY Alarm Cast Standard-Gateway/CIMPLICITY Pager |
IC647NQD000 | Square D SyMax SyNet Communications |
IC647NRF000 | Allen-Bradley RF Antenna Communications |
IC647NRP000 | Recipes |
IC647NRX000 | System Sentry |
IC647NRX005 | System Sentry - 5 Node |
IC647NRX010 | System Sentry - 10 Node |
IC647NSE000 | Smarteye Device Communications |
IC647NSL001 | Proficy SQL 2008 - 1 Client User |
IC647NSL005 | Proficy SQL 2008 - 5 Client License |
IC647NSL010 | Proficy SQL 2008 - 10 Client License |
IC647NSL025 | Proficy SQL 2008 - 25 Client License |
IC647NSL900 | Proficy SQL 2008 - Processor License |
IC647NSP000 | Statistical Process Control (SPC) |
IC647NTN000 | Siemens TI Communications |
IC647NTS001 | Terminal Services Single User |
IC647NTS005 | Terminal Services - 5 Pack License |
IC647NTS010 | Terminal Services - 10 Pack License |
IC647NTS025 | Terminal Services - 25 Pack License |
IC647NTS050 | Terminal Services - 50 Pack License |
IC647NTY000 | Toyopuc TCP/IP Communications |
IC647NVC000 | Digital Graphic Replay Option |
IC647NWS999 | CIMPLICITY ThinView for Windows CE |
IC647NWV000 | WebView - Single License |
IC647NWV005 | WebView - 5 Pack License |
IC647NWV010 | WebView - 10 Pack License |
IC647NWV025 | WebView - 25 Pack License |
IC647NWV050 | WebView - 50 Pack License |
IC647NXM000 | Proficy Tracker Order Execution Management |
IC647NXV000 | Proficy Tracker Order Execution Management Display |
IC647OPCM | OPC:OPC Client Driver |
IC647PBB4P0 | PPS Boiler Bookshelf - 4 pack |
IC647PBBBG0 | PPS Boiler Bookshelf - BioGrate |
IC647PBBDF0 | PPS Boiler Bookshelf - Dual Fuel |
IC647PBBFT0 | PPS Boiler Bookshelf - Fire Tube |
IC647PBBSF0 | PPS Boiler Bookshelf - Single Fuel |
IC647PCL000 | PPS Standard Ed 5000+ I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PCL025 | PPS Standard Ed SN 250 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PCL050 | PPS Standard Ed 500 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PCL100 | PPS Standard Ed 1000 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PCL200 | PPS Standard Ed 2000 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PCL300 | PPS Standard Ed 3000 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PCL500 | PPS Standard Ed 5000 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PCM001 | Proficy Change Management 1 user |
IC647PCM003 | Proficy Change Management 3 user pack |
IC647PCM005 | Proficy Change Management 5 user pack |
IC647PCM010 | Proficy Change Management 10 user pack |
IC647PCM025 | Proficy Change Management 25 user pack |
IC647PCM050 | Proficy Change Management 50 user pack |
IC647PCM100 | Proficy Change Management 100 user pack |
IC647PCMKIT | Proficy Change Management Starter Kit (1 user, Scheduler) |
IC647PCMS01 | Proficy Change Management Electronic Signature Module (Single) |
IC647PCMS03 | Proficy Change Management Electronic Signature Module 3 Pack |
IC647PCMS05 | Proficy Change Management Electronic Signature Module 5 Pack |
IC647PCMS10 | Proficy Change Management Electronic Signature Module 10 Pack |
IC647PCMS1C | Proficy Change Management Electronic Signature Module 100 Pack |
IC647PCMS25 | Proficy Change Management Electronic Signature Module 25 Pack |
IC647PCMS50 | Proficy Change Management Electronic Signature Module 50 Pack |
IC647PCMSCH | Proficy Change management Scheduler |
IC647PFL000 | PPS Standard Ed 5000+ I/O - iFIX |
IC647PFL025 | PPS Standard Ed SN 250 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PFL050 | PPS Standard Ed 500 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PFL100 | PPS Standard Ed 1000 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PFL200 | PPS Standard Ed 2000 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PFL300 | PPS Standard Ed 3000 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PFL500 | PPS Standard Ed 5000 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PLSEDTR | Proficy Pulse Editor |
IC647PLSVWR | Proficy Pulse Viewer Desktop |
IC647PME001 | Proficy Change Management for ME 1 User |
IC647PME003 | Proficy Change Management for ME 3 user pack |
IC647PME005 | Proficy Change Management for ME 5 user pack |
IC647PME010 | Proficy Change Management for ME 10 user pack |
IC647PME025 | Proficy Change Management for ME 25 user pack |
IC647PME050 | Proficy Change Management for ME 50 user pack |
IC647PME100 | Proficy Change Management for ME 100 user pack |
IC647PMESCH | Proficy Change management Scheduler |
IC647PPS8KW | Adds Hybrid Workbench to PPS Engineering Workstation |
IC647PPSAPC | PPS Application Server - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PPSAPF | PPS Application Server - iFIX |
IC647PPSEWC | PPS Engineering Workstation - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PPSEWF | PPS Engineering Workstation - iFIX |
IC647PPSOC3 | PPS Operator Console – CIMPLICITY - Pack of 3 |
IC647PPSOC5 | PPS Operator Console – CIMPLICITY - Pack of 5 |
IC647PPSOCC | PPS Operator Console – CIMPLICITY |
IC647PPSOCF | PPS Operator Console – iFIX |
IC647PPSOF3 | PPS Operator Console – iFIX - Pack of 3 |
IC647PPSOF5 | PPS Operator Console – iFIX - Pack of 5 |
IC647PRTADOM | Proficy Portal ADO Connector |
IC647PRTDB2M | Proficy Portal DB2 Connector |
IC647PRTEE002M | Proficy Portal Enterprise Edition Client Pk 2 Users |
IC647PRTEE005M | Proficy Portal Enterprise Edition Client Pk 5 Users |
IC647PRTEE010M | Proficy Portal Enterprise Edition Client Pk 10 Users |
IC647PRTEE025M | Proficy Portal Enterprise Edition Client Pk 25 Users |
IC647PRTEE050M | Proficy Portal Enterprise Edition Client Pk 50 Users |
IC647PRTEE100M | Proficy Portal Enterprise Edition Client Pk 100 User |
IC647PRTHE002M | Proficy Portal Historian Edition Client Pack 2 Users |
IC647PRTHE005M | Proficy Portal Historian Edition Client Pack 5 Users |
IC647PRTHE010M | Proficy Portal Historian Edition Client Pk 10 Users |
IC647PRTHE025M | Proficy Portal Historian Edition Client Pk 25 Users |
IC647PRTHE050M | Proficy Portal Historian Edition Client Pk 50 Users |
IC647PRTHE100M | Proficy Portal Historian Edition Client Pk 100 Users |
IC647PRTKIT002M | Proficy Portal Enterprise Edition Starter Kit 2 User |
IC647PRTKIT005M | Proficy Portal Enterprise Edition Starter Kit 5 User |
IC647PRTORAM | Proficy Portal Oracle Connector |
IC647PRTOSIM | Proficy Portal OSI PI Connector |
IC647PRTPRFYM | Proficy Portal Proficy SQL Connector |
IC647PRTROM | Proficy Portal Read Only Option |
IC647PRTSQLM | Proficy Portal SQL Server Connector |
IC647PSC000 | PPS Premier Ed 5000+ I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PSC025 | PPS Premier Ed SN 250 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PSC050 | PPS Premier Ed 500 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PSC100 | PPS Premier Ed 1000 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PSC200 | PPS Premier Ed 2000 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PSC300 | PPS Premier Ed 3000 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PSC500 | PPS Premier Ed 5000 I/O - CIMPLICITY |
IC647PSF000 | PPS Premier Ed 5000+ I/O - iFIX |
IC647PSF025 | PPS Premier Ed SN 250 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PSF050 | PPS Premier Ed 500 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PSF100 | PPS Premier Ed 1000 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PSF200 | PPS Premier Ed 2000 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PSF300 | PPS Premier Ed 3000 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PSF500 | PPS Premier Ed 5000 I/O - iFIX |
IC647PWR001 | Proficy Power SCADA for Small Substation |
IC647PWR002 | Proficy Power SCADA for Large Substation or small control room secondary system |
IC647PWR003 | Proficy Power SCADA for Large Control Room |
IC647PWRDV0 | Proficy Power SCADA Additional development Viewer License |
IC647PWRV00 | Proficy Power SCADA Additional Viewer License |
IC647SBM001 | Scheduler Batch Module |
IC647SCDK001 | Scheduler API Developers Kit |
IC647SCL001 | Scheduler Server Client ( Plan+ View) |
IC647SCMT001 | Scheduler Macro Tool |
IC647SDB001 | Scheduler Extra Server Database |
IC647SDL001 | Scheduler Doublet license for PC user |
IC647SEP001 | Scheduler ERP Project Mod.Adapter |
IC647SES010 | Scheduler Server Medium |
IC647SGM001 | Scheduler Series and Groups Module |
IC647SJM001 | Scheduler Project Module |
IC647SLE999 | Scheduler Server Large |
IC647SMM001 | Scheduler Material (BOM) Module |
IC647SMP001 | Scheduler Manpower Module |
IC647SOC001 | Scheduler Open Adapter |
IC647SPM001 | Scheduler Plus Module |
IC647SPR001 | Scheduler Desktop Pro 1 user |
IC647SSC005 | Scheduler Shop Floor 5 more users |
IC647SSE004 | Scheduler Server Small |
IC647SSL001 | Scheduler Site license |
IC647SSM005 | Scheduler Shop Floor Server 5 users |
IC647STA001 | Scheduler Time & Attendance Adapter |
IC647SVB001 | Scheduler Visma Business Adapter |
IC647SVW001 | Scheduler Desktop View Client |
IC647TAV000 | CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer |
IC647TBLCPVC001 | Virtual Campus for Proficy Troubleshooter and Cause+ - 1 User |
IC647TBLCPVC002 | Virtual Campus for Proficy Troubleshooter and Cause+ - 2 Users |
IC647TBLCPVC005 | Virtual Campus for Proficy Troubleshooter and Cause+ - 5 Users |
IC647TBLCPVC010 | Virtual Campus for Proficy Troubleshooter and Cause+ - 10 Users |
IC647TBLCPVC025 | Virtual Campus for Proficy Troubleshooter and Cause+ - 25 Users |
IC647TBLCPVC050 | Virtual Campus for Proficy Troubleshooter and Cause+ - 50 Users |
IC647TDV000 | Unlimited I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV050 | 50 I/O Point Development System - (Stand Alone - No Networking) |
IC647TDV075 | 75 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV150 | 150 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV300 | 300 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV700 | 700 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV910 | 10,000 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV915 | 1,500 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV935 | 35,000 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV950 | 5,000 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TDV999 | Viewer Development System |
IC647TJT000 | Proficy Tracker Server |
IC647TJV000 | Proficy Tracker Display |
IC647TPD000 | ProServer Unlimited I/O Point Development System |
IC647TPD075 | ProServer 75 I/O Point Dev/Runtime System |
IC647TPD150 | ProServer 150 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TPD300 | ProServer 300 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TPD700 | ProServer 700 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TPD910 | ProServer 10,000 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TPD915 | ProServer 1,500 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TPD935 | ProServer 35,000 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TPD950 | ProServer 5,000 I/O Point Development System |
IC647TPR000 | ProServer Unlimited I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TPR075 | ProServer 75 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TPR150 | ProServer 150 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TPR300 | ProServer 300 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TPR700 | ProServer 700 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TPR910 | ProServer 10,000 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TPR915 | ProServer 1,500 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TPR935 | ProServer 35,000 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TPR950 | ProServer 5,000 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT000 | Unlimited I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT050 | 50 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT075 | 75 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT150 | 150 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT300 | 300 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT700 | 700 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT910 | 10,000 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT915 | 1,500 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT935 | 35,000 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT950 | 5,000 I/O Point Runtime System |
IC647TRT999 | Viewer Runtime System |
IC647TSSRV001 | 1 User Server License |
IC647TSSRV002 | 2 User Server License |
IC647TSSRV005 | 5 User Server License |
IC647TSSRV010 | 10 User Server License |
IC647TSSRV025 | 25 User Server License |
IC647TSSRV050 | 50 User Server License |
IC647VBS000 | Batch Integration Serv (VBIS) Entpr v5.1 |
IC647VSCEMK | View Standard Edition - Hardware key |
IC647WFL000 | Proficy Workflow - Site License |
IC647WFL005 | Proficy Workflow - 5 User License |
IC647WFL010 | Proficy Workflow - 10 User License |
IC647WFL025 | Proficy Workflow - 25 User License |
IC647WFL050 | Proficy Workflow - 50 User License |
IC648MNT101 | InfoLink CD-ROM One Year Subscription Renewal |
IC648MNT101 | InfoLink CD-ROM One Year Subscription Renewal |
IC648MNT101 | InfoLink CD-ROM One Year Subscription Renewal |
IC648MNT101 | InfoLink CD-ROM One Year Subscription Renewal |
IC648MNT101 | InfoLink CD-ROM One Year Subscription Renewal |
IC651ENS040 | Series 90-70 MMS/Ethernet Software |
IC651ENS042 | Series 90-70 TCP/IP Ethernet LAN Software |
IC660BBA020 | Block 24/48Vdc Analog 4 Inputs / 2 Outputs |
IC660BBA021 | Block 24/48Vdc RTD Input 6 Channels |
IC660BBA023 | Block 24/48VdcThermocouple Input 6 Channels |
IC660BBA024 | Block 24/48Vdc Analog Current Source 4 Inputs / 2 Outputs |
IC660BBA025 | Block 24/48Vdc Analog Current Source 6 Outputs |
IC660BBA026 | Block 24/48Vdc Analog Current Source 6 Inputs |
IC660BBA100 | Block 115Vac Analog 4 Inputs / 2 Outputs |
IC660BBA101 | Block 115Vac/125Vdc RTD Input 6 Channels |
IC660BBA103 | Block 115Vac/125Vdc Thermocouple Input 6 Channels |
IC660BBA104 | Block 115Vac/125Vdc Analog Current Source 4 Inputs / 2 Outputs |
IC660BBA105 | Block 115Vac/125Vdc Analog Current Source 6 Outputs |
IC660BBA106 | Block 115Vac/125Vdc Analog Current Source 6 Inputs |
IC660BBD020 | Block 24/48Vdc Source I/O 16 Circuits, 3 Wire Sensor Compatible |
IC660BBD021 | Block 24/48Vdc Sink I/O 16 Circuits, 3 Wire Sensor Compatible |
IC660BBD022 | Block 24Vdc Source I/O 16 Circuits, 2/3 Wire Sensor Compatible |
IC660BBD023 | Block 24Vdc Sink I/O 16 Circuits, 2/3 Wire Sensor Compatible |
IC660BBD024 | Block 12/24Vdc Source I/O 32 Circuits |
IC660BBD025 | Block 5/12/24Vdc Sink I/O Block 32 Circuits |
IC660BBD101 | Block 115Vac I/O Low Leakage 8 Circuits |
IC660BBD110 | Block 115Vac Input 16 Circuits |
IC660BBD120 | Block High Speed Counter |
IC660BBR100 | Block Relay Output Normally Closed 16 Circuits |
IC660BBR101 | Block Relay Output Normally Open 16 Circuits |
IC660BLC001 | Cable w/Connectors Alpha 9823 15 In (Qty 3) |
IC660BLC003 | Cable w/Connectors Alpha 9823 3 Ft |
IC660BLM506 | Bus Terminator 150 Ohm (Qty 4) |
IC660BLM507 | Block Puller |
IC660BLM508 | Bus Terminator 75 Ohm (Qty 4) |
IC660BPM100 | Block PowerTRAC 115Vac/125Vdc Power |
IC660BPM500 | Hand-Held Monitor Battery Pack |
IC660BRD020 | Genius 24/48Vdc Source Block for Redundancy T Output Configurations |
IC660BSM021 | Bus Switching Module 24/48Vdc |
IC660BSM120 | Bus Switching Module 115Vac/125Vdc |
IC660ELB921 | Single-slot PCIM (XT/AT Interface Board) 1-channel |
IC660ELB922 | Single-slot PCIM (XT/AT Interface Board) 2-channel |
IC660ELB931 | PCI interface card for Genius LAN interface. Card has the same functionality for PC Control and HMI applications. Limited driver support in first release but a toolkit is available. Supported by PC Control. OEM License agreement available that in |
IC660ERD020 | Genius 24/48Vdc Source Electronics Module for Redundancy T Output Co nfiguration |
IC660FW4299 | HHM 220 Vac Charger with European Plug (Spare) |
IC660HHC005 | Hand-Held Monitor Cable |
IC660HHM501-CE | Hand Held Monitor including European Charger 220 Vac |
IC660MBM503 | Hand-Held Monitor Panel Mount Kit |
IC660MCK501 | PCIM 6-Position Mating Connector (Qty 2) |
IC660MKS511 | Hand-Held Monitor Spare Key (Qty 10) |
IC660MPH509 | Hand-Held Monitor Standalone Connector Kit (Qty 3) |
IC660SLA020 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA020 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA021 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA021Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA023 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA023 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA024 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA024 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA026 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA026 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA100 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA100 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA101 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA101 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA103 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA103 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA104 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA104 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLA106 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBA106 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLD020 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBD020 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLD021 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBD021 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLD024 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBD024 Genius Blocks |
IC660SLD025 | Red Safety Label Kit for IC660BBD025 Genius Blocks |
IC660TRD020 | Genius 24/48Vdc Terminal Asm. for Redundancy T Output Configuration |
IC677ABI004 | VersaMax IP67 Analog Input local bus device, 4 channels. Configurable per channel, current measuring ranges 0 mA to 20 mA, 4 mA to 20 mA, +/-20 mA; voltage measuring ranges:0 V to 10 V, ±10 V, 0 V to 5 V, +/-5 V |
IC677ABO004 | VersaMax IP67 Analog Output local bus device, 4 channels. Configurable per channel, current output ranges:0 mA to 20 mA, 4 mA to 20 mA,;Voltage output ranges:0 V to 10 V, +/-10 V, 0 V to 5 V, +/-5 V |
IC677CBLLBB0013 | VersaMax IP67 Local communications cable for local bus; B-coded,5 position, shielded 13.5 cm. |
IC677CBLPWB0013 | VersaMax IP67 Voltage supply cable for local bus; A-coded, 5 position, unshielded 13.5 cm. |
IC677DBI008 | VersaMax IP67 local bus device with (8) 24VDC inputs |
IC677DBM442 | VersaMax IP67 local bus device with (4) 24VDC inputs and 4 outputs (2amp) |
IC677DBO085 | VersaMax IP67 local bus device with (8) 24VDC outputs |
IC677PBI001 | VersaMax IP67 PROFIBUS NIU, Bus master for max. 16 local devices, with (8) 24VDC inputs |
IC677PNS001 | VersaMax IP67 PROFINET NIU, Bus master for max. 16 local devices, with (8) 24VDC inputs, with MRP |
IC687BEM713 | Half Slot Bus Transmitter Module |
IC687BEM731 | Single Slot GENIUS Bus Controller 1CH |
IC687RCM711 | Half Slot Redundant Communications Module for HSB Systems |
IC690ACC900 | RS-232 TO RS-485/422 Convertor Unit |
IC690ACC901 | Mini-Converter Kit with cable (RS-485/RS-232) |
IC690ACC901 | Mini-Converter Kit with cable (RS-485/RS-232) |
IC690ACC901 | Mini-Converter Kit with cable (RS-485/RS-232) |
IC690ACC903 | RS-485 Port Isolator |
IC690ACC990 | Portable Program Download Device |
IC690CBL701 | Cable, PCM to IBM-PC/XT Class Computers, 10 feet (3m) |
IC690CBL701 | Cable, PCM to IBM-PC/XT Class Computers, 10 feet (3m) |
IC690CBL702 | Cable, PCM to IBM-PC/AT, 10 feet (3m) |
IC690CBL702 | Cable, PCM to IBM-PC/AT, 10 feet (3m) |
IC690CBL705 | Cable, PCM to IBM-PS/2 Class Computers, 10 feet (3m) |
IC690CBL705 | Cable, PCM to IBM-PS/2 Class Computers, 10 feet (3m) |
IC690CDP002 | InfoLink CD Promotional 10 Pack |
IC690CDP002 | InfoLink CD Promotional 10 Pack |
IC690CDP002 | InfoLink CD Promotional 10 Pack |
IC690CDP002 | InfoLink CD Promotional 10 Pack |
IC690CDP002 | InfoLink CD Promotional 10 Pack |
IC690CDR002 | InfoLink CD-ROM Documentation, single-user license |
IC690CDR002 | InfoLink CD-ROM Documentation, single-user license |
IC690CDR002 | InfoLink CD-ROM Documentation, single-user license |
IC690CDR002 | InfoLink CD-ROM Documentation, single-user license |
IC690CDR002 | InfoLink CD-ROM Documentation, single-user license |
IC690CDR002 | InfoLink CD-ROM Documentation, single-user license |
IC690CDR003 | InfoLink For PLC Legacy Products CD, single user license |
IC690CDR004 | InfoLink Product Library and Legacy Product CD set |
IC693ACC300 | Input Simulator Module |
IC693ACC300 | Input Simulator Module |
IC693ACC300LT | Input Simulator Module (LT) |
IC693ACC301 | Replacement Battery, CPU & PCM (qty 2) |
IC693ACC302 | High capacity battery pack. The new Auxiliary Battery Pack (IC693ACC3 02) will enable Series 90-30 & Series 90-70 CPUs (except CPU374) to go up to 75 months (shelf life of 10 years ) of RAM memory backup w/no p ower & the CPU374 backup=15 mo |
IC693ACC305 | EEPROM Chips (qty 4) |
IC693ACC307 | I/O Bus Terminator Plug |
IC693ACC308 | Rack Adaptor Bracket/ Series 90-30 10 Slot to 19 inch (Front Mount) |
IC693ACC310 | Filler Module, Blank Slot |
IC693ACC311 | Terminal Blocks (qty 6) |
IC693ACC315 | Battery Adapter Kit (battery not included) for CPU31* and CPU32* |
IC693ACC316 | Connector Kit, 24 Pin, Qty (10), Solder Eyelet (For MDL654, 655, 752, 753) |
IC693ACC316 | Connector Kit, 24 Pin, Qty (10), Solder Eyelet (For MDL654, 655, 752, 753) |
IC693ACC317 | Connector Kit, 24 Pin, Qty (10), Crimp Type (For MDL654, 655, 752, 753 ) |
IC693ACC318 | Connector Kit, 24 Pin, Qty (10), Ribbon Type (For MDL654, 655, 752, 75 3) |
IC693ACC319 | Spare Parts Kit (I/O, CPU, PCM) |
IC693ACC320 | Spare Parts Kit (Power Supply) |
IC693ACC329 | TBQC Base for IC693MDL645, IC693MDL646, and IC693MDL240 |
IC693ACC332 | TBQC Base for IC693MDL940 |
IC693ACC333 | TBQC Base for IC693MDL340 |
IC693ACC334 | Module Connector for use with all 9030 terminal bases |
IC693ACC335 | Axis terminal block for the DSM302 or DSM314 |
IC693ACC335 | Axis terminal block for the DSM302 or DSM314 |
IC693ACC336 | Auxiliary terminal block for the DSM302 or DSM314 or DSM324 5V I/O |
IC693ACC336 | Auxiliary terminal block for the DSM302 or DSM314 or DSM324 5V I/O |
IC693ACC337 | TBQC Base for IC693MDL654/655/752/753 |
IC693ACC341 | Redundant Power Supply Base with 0.5 meter cable to connect to Power S upply Adapter module. Supports any Series 90-30 power supply. |
IC693ACC350 | Redundant Power Supply Adapter (RPSA) Module. The RPSA replaces the p ower supply on a CPU base or expansion base and connects to a Redundan t Power Supply Base. |
IC693ACC400 | Expanded battery backup for Series 90-30 CPUs |
IC693ALG220 | Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 4 Channels |
IC693ALG220LT | Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 4 Channels (LT) |
IC693ALG221 | Analog Input, Current, 4 Channels |
IC693ALG221LT | Analog Input, Current, 4 Channels (LT) |
IC693ALG222 | Analog Input, Voltage 16 Single/8 Differential Channels |
IC693ALG222LT | Analog Input, Voltage 16 Single/8 Differential Channels (LT) |
IC693ALG223 | Analog Input, Current, 16 Single Channels |
IC693ALG223LT | Analog Input, Current, 16 Single Channels (LT) |
IC693ALG390 | Analog Output, Voltage, 2 Channels |
IC693ALG390LT | Analog Output, Voltage, 2 Channels (LT) |
IC693ALG391 | Analog Output, Current, 2 Channels |
IC693ALG391LT | Analog Output, Current, 2 Channels (LT) |
IC693ALG392 | High Density Analog Output (8 Channels) |
IC693ALG392LT | High Density Analog Output (8 Channels) (LT) |
IC693ALG442 | Analog Combo Module 4IN/2OUT |
IC693ALG442LT | Analog Combo Module 4IN/2OUT (LT) |
IC693APU300 | High Speed Counter (HSC) |
IC693APU300 | High Speed Counter (HSC) |
IC693APU300LT | High Speed Counter (HSC) (LT) |
IC693APU305 | I/O Processor Module |
IC693APU305 | I/O Processor Module |
IC693BEM320 | I/O Link Interface Module (Slave) |
IC693BEM321 | I/O Link Interface Module (Master) |
IC693BEM331 | Genius Bus Controller (supports I/O and Datagrams) |
IC693BEM331LT | Genius Bus Controller (supports I/O and Datagrams) (LT) |
IC693CBL300 | Rack Expansion Cable, I/O Expansion, 1 Meter |
IC693CBL301 | Rack Expansion Cable, I/O Expansion, 2 Meters |
IC693CBL302 | I/O Base expansion 50 feet (15 meters), continuous shield with built in terminator. |
IC693CBL304 | Cable, Port Expansion, Used With PCM300 |
IC693CBL305 | Cable, Port Expansion, Used With PCM301, PCM311, and CMM311 |
IC693CBL311 | I/O cable for DSM324 24V I/O or APM I/O to the 44A726268-001 terminal block. 3 meters |
IC693CBL312-EU | I/O Expansion Cable (0.18m), Shielded |
IC693CBL313 | I/O rack expansion cable, 8 Meters |
IC693CBL315 | SUGGEST CBL327, 328 OR CBK001 |
IC693CBL315-6M | Cable (6m) with Connector On One End (for MDL654/5 and MDL752/3) |
IC693CBL316 | Station Manager Serial Cable for Ethernet TCP/IP |
IC693CBL316 | Station Manager Serial Cable for Ethernet TCP/IP |
IC693CBL316 | Station Manager Serial Cable for Ethernet TCP/IP |
IC693CBL324 | I/O cable for DSM302 or DSM314 or DSM324 5V I/O. 1 meter |
IC693CBL324 | I/O cable for DSM302 or DSM314 or DSM324 5V I/O. 1 meter |
IC693CBL325 | I/O cable for DSM302 or DSM314 or DSM324 5V I/O. 3 meters |
IC693CBL325 | I/O cable for DSM302 or DSM314 or DSM324 5V I/O. 3 meters |
IC693CBL327 | Cable, Left Side, One - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connector, 3 Meter. |
IC693CBL328 | Cable, Right Side, One - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connector, 3 Meter |
IC693CBL329 | Cable, Left Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, 1 Meter |
IC693CBL330 | Cable, Right Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, 1 Meter |
IC693CBL331 | Cable, Left Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, 2 Meter |
IC693CBL332 | Cable, Right Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, 2 Meter |
IC693CBL333 | Cable, Left Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, .5 Meter |
IC693CBL334 | Cable, Right Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, .5 Meter |
IC693CHS391 | Base, CPU, 10 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above |
IC693CHS391LT | Base, CPU, 10 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above (LT) |
IC693CHS392 | Base, Expansion, 10 Slots |
IC693CHS392LT | Base, Expansion, 10 Slots (LT) |
IC693CHS393 | Base, Remote Expansion, 10 Slots (700 ft.) |
IC693CHS393LT | Base, Remote Expansion, 10 Slots (700 ft.) (LT) |
IC693CHS397 | Base, CPU, 5 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above |
IC693CHS397LT | Base, CPU, 5 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above (LT) |
IC693CHS398 | Base, Expansion, 5 Slots |
IC693CHS398LT | Base, Expansion, 5 Slots (LT) |
IC693CHS399 | Base, Remote Expansion, 5 Slots (700 ft.) |
IC693CHS399LT | Base, Remote Expansion, 5 Slots (700 ft.) (LT) |
IC693CMM302 | Communication Module, Genius (1 Kbyte) GCM+ (no datagram support) |
IC693CMM302LT | Communication Module, Genius (1 Kbyte) GCM+ (no datagram support) (LT ) |
IC693CPU311 | 5-Slot Base With CPU in base (6K Bytes User Program) Battery included |
IC693CPU313 | 5-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec), 1K Registers, (12K Bytes User Program) Battery included |
IC693CPU313LT | 5-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec), 1K Registers, (12K Bytes User Program) (LT) |
IC693CPU323 | 10-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec) 12K bytes User Program, Battery included |
IC693CPU323LT | 10-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec) 12K bytes User Program (LT) |
IC693CPU350 | CPU 350 Module (32K Bytes user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in S erial Ports .22msec/K, The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box. |
IC693CPU350LT | CPU 350 Module (32K Bytes user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in S erial Ports .22msec/K (LT) |
IC693CPU360 | CPU 360 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K, The battery for the CPU is now i ncluded in the CPU backplane box. |
IC693CPU360LT | CPU 360 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K (LT) |
IC693CPU363 | CPU 363 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory), The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box. |
IC693CPU363LT | CPU 363 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory) (LT) |
IC693CPU366 | CPU 366 Module (240K Bytes configurable Supports Profibus DP Master (Version 1 supported). One Profibus port and one RS-232 service port. |
IC693CPU367 | CPU 367Module (240K Bytes configurable Supports Profibus DP Slave (Version 1 supported). One Profibus port and one RS-232 service port. |
IC693CPU370 | CPU 370 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory) The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box. No serial ports. |
IC693CPU372 | CPU 372 Module (120K Bytes configurable user memory) The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box, Embedded Ethrnet 10/ 100Mbs w/built-in switch. No serial ports. |
IC693CPU374 | CPU 374 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory) The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box, Embedded Ethrnet 10/ 100Mbs w/built-in switch. No serial ports. |
IC693DNM200 | DeviceNet Master Module |
IC693DNS201 | DeviceNet Slave Module |
IC693DSM302 | DSM302 motion controller module |
IC693DSM302 | DSM302 motion controller module |
IC693DSM314 | DSM314 motion controller module |
IC693DSM314 | DSM314 motion controller module |
IC693DSM324 | DSM324 motion controller module for Series 90-30 |
IC693DSM324 | DSM324 motion controller module for Series 90-30 |
IC693KEN335 | Starter Kit: Series 90-30 PLC with CPU350 |
IC693KEN336 | Starter Kit: Series 90-30 PLC with CPU360 |
IC693KEN337 | Starter Kit: Series 90-30 PLC with CPU363 |
IC693KEN340 | Starter Kit: Series 90-30 PLC with CPU374 |
IC693LBR301 | 90-30 Documentation Library (paper manuals covering most options) |
IC693LBR301 | 90-30 Documentation Library (paper manuals covering most options) |
IC693LBR301 | 90-30 Documentation Library (paper manuals covering most options) |
IC693MAR590 | Mixed I/O, 120Vac Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points) |
IC693MAR590LT | Mixed I/O, 120Vac Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points) (LT) |
IC693MDL230 | 120 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points) |
IC693MDL230LT | 120 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL231 | 240 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points) |
IC693MDL231LT | 240 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL240 | 120 Vac Input (16 Points) |
IC693MDL240LT | 120 Vac Input (16 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL241 | 24 Vac/Vdc Input (16 Points) |
IC693MDL241LT | 24 Vac/Vdc Input (16 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL250 | 120 Vac Isolated Input (16 points). Module requires a terminal block IC694TBBx32 or IC693TBSx32). Only compatible with RX3i controllers. Compatible high speed serial bus on both Universal Base and Standard expansion base. Requires firmware 3.5 and |
IC693MDL260 | 32 Point 120VAC Input Module. Requires terminal block IC694TBxx32. Compatible with RX3i only and requires firmware 3.5 and ME 5.5 or higher |
IC693MDL330 | 120/240 Vac Output, 2 Amp (8 Points) |
IC693MDL330LT | 120/240 Vac Output, 2 Amp (8 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL340 | 120 Vac Output, 0.5 Amp (16 Points) |
IC693MDL340LT | 120 Vac Output, 0.5 Amp (16 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL350 | 120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (16 Points). Module requires a terminal block (IC694TBBx32 or IC693TBSx32). Only compatible with RX3i controllers. Compatible high speed serial bus on both Universal Base and Standard. Requires firmware 3.5 and ME |
IC693MDL390 | 120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (5 Points) |
IC693MDL390LT | 120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (5 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL632 | 125 Vdc Input (8 Points) |
IC693MDL632LT | 125 Vdc Input (8 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL634 | 24 Vdc Input, Negative/Positive Logic (8 Points) |
IC693MDL634LT | 24 Vdc Input, Negative/Positive Logic (8 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL645 | 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic (16 Points) |
IC693MDL645LT | 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic (16 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL646 | 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec Filter (16 points) |
IC693MDL646LT | 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec Filter (16 points) (LT) |
IC693MDL648 | 48VDC Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec filter, Neg/Pos Logic (16 points) |
IC693MDL654 | 5/12 Vdc (TTL) Input, Neg/Pos Logic, (32 points) |
IC693MDL654LT | 5/12 Vdc (TTL) Input, Neg/Pos Logic, (32 points) (LT) |
IC693MDL655 | 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 ms, (32 pts) |
IC693MDL655LT | 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 ms, (32 pts) (LT) |
IC693MDL660 | 24VDC Input Module 32 point. The module requires a terminal block (IC694TBB032 box style or IC694TBS032 springclamp style terminal block).Terminal block is sold seperay. Input filter time is configurable 0.5ms, 1.0ms, 2.0ms, 5.0ms, 10.0ms, 50.0ms |
IC693MDL730 | 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Positive Logic (8 Points) |
IC693MDL730LT | 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Positive Logic (8 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL731 | 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Negative Logic (8 Points) |
IC693MDL731LT | 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Negative Logic (8 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL732 | 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (8 Points) |
IC693MDL733 | 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (8 Points) |
IC693MDL734 | 125 Vdc Output, (6 Points) |
IC693MDL734LT | 125 Vdc Output, (6 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL740 | 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points) |
IC693MDL740LT | 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points) Low Temperature Tested. |
IC693MDL741 | 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (16 Points) |
IC693MDL741LT | 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (16 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL742 | 12/24 Vdc Output, 1 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points), Fused |
IC693MDL742LT | 12/24 Vdc Output, 1 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points), Fused (LT) |
IC693MDL748 | 48VDC Output, 0.5 Amps, Positive Logic (8 points) |
IC693MDL752 | 5/12/24 Vdc (TTL) Output, Neg Logic, (32 points) |
IC693MDL752LT | 5/12/24 Vdc (TTL) Output, Neg Logic, (32 points) (LT) |
IC693MDL753 | 12/24 Vdc Output, Pos Logic (32 Pts) |
IC693MDL753LT | 12/24 Vdc Output, Pos Logic (32 Pts) (LT) |
IC693MDL754 | 12/24VDC Output (0.75 amps per point) Module 32 point. The module requires a terminal block (IC694TBB032 box style or IC694TBS032 spring clamp style terminal block). Terminal block is sold seperay. Output response Time is 0.5ms. |
IC693MDL760 | Solenoid Valve Output (11 Points)/ 24VDC Output ,0.5 Amp, Positive Log ic (5 Points) |
IC693MDL930 | Relay Output, Isolated, 4 Amp (8 Points) |
IC693MDL930LT | Relay Output, Isolated, 4 Amp (8 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDL931 | Relay Output, 8 Amp Form B/C contacts, Isolated in groups of 4 |
IC693MDL931LT | Relay Output, 8 Amp Form B/C contacts, Isolated in groups of 4 (LT) |
IC693MDL940 | Relay Output, 2 Amp (16 Points) |
IC693MDL940LT | Relay Output, 2 Amp (16 Points) (LT) |
IC693MDR390 | Mixed I/O, 24Vdc Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points) |
IC693MDR390LT | Mixed I/O, 24Vdc Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points) (LT) |
IC693MLX000 | Series 90-30 I/O Modules Label Kit (various quantities) |
IC693NIU004 | Series 90-30 Ethernet NIU (Ethernet I/O) |
IC693PBM200 | Profibus DP Master Module |
IC693PBS201 | Profibus DP Slave Module |
IC693PCM300-MP | Series 90-30 Programmable Coprocessor Module (PCM), 160KB (35KB BASIC Prgm.) with Y-Cable (Modified for use by OEM's) |
IC693PIF350 | Series 90-30 I/O PCI Bus interface board. Enables users to connect Series 90-30 I/O to a PCI interface board. |
IC693PTM100 | Power Transducer Module (Includes module, interface, 0.5m cable) |
IC693PTM101 | Power Transducer Module (Includes module, interface, 1m cable) |
IC693PWR321 | Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125 Vdc, Standard, Battery not included. B attery is now included in the CPU backplane box. |
IC693PWR321LT | Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125 Vdc, Standard (LT) |
IC693PWR322 | Power Supply, 24/48 Vdc, Standard. Battery not included. Battery is n ow included in the CPU backplane box. |
IC693PWR322LT | Power Supply, 24/48 Vdc, Standard (LT) |
IC693PWR328 | Power Supply, 48 Vdc, Standard. Battery not included. Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box. |
IC693PWR328LT | Power Supply, 48 Vdc, Standard (LT) |
IC693PWR330 | Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125 Vdc, High Capacity. Battery not include d. Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box. |
IC693PWR331 | Power Supply, 24 Vdc, High Capacity. Battery not included. Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box. |
IC693PWR332 | Series 90-30 12VDC Power Supply. 30 watt |
IC693TCM302 | Temperature Control Module |
IC693TCM303 | Temperature Control Module Extended Range |
IC694ACC300 | Input Simulator Module 16 Points |
IC694ACC310 | RX3i Blank Filler Module |
IC694ALG220 | Analog Input Module 4 Points Voltage |
IC694ALG221 | Analog Input Module 4 Points Current |
IC694ALG222 | Analog Input Module 16 Single Ended 8 Differential Voltage |
IC694ALG223 | Analog Input Module 16 Single Ended Current |
IC694ALG232 | Efficiency Advanced Analog Input Module 16 Single Ended 8 Differential Voltage |
IC694ALG233 | Efficiency Advanced Analog Input Module 16 Single Ended 8 Differential Current |
IC694ALG390 | Analog Output Module 2 Points Voltage |
IC694ALG391 | Analog Output Module 2 Points Current |
IC694ALG392 | Analog Output Module Current Voltage 8 Points |
IC694ALG442 | Input/Output Module Analog 4 Input 2 Output Voltage/Current |
IC694ALG542 | Efficiency Advanced Analog Input/Output Module 4 Input 2 Output Voltage/Current |
IC694APU300 | High Speed Counter Module 200KHZ A B and C Type |
IC694BEM331 | RX3i Genius Bus Controller |
IC694CBL005 | 0.5 meter cable between IC694TBC032 and IC694RTB032 |
IC694CBL010 | 1 meter cable between IC694TBC032 and IC694RTB032 |
IC694CBL030 | 3 meter cable between IC694TBC032 and IC694RTB032 |
IC694CBL130 | 3 meter Cable with IC694TBC032 connector on one end and open wire on other end |
IC694CHS392 | Base Expansion 10 Slots |
IC694CHS398 | Base Expansion 5 Slots |
IC694DNM200 | DeviceNet Master Module |
IC694DSM314 | Motion Controller Module 1-2 Axis Digital Servo OR 1-4 Axis Analog Servo |
IC694DSM314 | Motion Controller Module 1-2 Axis Digital Servo OR 1-4 Axis Analog Servo |
IC694DSM324 | Motion Controller Module for RX3i |
IC694DSM324 | Motion Controller Module for RX3i |
IC694MDL230 | Input Module 120 VAC 8 Points Isolated |
IC694MDL231 | Input Module 240 VAC 8 Points Isolated |
IC694MDL240 | Input Module 120 VAC 16 Points |
IC694MDL241 | Input Module 24 VAC 16 Points |
IC694MDL250 | Input Module 120 VAC 16 Points Isolated |
IC694MDL260 | Input Module 120 VAC 32 Points |
IC694MDL310 | Output Module 120 VAC 0.5 AMPS 12 Points |
IC694MDL330 | Output Module 120/240 VAC 2AMPS 8 Points |
IC694MDL340 | Output Module 120 VAC 0.5AMPS 16 Points |
IC694MDL350 | Output Module 120/240 VAC 2AMPS 16 Points Isolated |
IC694MDL390 | Output Module 120/240 VAC 2AMPS 5 Points Isolated |
IC694MDL632 | Input Module 125 VDC 8 Points POS/NEG Logic |
IC694MDL634 | Input Module 24 VDC 8 Points POS/NEG Logic |
IC694MDL645 | Input Module 24 VDC 16 Points POS/NEG Logic |
IC694MDL646 | Input Module 24 VDC 16 Points POS/NEG Logic 1 msec Filter |
IC694MDL654 | Input Module 5/12 VDC (TTL) 32 Points POS/NEG Logic |
IC694MDL655 | Input Module 24VDC 32 Points POS/NEG Logic |
IC694MDL658 | Input Module 48 VDC POS/NEG 32 Points FAST |
IC694MDL660 | Input Module 24 VDC 32 Points |
IC694MDL732 | Output Module 12/24 VDC 0.5AMPS 8 Points POS Logic |
IC694MDL734 | Output Module 125VDC 1AMP 6 Points Isolated POS/NEG Logic |
IC694MDL740 | Output Module 12/24 VDC 0.5AMPS 16 Points POS Logic |
IC694MDL741 | Output Module 12/24 VDC 0.5AMP 16 Points NEG Logic |
IC694MDL742 | Output Module 12/24 VDC 1AMP 16 Points POS Logic ESCP Protection |
IC694MDL752 | Output Module 5/24 VDC (TTL) 0.5AMP 32 Points NEG Logic |
IC694MDL753 | Output Module 12/24 VDC 0.5AMP 32 Points POS Logic |
IC694MDL754 | Output Module 12/24VDC 0.75AMP 32 Points |
IC694MDL916 | Output Module Relay 4AMP 16 Points Isolated |
IC694MDL930 | Output Module Relay 4AMP 8 Points Isolated |
IC694MDL931 | Output Module Relay 3AMP FORM B-C 8 Points Isolated |
IC694MDL940 | Output Module Relay 2AMP 16 Points |
IC694PSK001 | RX3i PSM Kit |
IC694PWR321 | Power Supply 120/240 VAC 125 VDC Standard |
IC694PWR330 | Power Supply 120/240 VAC 125 VDC High Capacity |
IC694PWR331 | Power Supply 24 VDC High Capacity |
IC694RTB032 | High Density remote block, 32 point, terminal block |
IC694TBB032 | Box Style High Density Terminal Block - 36 Connections |
IC694TBB132 | 36 Points Terminal Block,box style extended depth shroud. Compatible with new high density I/O Modules for both RX3i and Series 90-30 |
IC694TBC032 | High Density, 32 point, terminal block with cable connector |
IC694TBS032 | Spring Clamp Style High Density Terminal Block - 36 Connections |
IC694TBS132 | 36 Points Terminal Block,spring clamp style extended depth shroud. Compatible with new high density I/O Modules for both RX3i and Series 90-30. |
IC695ACC002 | Replacement plastic cases for RX3i CPU and AC PS, quantity 4. Does not include front cover. |
IC695ACC003 | Door labels for RX3i IC695xxx I/O modules. Kit includes 2 each of IC695ALG600, IC695ALG608, IC695ALG616, IC695ALG626, IC695ALG628, IC695ALG704, IC695ALG708, IC695ALG728, IC695HSC304, IC695HSC308 |
IC695ACC302 | Auxiliary Smart Battery Module for PACSystems |
IC695ACC400 | Energy PAC |
IC695ACC600 | RX3i Cold Junction Compensation Kit \ for Universal Analog Input IC695ALG600 |
IC695ACC650 | Series 90-70 to RX3i Mechanical Frame |
IC695ALG106 | Isolated Analog module, 6 individual isolated channels are configurable for voltage and current |
IC695ALG112 | Isolated Analog module, 12 individual isolated channels are configurable for voltage and current |
IC695ALG306 | Isolated Thermocouple Input module provides six isolated differential thermocouple input channels |
IC695ALG312 | Isolated Thermocouple Input module provides twelve isolated differential thermocouple input channels |
IC695ALG412 | High Speed 12 channel isolated thermocouple module with increased noise rejection |
IC695ALG508 | Isolated RTD Input module provides eight isolated differential RTD input channels |
IC695ALG600 | Universal Analog Module 8 Channels of Analog Configurable for Thermocouple, RTD, Resistive, Current ou Voltage. 2 Isolated groups, 4 Channels per group. Terminal block ordered separay. |
IC695ALG608 | Analog Input module, 8 channels single ended, 4 channels differential, channels are configurable for voltage and current. Can be configured for Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, +/- 20mA; Voltage: +/- 10V, 0 to 10V, +/- 5V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V. The anal |
IC695ALG616 | Analog Input module, 16 channels single ended, 8 channels differential, channels are configurable for voltage and current. Can be configured for Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, +/- 20mA; Voltage: +/- 10V, 0 to 10V, +/- 5V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V. The ana |
IC695ALG626 | Analog Input HART module, 16 channels single ended, 8 channels differential,channels are configurable for voltage,current and current/ HART. Supports Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, +/- 20mA; Voltage: +/- 10V, 0 to 10V, +/- 5V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V. The |
IC695ALG628 | Analog Input HART module, 8 channels single ended, 4 channels differential,channels are configurable for voltage,current and current/ HART. Supports Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, +/- 20mA; Voltage: +/- 10V, 0 to 10V, +/- 5V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V. The |
IC695ALG704 | Analog Output Module, 4 channels,that is configurable for voltage and current, configured for Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA; Voltage: +/- 10 VDC, 0 to 10VDC per channel non isolated. Up to 16 bit resolution. Requires high capacity terminal block IC |
IC695ALG708 | Analog Output Module, 8 channels,that is configurable for voltage and current, configured for Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA; Voltage: +/- 10 VDC, 0 to 10VDC per channel non isolated. Up to 16 bit resolution. Requires high capacity terminal block IC |
IC695ALG728 | Analog Output HART Module, 8 channels,that is configurable for voltage, current, current/HART configured for Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA; Voltage: +/- 10VDC, 0 to 10VDC per channel non isolated. Up to 16 bit resolution. Requires high capacity ter |
IC695ALG808 | Isolated Analog Output module, 8 channels, that is configurable for voltage and current |
IC695CBL001 | Energy Pack Cable, 0.91m |
IC695CHS007 | RX3i 7 universal modules slots base |
IC695CHS012 | RX3i 12 universal modules slots base |
IC695CHS016 | RX3i 16 universal modules slots base |
IC695CMM002 | Serial Communications Module, 2 ports |
IC695CMM004 | Serial Communications Module, 4 ports |
IC695CMX128 | PACSystems RX3i Control Memory Xchange 128MB Memory |
IC695CPE305 | 1.1Ghz single slot CPU with 5Meg of memory, 1 Ethernet, 1 USB, 1 Serial ports |
IC695CPE310 | 1.1Ghz CPU with 10Meg of memory, 1 Ethernet, 1 USB, 2 Serial ports |
IC695CPU315 | 1Ghz CPU with 20Meg of memory, 2 Serial ports |
IC695CPU320 | 1Ghz CPU with 64Meg of memory, 2 Serial ports |
IC695CRH001 | 9070 MDL252 TO RX3I MDL241 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH002 | 9070 MDL253 TO RX3I MDL241 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH003 | 9070 MDL250 TO RX3I MDL260 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH004 | 9070 MDL240 TO RX3I MDL250 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH006 | 9070 MDL251TO RX3i MDL250 Harness Asm |
IC695CRH007 | 9070 MDL241 TO RX3I MDL231 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH008 | 9070 MDL653 TO RX3I MDL660 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH009 | 9070 MDL652 TO RX3I MDL654 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH010 | 9070 MDL654 TO RX3I MDL658 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH011 | 9070 MDL640 TO RX3I MDL632 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH012 | 9070 MDL651 TO RX3I MDL654 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH013 | 9070 MDL671 TO RX3I MDL645 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH014 | 9070 MDL350 TO RX3I MDL340 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH015 | 9070 MDL340 TO RX3I MDL330 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH016 | 9070 MDL340 TO RX3I MDL350 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH017 | 9070 MDL341 TO RX3I MDL350 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH018 | 9070 MDL341 TO RX3I MDL390 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH019 | 9070 MDL752 TO RX3I MDL753 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH020 | 9070 MDL750 TO RX3I MDL753 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH021 | 9070 MDL940 TO RX3I MDL931 OR 940 HRNASM |
IC695CRH022 | 9070 MDL940 TO RX3I MDL916 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH023 | 9070 ALG230 TO RX3I ALG616 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH024 | 9070 ALG230 TO RX3I ALG220 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH025 | 9070 ALG230 TO RX3I ALG221 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH026 | 9070 ALG230 TO RX3I ALG222 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH027 | 9070 ALG230 TO RX3I ALG232 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH028 | 9070 ALG440 TO RX3I ALG616 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH029 | 9070 ALG440 TO RX3I ALG220 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH030 | 9070 ALG440 TO RX3I ALG221 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH031 | 9070 ALG441 TO RX3I ALG616 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH032 | 9070 ALG441 TO RX3I ALG220 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH033 | 9070 ALG441 TO RX3I ALG222 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH034 | 9070 ALG441 TO RX3I ALG232 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH035 | 9070 ALG320 TO RX3I ALG708 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH036 | 9070 ALG320 TO RX3I ALG390 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH037 | 9070 ALG320 TO RX3I ALG391 HARNESS ASM |
IC695CRH038 | 9070 MDL740 to RX3i MDL765 Harness ASM |
IC695CRH039 | 9070 MDL753 to RX3i MDL765 Harness ASM |
IC695CRU320 | 1Ghz Redundant CPU with 64Meg of memory 2 SERIAL PORTS |
IC695ETM001 | Ethernet module 10/100 Mbits 2 RJ45 connections one IP address occupies one slot on system base |
IC695FTB001 | Fiber Optic Terminal Board for PMM335 |
IC695FTB001 | Fiber Optic Terminal Board for PMM335 |
IC695FTB001 | Fiber Optic Terminal Board for PMM335 |
IC695FTB1B032 | Fiber I/O Terminal Block kit with FTB base and two high density screw terminal headers |
IC695FTB1B032 | Fiber I/O Terminal Block kit with FTB base and two high density screw terminal headers |
IC695FTB1B132 | Fiber I/O Terminal Block kit with FTB base and two high density extended shroud screw terminal headers |
IC695FTB1B132 | Fiber I/O Terminal Block kit with FTB base and two high density extended shroud screw terminal headers |
IC695FTB1S032 | Fiber I/O Terminal Block kit with FTB base and two high density spring clip terminal headers |
IC695FTB1S032 | Fiber I/O Terminal Block kit with FTB base and two high density spring clip terminal headers |
IC695FTB1S132 | Fiber I/O Terminal Block kit with FTB base and two high density extended shroud spring clip terminal headers |
IC695FTB1S132 | Fiber I/O Terminal Block kit with FTB base and two high density extended shroud spring clip terminal headers |
IC695HSC304 | RX3i High Speed Counter, 4 channels |
IC695HSC308 | RX3i High Speed Counter, 8 channels |
IC695LRE001 | RX3i Local Expansion Module Occupies no system slots on base |
IC695MDL664 | Smart Digital 24VDC Input module, 16 input channels in two groups of eight |
IC695MDL765 | Smart Digital Output Module 24/125 volt DC, ESCP 1A Positive Logic 16 Points |
IC695NKT001 | RX3i Ethernet NIU Kit includes NIU (IC695NIU001) and Ethernet module (IC695ETM001). ENIU supports two serial ports and 20k of local logic. TheENIU must be installed in a IC695CHSxxx base. |
IC695NKT001 | RX3i Ethernet NIU Kit includes NIU (IC695NIU001) and Ethernet module (IC695ETM001). ENIU supports two serial ports and 20k of local logic. TheENIU must be installed in a IC695CHSxxx base. |
IC695NKT002 | RX3i Ethernet NIU Kit with two Ethernet modules. |
IC695PBM300 | RX3i Profibus Master Module (must be installed on RX3i PCI bus). The module supports PROFIBUS V1 Master functionality. The PROFIBUS Master module requires an RX3i CPU with firmware version 2.9 or later. This module must be located in an RX3i Univer |
IC695PBS301 | Profibus Slave module that supports V1 functionality. The Profibus Slave module utilizes the RX3i PCI bus and will only work on the RX3i Universal base. |
IC695PMM335 | PACMotion motion control for series RX3i |
IC695PMM335 | PACMotion motion control for series RX3i |
IC695PNC001 | Profinet Controller |
IC695PRS015 | Pressure Transducer module |
IC695PSA040 | RX3I Power supply 120/240VAC and 125VDC 40 watts occupies two slots on system base |
IC695PSA140 | 120/240VAC, 125VDC Multipurpose Power Supply is suitable for use in load-sharing and redundancy application. It must be installed in a PACsystems RX3i (IC695catalog number) Universal Backplane. It can be used as the only power supply in the backplane |
IC695PSD040 | Power supply 24VDC 40 watts occupies one slot on system base |
IC695PSD140 | 24VDC Multipurpose Power Supply is suitable for use in load-sharing and redundancy application. It must be installed in a PACsystems RX3i (IC695catalog number) Universal Backplane. It can be used as the only power supply in the backplane, or combine |
IC695RMX128 | PACSystems RX3i Reflective Memory Xchange 128MB Memory |
IC695SPC100 | RX3i 10/100/1000base-TX (CAT5 100m) Small Form Pluggable Transceiver |
IC695SPF002 | RX3i 100Base-FX (fiber 2km) Small Form Pluggable Transceiver Module |
IC695SPF010 | RX3i 1000base-LX (fiber 10 km) Small Form Pluggable Transceiver Module |
IC695SPF550 | RX3i 100base-SX (fiber 550m) Small Form Pluggable Transceiver Module |
IC695STK001 | RX3i Power PACkage 1 Starter Kit |
IC695STK002 | RX3i Power PACkage 2 Starter Kit |
IC695STK003 | RX3i Power PACkage 3 Starter Kit |
IC695STK004 | 3i Str Kit: CPU, Eth, 12 base. ACP/S, SW |
IC695STK005 | 3i Str Kit: CPU, 12 base. ACP/S, SW |
IC695STK006 | 3i Str Kit: CPU, Ethm 12 base. DCP/S, SW |
IC695STK007 | 3i Str Kit: CPU, 12 base. DCP/S, SW |
IC697ACC621 | 115VAC fan tray to be used with Series 90-70 or RX7i short racks. |
IC697ACC624 | 230VAC fan tray for the Series 90 70 or RX7i short racks. |
IC697ACC644 | 24VDC fan tray for Series 90-70 or RX7i short racks. |
IC697ACC700 | Terminal Block, 40 Contacts (qty 6) |
IC697ACC701 | Replacement Battery, CPU & PCM (qty 2) |
IC697ACC702 | I/O Bus Terminator Plug |
IC697ACC715 | Kit, VME Integrator, J2 Backplane Mounting |
IC697ACC720 | Blank Slot Filler, full slot rack (qty. 6) |
IC697ACC721 | Rack Cooling Fan, 115 Volt |
IC697ACC721 | Rack Cooling Fan, 115 Volt |
IC697ACC722 | VME Backplane Connector, Interrupt Jumper (qty 6) |
IC697ACC723 | Clear Plastic Doors (qty 6) |
IC697ACC724 | Rack Cooling Fan, 230 Volt |
IC697ACC724 | Rack Cooling Fan, 230 Volt |
IC697ACC726 | Top PWA Cover, CPU-Style, (Quantity 6) |
IC697ACC727 | Top and Bottom PWA Cover - GBC (Quantity 2) |
IC697ACC728 | Top and Bottom PWA Cover - BTM/BTR (Quantity 2) |
IC697ACC729 | Top and Bottom PWA Cover - I/O Link |
IC697ACC730 | Spare Slot Terminal Strip Retainer (Quantity 1) |
IC697ACC732 | Top PWA Cover - CPU77x and CPU78x (Qty 2) |
IC697ACC735 | Blank Slot Filler, half slot integrators rack (qty. 6) |
IC697ACC744 | Rack Cooling Fan, 24 VDC |
IC697ACC744 | Rack Cooling Fan, 24 VDC |
IC697ACC744 | Rack Cooling Fan, 24 VDC |
IC697ACC804 | I/O Cable (96 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules. Ten feet long |
IC697ACC804 | I/O Cable (96 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules. Ten feet long |
IC697BEM711 | Bus Receiver (Required for Each Local Expansion Rack) |
IC697BEM713 | Bus Transmitter (Also Provides Parallel Programming Port) |
IC697BEM731 | Series 90-70 Genius I/O Bus Controller |
IC697BEM731 | Series 90-70 Genius I/O Bus Controller |
IC697BEM733 | Series 90-70 Genius Remote I/O Scanner |
IC697CBL700 | Cable Kit, Power Supply Exp. (Used for 2-Rack P/S Function) |
IC697CBL700 | Cable Kit, Power Supply Exp. (Used for 2-Rack P/S Function) |
IC697CBL709 | Cable, MAP Controller to Broadband Modem |
IC697CBL803 | Cable, RCM Communication (3 feet) |
IC697CBL811 | Cable, RCM Communications (10 feet) |
IC697CBL811 | Cable, RCM Communications (10 feet) |
IC697CBL826 | Cable, RCM Communications (25 feet) |
IC697CBL826 | Cable, RCM Communications (25 feet) |
IC697CHS750 | Rack, 5 Slots, Rear Mount |
IC697CHS770 | Redundant Rack (Dual) Rear Mount |
IC697CHS771 | Redundant Rack (Dual) Front Mount |
IC697CHS782 | Integrators Rack, 17 Slots, Rear Mount |
IC697CHS783 | Integrators Rack, 17 Slots, Front Mount |
IC697CHS790 | Rack, 9 Slots, Rear Mount |
IC697CHS791 | Rack, 9 Slots, Front Mount |
IC697CMM742 | Ethernet Inferface for Series 90-70, Type 2 |
IC697CPM790 | GMR Redundancy CPU, 486, 2K Triplex (voted) I/O |
IC697MEM735 | Expansion RAM, 512K Bytes, CMOS, 32 Bit (Used w/78X CPUs) |
IC697PWR710 | Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125VDC, 50 Watts |
IC697PWR711 | Power Supply, 120/240 Vac,125VDC, 100 Watts |
IC697PWR724 | Power Supply, 24 Vdc, 90 Watts |
IC697PWR748 | Power Supply, 48 Vdc, 90 Watts |
IC698ACC701 | PACSystems CPU Lithium Battery and Spare Door |
IC698ACC701 | PACSystems CPU Lithium Battery and Spare Door |
IC698CHS009 | RX7i 9 Slot Rear Mount Rack |
IC698CHS017 | RX7i 17 Slot Rack Wall (Rear) Mount |
IC698CHS109 | RX7i 9 Slot Rack Front Mount |
IC698CHS117 | RX7i 17Slot Rack Front Mount |
IC698CHS217 | RX7i 17 Slot Rack Rear I/O Mount |
IC698CMX016 | PACSystems RX7i Control Memory Xchange 16MB Memory |
IC698CPE020 | RX7i 700mhz CPU with Ethernet 10/100 |
IC698CPE030 | RX7i Pentium M CPU - 600mHz with 64 meg of user memory. No fan required.CPU includes built-in Ethernet with switch and 2 serial communication ports. |
IC698CPE040 | RX7i Pentium M CPU - 1.8Ghz with 64 meg of user memory. Fan required. CPU includes built-in Ethernet with switch and 2 serial communication ports. |
IC698CRE020 | PACSystems RX7i High Availability 700mHz CPU |
IC698CRE030 | 600mHz CPU, Ethernet, Redundancy |
IC698CRE040 | 1.8GHz CPU, Ethernet, Redundancy |
IC698ETM001 | RX7i Standalone Ethernet Module 10/100 |
IC698KEN010 | Starter Kit: RX7i with CPE010 CPU |
IC698KEN020 | Starter Kit: RX7i with CPE020 CPU |
IC698PSA100 | RX7i Power Supply 100Watt 85-264VAC |
IC698PSA350 | RX7i Power Supply 350Watt 85-264VAC |
IC698PSD300 | RX7i Power Supply 300Watt 24VDC |
IC698RMX016 | PACSystems RX7i Redundant Memory Xchange 16MB Memory |
IC698RMX016 | PACSystems RX7i Redundant Memory Xchange 16MB Memory |
IC752BCL000 | DataPanel Download Cable |
IC752BCL101 | DataPanel to SNP (25 pin to 15 pin) |
IC752BDT100 | DataPanel 240E, GE Fanuc Label, 240x128 LCD with CCFT backlight. 6x8 Matrix Resistive touch screen with text, bitmaps, bar graphs, real tim e clock. Includes PC/104 capability. UL, cUL, CE, UL1604 |
IC752CAB102 | AB Micrologix cable for DataPanel 30/50 |
IC752CAB201 | AB SLC500 cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752CAB202 | AB Micrologix cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752CGE201 | SNP 485 cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752CGE202 | SNP CMM cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752CGE203 | VersaMax Nano/Micro, RF-45, RS-232 to DataPanel 150/160/240E |
IC752CMI201 | Mitsubishi FX RS422 cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752CMO101 | DATAPANEL DP 45/65/85 TO MODICON 984 9-P |
IC752CMO201 | Modicon 984 9 pin cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752COM201 | Omron 9 pin cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752COM202 | Omron 25 pin cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752CSI201 | Siemens S7-200 cable for DataPanel 150/160/240 |
IC752DDZ000 | New DataDesigner editor, supports DataPanels 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 85, 1 50, 160 and 240 |
IC752DFT000 | DataPanel 150, GE Fanuc Label, 240x64 LCD display with LED backlight. Includes integrated keypad for data entry. Various sizes of text sup ported. No touch or PC/104 capability. UL, cUL, CE, UL1604 |
IC752DSX000 | DataPanel 160, GE Fanuc Label, 240x64 LCD display w/ LED backlight. In cludes integrated keypad for data entry. No touch capability. Various sizes of text, bitmaps, bar graphs. Supports limited PC/104 capability . UL, cUL, CE, UL1604 |
IC752GEN100 | PC/104 Genius Card |
IC752MSC002 | Mounting Clip |
IC753CBLETH | Ethernet Cross-over cable for direct connection (2m) |
IC754ACC06BEZ03 | Stainless Steel Bezel 6in Mono & TFT Flat GEF |
IC754ACC06BEZ04 | Stainless Steel Bezel 6in Color STN Flat GEF |
IC754ACC06GASE | Gasket for 6in QuickPanel View & Control Flat GEF |
IC754ACC06MNT | Mounting Clips (4) & PWR Connector 6in |
IC754ACC06MNTE | Mounting Clips (4) & PWR Connector 6in Flat GEF |
IC754ACC08GAS | Gasket for 8in QuickPanel View & Control |
IC754ACC08MNT | Mounting Clips (6) & PWR Connector 8in |
IC754ACC12BEZ01 | Stainless Steel Bezel 12in GEF |
IC754ACC12GAS | Gasket for 12in QuickPanel View & Control |
IC754ACC12MNT | Mounting Clips (10) & PWR Connector 12in |
IC754ACC32MEM | Expandable User Memory, 32MB for QuickPanel View & Control |
IC754ACC64MEM | Expandable User Memory, 64MB for QuickPanel View & Control |
IC754ACCXXSDK | Software Developer Kit - CEIII |
IC754CGF08CTD | Control Fully Loaded 8 Inch TFT GEF |
IC754CGF12CTD | Control Fully Loaded 12 Inch TFT GEF |
IC754CGF15CTD | Control Fully Loaded 15 Inch TFT GEF |
IC754CGL06CTD | Control Loaded 6 Inch TFT Flat GEF |
IC754CGL06MTD | Control Loaded 6 Inch Mono Flat GEF |
IC754CKL06CTD | Starter Kit/ 6 inch TFT Ctrl Loaded/ 24VDC |
IC754DVNM01 | DeviceNet Master for QP Control |
IC754DVNS01 | DeviceNet Slave for QP View |
IC754GEN001 | Genius Comm for QuickPanel View & Control |
IC754PBSM01 | PROFIBUS Master for QP Control |
IC754PBSS01 | PROFIBUS Slave for QP View |
IC754PCMCIA001 | PCMCIA Interface Adaptor |
IC754UEX001 | VersaMax Micro Expansion I/O Interface for QP Control |
IC754UPGRD01CTRL | QuickPanel Control Operating System Upgrade Kit - Single |
IC754UPGRD01VINT | QuickPanel View Intermediate Operating System Upgrade Kit - Single |
IC754UPGRD01VLOAD | QuickPanel View Loaded Operating System Upgrade Kit - Single |
IC754UPGRD10CTRL | QuickPanel Control Operating System Upgrade Kit - 10 Pack |
IC754UPGRD10VINT | QuickPanel View Intermediate Operating System Upgrade Kit - 10 Pack |
IC754UPGRD10VLOAD | QuickPanel View Loaded Operating System Upgrade Kit - 10 Pack |
IC754VGB06MTD | View Basic 6in Mono Touch DC Flat GEF |
IC754VGF08CTD | View Fully Loaded 8in TFT Touch DC GEF |
IC754VGF12CTD | View Fully Loaded 12in TFT Touch DC GEF |
IC754VGF15CTD | View Fully Loaded 15in TFT Touch DC GEF |
IC754VGI06MTD | View Interm 6in Mono Touch DC Flat GEF |
IC754VGI06SKD | View Interm 6In STN Keypad DC GEF |
IC754VGI06STD | View Interm 6in STN Touch DC Flat GEF |
IC754VGI08CTD | View Interm 8in Color TFT Touch DC GEF |
IC754VGI12CTD | View Interm 12in TFT Touch DC GEF |
IC754VGI12MTD | View Interm 12in Mono Touch DC GEF |
IC754VGL06CTD | View Loaded 6in TFT Touch DC Flat GEF |
IC754VGL06MTD | View Loaded 6 In Mono Touch DC Flat GE |
IC754VKL06CTD | Starter Kit/ 6 inch TFT View Loaded/ 24VDC |
IC800ABK001 | Panel Mounted Encoder Battery Kit for Alpha HVi Amplifiers |
IC800ABK002 | Built-In Lithium Encoder Battery Kit for Alpha HVi Amplifiers (except aSVM1-180HVi) |
IC800ABK003 | Built-In Lithium Battery Kit for aSVM1-180HVi Amplifier |
IC800AIHV010 | ASVM1-10HVi Alpha HVi-series 10 amp amplifier kit |
IC800AIHV040 | ASVM1-40HVi Alpha HVi-series 40 amp amplifier kit |
IC800AIHV080 | ASVM1-80HVi Alpha HVi-series 80 amp amplifier kit |
IC800AIHV180 | ASVM1-180HVi Alpha HVi-series 180 amp amplifier kit |
IC800BIHV010 | BSVM1-10HVi Beta HVi 10 amp amplifier kit |
IC800BIHV020 | BSVM1-20HVi Beta HVi 20 amp amplifier kit |
IC800BIK020 | BSVM1-20i Beta i 20 amp amplifier kit |
IC800BIK040 | BSVM1-40i Beta i 40 amp amplifier kit |
IC800CBL001 | Digital servo command cable for DSM302 or DSM314. 1 meter |
IC800CBL002 | Digital servo command cable for DSM302 or DSM314. 3 meters |
IC800PSHV011 | PSM-11HVi 11 kW HV Power Supply kit |
IC800PSHV018 | PSM-18HVi 18 kW HV Power Supply kit |
IC800PSHV030 | PSM-30HVi 30 kW HV Power Supply kit |
IC800PSHV045 | PSM-45HVi 45 kW HV Power Supply kit |
IC800SKCS030 | S2K to PC controller serial communications cable. 3 meters |
IC800VMA012 | 100 W VersaMotion servo amplifier |
IC800VMA022 | 200 W VersaMotion servo amplifier |
IC800VMA042 | 400 W VersaMotion servo amplifier |
IC800VMA072 | 750 W VersaMotion servo amplifier |
IC800VMA102 | 1 kW VersaMotion servo amplifier |
IC800VMA202 | 2 kW VersaMotion servo amplifier |
IC800VMA302 | 3 kW VersaMotion servo amplifier |
IC800VMACONACP | VersaMotion amplifier AC power replacement connector (100 W to 1 kW models) |
IC800VMACONCN1 | VersaMotion amplifier CN1 I/O connector |
IC800VMACONCN2 | VersaMotion amplifier CN2 encoder connector |
IC800VMACONCN3 | VersaMotion amplifier CN3 communication connector |
IC800VMACONMTRP | VersaMotion amplifier motor power replacement connector (100 W to 1 kW models) |
IC800VMADBR001 | VersaMotion amplifier external braking resistor replacement connector (100 W to 1 kW models) |
IC800VMBR020 | VersaMotion amplifier external braking resistor- 20 Ohm/1 kW |
IC800VMBR040 | VersaMotion amplifier external braking resistor- 40 Ohm/400 W |
IC800VMCB030 | Motor power and brake power cable for 200 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 3 meter |
IC800VMCB050 | Motor power and brake power cable for 200 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors-5 meter |
IC800VMCB100 | Motor power and brake power cable for 200 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 10 meter |
IC800VMCB1030 | Motor power and brake power cable for 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 3 meter |
IC800VMCB1050 | Motor power and brake power cable for 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 5 meter |
IC800VMCB1100 | Motor power and brake power cable for 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 10 meter |
IC800VMCB1200 | Motor power and brake power cable for 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 20 meter |
IC800VMCB200 | Motor power and brake power cable for 200 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 20 meter |
IC800VMCB2030 | Motor power and brake power cable for 2 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 3 meter |
IC800VMCB2050 | Motor power and brake power cable for 2 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 5 meter |
IC800VMCB2100 | Motor power and brake power cable for 2 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 10 meter |
IC800VMCB2200 | Motor power and brake power cable for 2 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 20 meter |
IC800VMCE030 | Encoder cable for 100 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 3 meter |
IC800VMCE050 | Encoder cable for 100 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 5 meter |
IC800VMCE100 | Encoder cable for 100 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 10 meter |
IC800VMCE1030 | Encoder cable for 1 kW to 3 kW VersaMotion servo motors- 3 meter |
IC800VMCE1050 | Encoder cable for 1 kW to 3 kW VersaMotion servo motors- 5 meter |
IC800VMCE1100 | Encoder cable for 1 kW to 3 kW VersaMotion servo motors- 10 meter |
IC800VMCE1200 | Encoder cable for 1 kW to 3 kW VersaMotion servo motors- 20 meter |
IC800VMCE200 | Encoder cable for 100 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 20 meter |
IC800VMCI010 | VersaMotion amplifier flying lead IO interface cable- 1 meter |
IC800VMCI030 | VersaMotion amplifier flying lead IO interface cable- 3 meter |
IC800VMCP030 | Power cable for 100 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 3 meter |
IC800VMCP050 | Power cable for 100 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 5 meter |
IC800VMCP100 | Power cable for 100 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 10 meter |
IC800VMCP1030 | Power cable for 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 3 meter |
IC800VMCP1050 | Power cable for 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 5 meter |
IC800VMCP1100 | Power cable for 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 10 meter |
IC800VMCP1200 | Power cable for 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor- 20 meter |
IC800VMCP200 | Power cable for 100 W to 750 W VersaMotion servo motors- 20 meter |
IC800VMCP2030 | Power cable for 2 kW VersaMotion servo motors- 3 meter |
IC800VMCP2050 | Power cable for 2 kW VersaMotion servo motors- 5 meter |
IC800VMCP2100 | Power cable for 2 kW VersaMotion servo motors- 10 meter |
IC800VMCP2200 | Power cable for 2 kW VersaMotion servo motors- 20 meter |
IC800VMCS030 | VersaMotion serial comm cable, 3 m |
IC800VMM01LNKSE25 | 100 W VersaMotion servo motor (0.32 Nm) |
IC800VMM02LBKSE25 | 200 W VersaMotion servo motor with 24 VDC holding brake (0.64 Nm) |
IC800VMM02LNKSE25 | 200 W VersaMotion servo motor (0.64 Nm) |
IC800VMM04LBKSE25 | 400 W VersaMotion servo motor with 24 VDC holding brake (1.27 Nm) |
IC800VMM04LNKSE25 | 400 W VersaMotion servo motor (1.27 Nm) |
IC800VMM07LBKSE25 | 750 W VersaMotion servo motor with 24 VDC holding brake 2.39 Nm) |
IC800VMM07LNKSE25 | 750 W VersaMotion servo motor 2.39 Nm) |
IC800VMM10LBKSE25 | 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor with 24 VDC holding brake (3.18 Nm) |
IC800VMM10LNKSE25 | 1 kW VersaMotion servo motor (3.18 Nm) |
IC800VMM20LBKSE25 | 2 kW VersaMotion servo motor with 24 VDC holding brake (6.37 Nm) |
IC800VMM20LNKSE25 | 2 kW VersaMotion servo motor (6.37 Nm) |
IC800VMM30MBKSE25 | 3 kW VersaMotion servo motor with 24 VDC holding brake (19.1 Nm) |
IC800VMM30MNKSE25 | 3 kW VersaMotion servo motor (19.1 Nm) |
IC800VMMCONE001 | VersaMotion motor encoder connector (100 W to 750 W models) |
IC800VMMCONE002 | VersaMotion motor encoder connector (1 kW to 3kW models) |
IC800VMMCONP001 | VersaMotion motor power connector (100 W to 750 W models) |
IC800VMMCONP002 | VersaMotion motor power and brake connector (200 W to 750 W models) |
IC800VMMCONP003 | VersaMotion motor power and brake connector (1 kW and 2 kW models) |
IC800VMMCONP004 | VersaMotion motor power and brake connector (3 kW models) |
IC800VMTBC005 | VersaMotion amplifier I/O breakout terminal board and 0.5 meter cable |
ICRXIACCBPL | RXi Box IPC and Controller Baseplate |
ICRXIACCIDM01A | RXi Inligent Display Module |
ICRXIACCIFM01A | RXi Inligent Faceplate |
ICRXIBN0E000A | RXi Box IPC 32 GB SSD no os |
ICRXIBN0M000A | RXi Box IPC 250GB HD no os |
ICRXIBN7E000A | RXi Box IPC 32 GB SSD win 7 pro |
ICRXIBN7EKITA | RXi Box IPC Starter kit |
ICRXIBN7EKITA | RXi Box IPC Starter kit |
ICRXIBN7EKITA | RXi Box IPC Starter kit |
ICRXIBN7M000A | RXi Box IPC 250GB HD win 7 pro |
ICRXICTL000 | RXi Controller |
ICRXIMN7E000A | RXi Modular IPC 32 GB SSD win 7 pro |
IMC-101-M-SC-T | 10/100 baseT to multi-mode SC fiber converter (-40 to 75 deg C op temp) |
IMC-101-M-ST-T | 10/100 baseT to multi-mode ST fiber converter (-40 to 75 deg C op temp) |
IMC-101-S-SC-T | 10/100 baseT to single-mode SC fiber converter (-40 to 75 deg C op temp) |
MB-FB-4.GEN | PPS Power Supply Motherboard, 4 Segments, SIMPLEX |
MB-FB-GT | PPS Gateway Matherboard for HD2-GTR-4PA, SIMPLEX |
ME51-M-SC | 10/100 baseT to multi-mode SC fiber converter |
ME51-M-ST | 10/100 baseT to multi-mode ST fiber converter |
NPORT-6110 | Ethernet to RS-232/485/422 Modbus Gateway |
OC646IFWTRSLNBSCM | Water Solutions Pk 2008 - iFIX 5.0 Basic |
OC646IFWTRSLNESGM | Water Solutions Pk 2008 - iFIX 5.0 Esig |
OC647HSTSCADA000 | Historian for Scada Server Buffer Only |
OC647HSTSCADA100 | Historian for Scada Server 100 Points |
OC647HSTSCADA1000 | Historian for Scada Server 1000 Points |
OC647HSTSCADA2500 | Historian for Scada Server 2500 Points |
OC647HSTSCADA2500 | Historian for Scada Server 2500 Points |
OC647HSTSCADA300 | Historian for Scada Server 300 Points |
OC647HSTSCADA300 | Historian for Scada Server 300 Points |
OC647HSTSCADA500 | Historian for Scada Server 500 Points |
OC647HSTSCADA500 | Historian for Scada Server 500 Points |
OC647IFAAMM | iFIX Optn: Auto Alarm Manager |
OC647IFABPPM | iFIX Optn: Allen Bradley Productivity Pack |
OC647IFAFLOVM | iFIX Optn: SCADA Synchronization |
OC647IFDBTKTM | iFIX Optn: Database Dynamo Toolkit |
OC647IFDBTKTM | iFIX Optn: Database Dynamo Toolkit |
OC647IFESGCLNTCDVM | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec iClient Dev |
OC647IFESGCLNTCRNM | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec iClient R/T |
OC647IFESGCLNTSM | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec iClientTS |
OC647IFESGDV00075M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 75 I/O Dev |
OC647IFESGDV00150M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 150 I/O Dev |
OC647IFESGDV00300M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 300 I/O Dev |
OC647IFESGDV00900M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 900 I/O Dev |
OC647IFESGDVUNLMTM | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec Unl I/O Dev |
OC647IFESGRN00075M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 75 I/O R/T |
OC647IFESGRN00150M | iFIX Optn: ESign & ERec 150 I/O R/T |
OC647IFESGRN00300M | iFIX Optn: ESign & ERec 300 I/O R/T |
OC647IFESGRN00900M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 900 I/O R/T |
OC647IFESGRNUNLMTM | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec Unl I/O RT |
OC647IFESGSR00075M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 75 I/O Srvr |
OC647IFESGSR00150M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 150I/O Srvr |
OC647IFESGSR00300M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 300 I/O Srvr |
OC647IFESGSR00900M | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec 900 I/O Srvr |
OC647IFESGSRUNLMTM | iFIX Optn: ESig & ERec Unl I/O Srvr |
OC647IFFDTPM | iFIX Optn: Fix Desktop |
OC647IFGLBLCLN001M | iFIX WebSpace Single Client |
OC647IFGLBLCLN005M | iFIX WebSpace 5 Client Pack |
OC647IFGLBLCLN010M | iFIX WebSpace 10 Client Pack |
OC647IFGLBLCLN020M | iFIX WebSpace 20 Client Pack |
OC647IFGLBLDPNSRVENM | iFIX WebSpace Dependent Server Enabler |
OC647IFGLBLENBLRM | iFIX WebSpace Server Enabler including 2 Web Users |
OC647IFGLBLRLYCLNPKM | iFIX WebSpace Relay Client Pack 10 Users |
OC647IFHAVM | iFIX Optn: High Availability |
OC647IFINTTKTM | iFIX Optn: Integration Toolkit |
OC647IFINTTKTM | iFIX Optn: Integration Toolkit |
OC647IFRCPM | iFIX Optn: Recipe |
OC647IFSETKTM | iFIX Optn: System Extension Toolkit |
OC647IFSETKTM | iFIX Optn: System Extension Toolkit |
OC647IFSSYNCM | iFIX Optn: Security Synchronizer |
OC647IFWOPCM | iFIX Optn: WorkSpace OPC Client |
OC647IFXPEESG | iFIX for Embedded XP E-Signature Option |
OC647IFXPENWK | iFIX for Embedded XP Networking Option |
OC647IFXPESPC | iFIX for Embedded XP SPC Blocks Option |
OC647IPWRCLNDVM | iPower Option - Dev Client |
OC647IPWRCLNRNM | iPower Option - Run Client |
OC647IPWRPLDV00300M | iPower Option - Nwk 300 I/O Dev |
OC647IPWRPLDV00900M | iPower Option - Nwk 900 I/O Dev |
OC647IPWRPLDVUNLMTM | iPower Option - Nwk Unlmt I/O Dev |
OC647IPWRPLRN00300M | iPower Option - Nwk 300 I/O Run |
OC647IPWRPLRN00900M | iPower Option - Nwk 900 I/O Run |
OC647IPWRPLRNUNLMTM | iPower Option - Nwk Unlmt I/O Run |
OC647IPWRPLSRUNLMTM | iPower Option - Nwk Unlmt I/O Srv |
OC647IPWRSTDV00300M | iPower Option - Std 300 I/O Dev |
OC647IPWRSTDV00900M | iPower Option - Std 900 I/O Dev |
OC647IPWRSTDVUNLMTM | iPower Option - Std Unlmt I/O Dev |
OC647IPWRSTRN00300M | iPower Option - Std 300 I/O Run |
OC647IPWRSTRN00900M | iPower Option - Std 900 I/O Run |
OC647IPWRSTRNUNLMTM | iPower Option - Std Unlmt I/O Run |
OC647IPWRTS1CLN | iPower Option - TS per Client |
OC647IPWRTS3CLNSCSPTM | iPower Option - 3 TS Client Support on S |
OC647IPWRTSUSBSEM | iPower Option - TS Base |
OC647PLSTSENB | Proficy Pulse Terminal Server Enabler |
OC647PLSVWRTHN | Proficy Pulse Viewer Thin TS Client |
OC647PLSVWRWS | Proficy Pulse Viewer Thin Web Client |
OC647TSSINSQL000 | InSQL Source - Server |
OC647TSSNET000 | .NET Wrapper Read/Write |
OC647TSSOPCC000 | OPC Client Read/Write (incl OPC HDA) |
OC647TSSOPCS000 | OPC Server Read/Write |
OC647TSSOSI000 | OSIsoft PI Source - Server |
OC647TSSTDB000 | Tabular Database Read/Write |
OC647WFLRDB | Proficy Workflow - Relational DB SP |
OC647WFLSWF | Proficy Workflow - System WF Capable |
PM100LBR001 | Alpha + Beta Drives Manuals Library |
PM500KEN101 | PACMotion Demo Kit with 2 servo axes |
PPS-DEMO-01 | Proficy Process Systems Demo Kit containing PACSystems RX3i Controller w ith 12-slot base, 24VDC Multipurpose Power Supply, 300Mhz CPU, Ethernet module, RX3i Profibus Master module, Analog Input HART module, 16 Point Input Simulator module and Unive |
PSPC-ADMIN | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 1 User |
PSPC-ADMIN/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 1 User w/ eSig |
PSPC-ADMIN10 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 10 User |
PSPC-ADMIN10/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 10 Usr w/ eSig |
PSPC-ADMIN100 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 100 User |
PSPC-ADMIN100/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 100 User eSig |
PSPC-ADMIN25 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 25 User |
PSPC-ADMIN25/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 25 Usr w/ eSig |
PSPC-ADMIN5 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 5 User |
PSPC-ADMIN5/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 5 User w/ eSig |
PSPC-ADMIN50 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 50 User |
PSPC-ADMIN50/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Admin 50 Usr w/ eSig |
PSPC-DC | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 1 User |
PSPC-DC/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 1 User w/ eSig |
PSPC-DC/E-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 1 User eSig 220v |
PSPC-DC10 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 10 User |
PSPC-DC10/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 10 User w/ eSig |
PSPC-DC10/E-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 10 User eSig 220v |
PSPC-DC100 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 100 User |
PSPC-DC100/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 100 User w/ eSig |
PSPC-DC100/E-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 100 Usr eSig 220v |
PSPC-DC100-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 100 User 220v |
PSPC-DC10-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 10 User 220v |
PSPC-DC-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 1 User 220v |
PSPC-DC25 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 25 User |
PSPC-DC25/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 25 User w/ eSig |
PSPC-DC25/E-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 25 User eSig 220v |
PSPC-DC25-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 25 User 220v |
PSPC-DC5 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 5 User |
PSPC-DC5/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 5 User w/ eSig |
PSPC-DC5/E-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 5 User eSig 220v |
PSPC-DC50 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 50 User |
PSPC-DC50/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 50 User w/ eSig |
PSPC-DC50/E-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 50 User eSig 220v |
PSPC-DC50-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 50 User 220v |
PSPC-DC5-220 | Prof Shop Floor SPC DC 5 User 220v |
PSPC-MONITOR | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 1 User |
PSPC-MONITOR/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 1 User eSig |
PSPC-MONITOR10 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 10 User |
PSPC-MONITOR10/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 10 User eSig |
PSPC-MONITOR100 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 100 User |
PSPC-MONITOR100/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 100 Usr eSig |
PSPC-MONITOR25 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 25 User |
PSPC-MONITOR25/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 25 User eSig |
PSPC-MONITOR5 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 5 User |
PSPC-MONITOR5/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 5 User eSig |
PSPC-MONITOR50 | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 50 User |
PSPC-MONITOR50/E | Prof Shop Floor SPC Monitor 50 User eSig |
R1-SP-N10 | PPS Short Circuit Segment Protector DIN-RAIL Mount with 10 SPUR Outputs, Removeable Terminal Blocks |
RM-PS-024-01F | Universal AC/DC Power Supply (24 VDC, 1 amp) |
SA07-018 | Industrial Application Server (4 days) |
SA09-101 | Modbus (RTU, ASCII, TCP, Enron) |
SIEBEL | Quote done in Siebel |
SS697PBI701 | Profibus-DP Master/Slave Interface, VME bus |
SS697PBI701 | Profibus-DP Master/Slave Interface, VME bus |
ST-1114 | RSTi input module 4 points, Positive Logic, Sink, 5VDC |
ST-1124 | RSTi input module 4 points, Negative Logic, Source, 5VDC |
ST-1214 | RSTi input module 4 points, Positive Logic, Sink, 12V/ 24VDC |
ST-1218 | RSTi input module 8 points, Positive Logic, Sink, 12V/ 24VDC |
ST-121F | RSTi input module 16 points, Positive Logic, Sink, 12V/ 24VDC (connector type) |
ST-1224 | RSTi input module 4 points, Negative Logic, Source, 12V/ 24V DC |
ST-1228 | RSTi input module 8 points, Negative Logic, Source, 12V/ 24VDC |
ST-122F | RSTi input module 16 points, Negative Logic, Source, 12V/ 24VDC (connector type) |
ST-1314 | RSTi input module 4 points, Positive Logic, Sink, 48V DC |
ST-131F | RSTi input module 16 points, Positive Logic, Sink, 48VDC (connector type) |
ST-1324 | RSTi input module 4 points, Negative Logic, Source, 48VDC |
ST-1804 | RSTi input module 4 points, 110V AC (AC 85V ~ 132V) |
ST-1904 | RSTi input module 4 points, 220V AC (AC 170V ~ 264V) |
ST-2114 | RSTi output module 4 points, TTL, 5VDC/20mA Inverting |
ST-2124 | RSTi output module 4 points, TTL, 5VDC/20mA Non inverting |
ST-221F | RSTi output module 16 points, Sink, 24VDC/ 0.3A |
ST-222F | RSTi output module 16 points, Source, 24VDC/ 0.3A |
ST-2314 | RSTi output module 4 points, Sink, 24VDC/ 0.5A |
ST-2318 | RSTi output module 8 points, Sink, 24VDC/ 0.5A |
ST-2324 | RSTi output module 4 points, Source, 24VDC/ 0.5A |
ST-2328 | RSTi output module 8 points, Source, 24VDC/ 0.5A |
ST-2414 | RSTi output module 4 points, Sink, Diagnostics, 24VDC/ 0.5A |
ST-2424 | RSTi output module 4 points, Source, Diagnostics, 24VDC/ 0.5A |
ST-2514 | RSTi output module 4 points, Sink, Diagnostics, 24VDC/ 2A |
ST-2524 | RSTi output module 4 points, Source, Diagnostics, 24VDC/ 2A |
ST-2614 | RSTi output module 4 points, Sink, 24VDC/ 2A |
ST-2624 | RSTi output module 4 points, Source, 24VDC/ 2A |
ST-2742 | RSTi output module Isolated Relay Output 2 points, 230V AC/ 2A |
ST-2744 | RSTi output module Isolated Relay Output 4 Points, 230V AC/ 2A |
ST-2748 | RSTi output module Isolated Relay Output 8 Points, 230V AC/ 2A |
ST-2792 | RSTi output module Relay Output 2 points, 230V AC/ 2A, Manual |
ST-2852 | RSTi output module Triac Output 2 points, 12V ~ 125VAC/ 0.5A |
ST-3114 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 0~20mA, 12-bit |
ST-3118 | RSTi analog input module 8 Channels, 0~20mA, 12bit |
ST-3134 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 0~20mA, 14-bit |
ST-3214 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 4~20mA, 12-bit |
ST-3218 | RSTi analog input module 8 Channels, 4~20mA, 12bit |
ST-3234 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 4~20mA, 14-bit |
ST-3274 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 4~20mA, 12-bit, Sensor Connect |
ST-3424 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 0~10Vdc, 12-bit |
ST-3428 | RSTi analog input module 8 Channels, 0~10V, 12bit |
ST-3444 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 0~10Vdc, 14-bit |
ST-3524 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, -10~+10Vdc, 12-bit |
ST-3544 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, -10~+10Vdc, 14-bit |
ST-3624 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 0~5Vdc, 12-bit |
ST-3644 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, 0~5Vdc, 14-bit |
ST-3702 | RSTi analog input module 2 Channels, RTD |
ST-3704 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, RTD Connector Type |
ST-3708 | RSTi analog input module 8 Channels, RTD Connector Type |
ST-3714 | RSTi PID Controller, single loop module 4 Channels, RTD, Temp. Control, SSR Out |
ST-3734 | RSTi PID Controller, single loop module 4 Channels, RTD, Temp. Control, Current Out |
ST-3802 | RSTi analog input module 2 Channels, Thermocouple |
ST-3804 | RSTi analog input module 4 Channels, Thermocouple Connector Type |
ST-3808 | RSTi analog input module 8 Channels, Thermocouple Connector Type |
ST-3814 | AI 4 Channels, TC, Temp. Controller, SSR out |
ST-3834 | AI 4 Ch. TC, Temp. Controller, Current out |
ST-4112 | RSTi analog output module 2 Channels, 0~20mA, 12-bit |
ST-4114 | RSTi analog output module 4 Channels, 0~20mA,, 12bit |
ST-4212 | RSTi analog output module 2 Channels, 4~20mA, 12-bit |
ST-4214 | RSTi analog output module 4 Channels, 4~20mA, 12bit |
ST-4274 | RSTi analog output module 4 Channels, 4-20mA, 12bit, Sensor Connect |
ST-4422 | RSTi analog output module 2 Channels, 0~10Vdc, 12-bit |
ST-4424 | RSTi analog output module 4 Channels, 0~10Vdc, 12bit |
ST-4474 | RSTi analog output module 4 Channels, 0~10Vdc, 12bit, Sensor Connect |
ST-4491 | RSTi analog output module 1 Channel, 0~10V, 12bit, Manual type |
ST-4522 | RSTi analog output module 2 Channels, -10~+10Vdc, 12-bit |
ST-4622 | RSTi analog output module 2 Channels, 0~5Vdc, 12-bit |
ST-4911 | RSTi analog output module 1 Channel, 0~1 A, 12bit |
ST-5101 | RSTi High Speed Counter module, 1 Channel, 5VDC 1.5MHz |
ST-5111 | RSTi High Speed Counter module, 1 Channel, 24VDC 1.5MHz |
ST-5112 | RSTi High Speed Counter module, 2 Channels, 24VDC, 100Khz |
ST-5114 | RSTi High Speed Counter module, 4 Channel, 24VDC, 50Khz |
ST-5211 | RSTi Serial Interface module RS-232C, 1 Channel |
ST-5212 | RSTi Serial Interface module RS-232C, 2 Channels |
ST-5221 | RSTi Serial Interface module RS-422, 1 Channel |
ST-5231 | RSTi Serial Interface module RS-485, 1 Channel |
ST-5232 | RSTi Serial Interface module RS-485, 2 Channels |
ST-5252 | RSTi Serial Interface module RS-232 , 2 Channels,32 Bytes, |
ST-5272 | RSTi Serial Interface module RS-485, 2 Channels,32 Bytes, |
ST-5351 | RSTi SSI Interface module 1 CH; 62.5K, 100K, 125K,250K,500K,1M,2Mbps |
ST-5422 | RSTi PWM Out module, 2A/24V, Source, 2 Channels 2.5Khz |
ST-5442 | RSTi 2 Channels, PWM Out module, 0.5A/24V, Source, 2.5Khz |
ST-5444 | RSTi PWM Out module, 0.5A/24V, Source, 4 Channels, 2.5Khz |
ST-5641 | RSTi 1 Channels, Pulse Out module, 0.5A/24V, Source, 20Khz |
ST-5642 | RSTi 2 Channels, Pulse Out module, 0.5A/24V, Source, 20Khz |
ST-5651 | RSTi 1 Channels, Pulse Out module, 0.5A/5V (RS422), 20Khz |
ST-7008 | RSTi Potential Distribution module module, Shield, 8 points, 10A No LED |
ST-7108 | RSTi Potential Distribution module module, 0VDC, 8 points, 10A |
ST-7111 | RSTi Expansion Power Distribution module module, 24VDC, 1 A 5VDC booster |
ST-7118 | RSTi Potential Distribution module module, 24VDC, 8 points, 10A |
ST-7188 | RSTi Potential Distribution module module, 0VDC and 24VDC 4 points |
ST-7241 | RSTi Expansion Field Power Distribution module, 5, 24, 48, AC 10 Amp no LED status |
ST-7408 | RSTi Potential Distribution module for Shield module, ID type with LED |
ST-7508 | RSTi Potential Distribution module module for 0VDC, ID type with LED |
ST-7511 | RSTi 24VDC Expansion power module 5 VDC booster , 1 amp with LED |
ST-7518 | RSTi Potential Distribution module module for 24VDC, 10 A ID type with status LEDs |
ST-7588 | RSTi Potential Distribution module module, 0VDC and 24VDC 4 points ID type with status LEDs |
ST-7641 | RSTi end plate, 7pcs (End module ships with Network Interface) |
STXACC001 | RSTi spare numbered markers 0 to 9 |
STXACC002 | RSTi spare blank markers |
STXACC004 | RSTi end plate |
STXDNC032 | RSTi DeviceNet with 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input, connector, 32 points, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNC132 | RSTi DeviceNet with 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input, connector, 32 points, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNC232 | RSTi DeviceNet with 24VDC sink output, connector type, 32 points, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNC332 | RSTi DeviceNet with 24VDC source output, connector type, 32 points, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNC432 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input and 16 24VDC source output connector type, expandable to 10 additional mod |
STXDNC532 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input and 16 24VDC sink output connector type, expandable to 10 additional mod |
STXDNC632 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input and 16 24VDC sink output connector type, expandable to 10 additional modul |
STXDNC732 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input and 16 24VDC source output connector type, expandable to 10 additional m |
STXDNS001 | DeviceNet network adapter |
STXDNS016 | RSTi DeviceNet with relay output, 16 points, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS032 | RSTi DeviceNet with 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input, 32 points, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS116 | RSTi DeviceNet with relay output, 16 points, isolated, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS132 | RSTi DeviceNet with 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input, 32 points, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS232 | RSTi DeviceNet with 24VDC sink output, 32 points, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS432 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input and 16 24VDC source output, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS532 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input and 16 24VDC sink output, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS824 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input and 16 relay output, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS825 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input and 16 isolated relay output, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS924 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input and 16 relay output, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXDNS925 | RSTi DeviceNet with 16 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input and 16 isolated relay output, expandable to 10 additional modules. |
STXECT001 | EtherCAT Network Adater |
STXEIP001 | EtherNet/IP Network Adapter |
STXMBE001 | MODBUS/TCP network adapter |
STXMBS001 | MODBUS RS-232C network adapter |
STXMBS002 | MODBUS RS-485 network adapter |
STXPBS001 | RSTi PROFIBUS DP/V1 slave Network Adaper. 24VDC powered, expandable to 32 modules. |
STXPBS016 | RSTi Profibus with relay output, 16 points, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS032 | RSTi Profibus with 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input, 32 points, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS116 | RSTi Profibus with relay output, 16 points, isolated, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS132 | RSTi Profibus with 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input, 32 points, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS232 | RSTi Profibus with 24VDC sink output, 32 points, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS332 | RSTi Profibus with 24VDC source output, 32 points, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS432 | RSTi Profibus with 16 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input and 16 24VDC source output, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS532 | RSTi Profibus with 16 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input and 16 24VDC sink output, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS824 | RSTi Profibus with 16 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input and 16 relay output, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS825 | RSTi Profibus with 16 24VDC sink (Positive Logic) input and 16 isolated relay output, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS924 | RSTi Profibus with 16 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input and 16 relay output, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPBS925 | RSTi Profibus with 16 24VDC source (Negative Logic) input and 16 isolated relay output, expandable to 8 additional modules. |
STXPNS001 | RSTi ProfiNet slave Network Adaper. 24VDC powered, expandable to 32 modules. |
STXRTB009 | RSTi spare removable terminal blocks |
VMICBL-000-F5-003 | 10 feet (3.04 m) |
VMICBL-000-F5-003 | 10 feet (3.04 m) |
VMICBL-000-F5-005 | 50 FEET (15.24 M) |
VMICBL-000-F5-005 | 50 FEET (15.24 M) |
WV3402114010 | WV3-2.26-4G-SLR-HTR-O3-IOP-DC-32GM-XP |
WV3402114020 | WV3-2.26-4G-SLR-HTR-O3-IOP-DC-32GM-W7 |
WV3402124010 | WV3-2.26-4G-SLR-HTR-O3-IOP-AC-32GM-XP |
WV3402124020 | WV3-2.26-4G-SLR-HTR-O3-IOP-AC-32GM-W7 |
WV3402414010 | WV3-2.26-4G-SLR-HTR-O3-IOP3-DC-32GM-XP |
WV3402414020 | WV3-2.26-4G-SLR-HTR-O3-IOP3-DC-32GM-W7 |
WV3402424010 | WV3-2.26-4G-SLR-HTR-O3-IOP3-AC-32GM-XP |
WV3402424020 | WV3-2.26-4G-SLR-HTR-O3-IOP3-AC-32GM-W7 |
WV3ACCPANLMT | Panel Mounting Kit |
WV3ACCSUNSHD | Standalone Sun Shield |
WV3ACCYOKEM0 | Yoke Mounting Kit - no keyboard tray, no sun shield |
WV3ACCYOKEM1 | Yoke Mounting Kit - with keyboard tray, no sun shield |
WV3ACCYOKEM2 | Yoke Mounting Kit - no keyboard tray, with sun shield |
WV3ACCYOKEM3 | Yoke Mounting Kit - with keyboard tray, with sun shield |
WV3SPBATT000 | Battery |
WV3SPDESICNT | Desiccant |
WV3SPFANKIT0 | Fan assembly |
WV3SPFPLATE0 | Front Plate/ Touchscreen |
WV3SPFUSEAC0 | Fuse for AC Unit |
WV3SPFUSEDC0 | Fuse for DC Unit |
WV3SPORINGS0 | O Ring Kit |
WV3SPPMOUNT0 | Replacement Gasket for Panel Mount kit |
WV3SPSSD16G0 | 2.5" 16GB SATA SSD |
WV3SPSSD32G0 | 2.5" 32GB SATA SSD |
WV3SPSSD64G0 | 2.5" 64GB SATA SSD |
Z44A718031-G03 | Bus Bar Kit for 90 mm Module |
Z44A718031-G05 | Bus Bar Kit for 60 mm Module |
Z44A718031-G12 | Bus Bar Kit for 150 mm Module |
Z44A730465-001 | Motor half key for B2/4000is or B2/4000HVis motor |
Z44A730465-002 | Motor half key for B8/3000is or B8/3000HVis motor |
Z44A730465-003 | Motor half key for B22/2000is or B22/2000HVis motor |
Z44A730465-011 | Motor half key for B1/6000is motor |
Z44A730465-013 | Motor half key for B0.4/5000is or B0.5/6000is motor |
Z44A730465-015 | Motor half key for B12/3000is or B12/3000HVis motor |
Z44A730465-016 | Motor half key for B4/4000is or B4/4000HVis motor |
Z44C742171-001 | PSM Module MCC Flying Lead Cable, 25 Feet |
Z44C742172-001 | PSM Module 200V Control Power Flying Lead Cable, 25 Feet |
Z44C742176-001 | PSM Module Estop Flying Lead Cable, 10 Feet |
Z44C746453-001 | PSM Interface Cable (panel mounted battery), 200 mm |
Z44C746453-002 | PSM Interface Cable (Built-in Lithium Battery or No battery), 200 mm |
ZA02B-0120-K321 | CX1A/B Dynamic Brake Module Control Power Connector Kit |
ZA06B-0061-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 2/4000, KEY |
ZA06B-0061-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 2/4000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0062-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 2/4000HV, KEY |
ZA06B-0062-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 2/4000HV, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0063-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 4/4000, KEY |
ZA06B-0063-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 4/4000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0064-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 4/4000HV, KEY |
ZA06B-0064-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 4/4000HV, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0075-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 8/3000, KEY |
ZA06B-0075-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 8/3000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0076-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 8/3000HV, KEY |
ZA06B-0076-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 8/3000HV, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0078-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 12/3000, KEY |
ZA06B-0078-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 12/3000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0079-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 12/3000HV, KEY |
ZA06B-0079-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 12/3000HV, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0085-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 22/2000, KEY |
ZA06B-0085-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 22/2000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0086-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 22/2000HV, KEY |
ZA06B-0086-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 22/2000HV, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0111-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 0.2/5000, KEY |
ZA06B-0111-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 0.2/5000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0112-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 0.3/5000, KEY |
ZA06B-0112-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 0.3/5000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0114-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 0.4/5000, KEY |
ZA06B-0114-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 0.4/5000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0115-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 0.5/5000, KEY |
ZA06B-0115-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 0.5/5000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0116-B203 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 1/5000, KEY |
ZA06B-0116-B503 | SV MOTOR BETA iS 1/5000, KEY, BRAKE |
ZA06B-0216-B200 | A4/5000HVis servo motor with straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0216-B500 | A4/5000HVis servo motor with straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0219-B200 | A2/6000HVis servo motor with straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0219-B500 | A2/6000HVis servo motor with straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0233-B200 | A8/6000HVis servo motor with straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0233-B500 | A8/6000HVis servo motor with straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0239-B200 | A12/4000HVi servo motor with straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0239-B500 | A12/4000HVi servo motor with straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0249-B200 | A22/3000HVi servo motor with straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0249-B500 | A22/3000HVi servo motor with straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0266-B200 | A22/4000HVis servo motor with straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0266-B500 | A22/4000HVis servo motor with straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0269-B200 | A30/4000HVis servo motor with straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0269-B500 | A30/4000HVis servo motor with straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0273-B200 | A40/4000HVis servo motor with straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0273-B500 | A40/4000HVis servo motor with straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0276-B210 | A50/3000HVis servo motor with fan, straight shaft and key |
ZA06B-0276-B510 | A50/3000HVis servo motor with fan, straight shaft, key and brake |
ZA06B-0286-B010 | A100/2.5KHVis Motor w/ Fan Tpr Shaft |
ZA06B-0286-B310 | A100/2.5KHVis Motor w/ Fan Tp Shft & Brk |
ZA06B-6071-K203 | PSM Power Supply Module Connector Kit |
ZA06B-6073-K216 | CX8/CX9 Dynamic Brake Module Interface Connector Kit |
ZA06B-6073-K250 | aSVM Amplifier Spare Control Power Fuse |
ZA06B-6077-K155 | Noise Filter for PSM-11HVi (required for CE) |
ZA06B-6077-K156 | Noise Filter for PSM-18HVi and -30HVi (required for CE) |
ZA06B-6077-K157 | Noise Filter for PSM-45HVi (required for CE) |
ZA06B-6077-K250 | PSM Power Supply Spare Control Power Fuse |
ZA06B-6079-H401 | Dynamic Braking Module REQUIRED for aSVM1-180HVi |
ZA06B-6089-H500 | Ext. Regen Resistor, 16 Ohm 200 W, Alpha SVU1-80 Amplifier |
ZA06B-6089-H713 | SVM1-40i Regenerative Resistor, 800 Watt, with fan |
ZA06B-6093-K001 | Replacement Battery, Beta Series Amplifiers |
ZA06B-6093-K002 | BATTERY CASE, FOR ZA06B-6093-K001 |
ZA06B-6110-K203#ZZM | Alpha Amplifier CZ2 Motor Power Output Connector (aSVM1-40HVi and aSVM1-80HVi) |
ZA06B-6110-K210 | Alpha Amplifier CXA2A/B Connector |
ZA06B-6114-K504 | Lithium Encoder Battery Pack for aSVM1-180HVi Amplifier |
ZA06B-6114-K505 | Battery Holder for Alpha i Amplifiers (except aSVM1-180HVi) |
ZA06B-6114-K506 | Battery Holder for aSVM1-180HVi Amplifier |
ZA06B-6120-H011 | PSM-11HVi 11 kW HV Power Supply Module |
ZA06B-6120-H018 | PSM-18HVi 18 kW HV Power Supply Module |
ZA06B-6120-H030 | PSM-30HVi 30 kW HV Power Supply Module |
ZA06B-6120-H045 | PSM-45HVi 45 kW HV Power Supply Module |
ZA06B-6124-H104 | ASVM1-40HVi FSSB Amplifier |
ZA06B-6124-H105 | ASVM1-80HVi FSSB Amplifier |
ZA06B-6124-H106 | ASVM1-180HVi FSSB Amplifier |
ZA06B-6130-H001 | SERVO AMPLIFIER BETA i, SVM1-4i, 200 VOLT, FSSB |
ZA06B-6130-H002 | SERVO AMPLIFIER BETA i, SVM1-20i, 200 VOLT, FSSB |
ZA06B-6130-H003 | SERVO AMPLIFIER BETA i, SVM1-40i, 200 VOLT, FSSB |
ZA06B-6130-H401 | SVM1-20i Regenerative Resistor, 20 Watt |
ZA06B-6130-H402 | SVM1-20i Regenerative Resistor, 100 Watt |
ZA06B-6131-H001 | SERVO AMPLIFIER BETA i, SV 1-10, HV, 400V, FSSB |
ZA06B-6131-H002 | SERVO AMPLIFIER BETA i, SV 1-20, HV, 400V, FSSB |
ZA06B-6134-K003 | FAN UNIT, BETA i, SV 1-4,1-20, |
ZA66L-6001-0023#L150R0 | FSSB Optical Cable, Inside wiring, 15cm |
ZA66L-6001-0023#L1R003 | FSSB Optical Cable, Inside wiring, 1 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0023#L300R0 | FSSB Optical Cable, Inside wiring, 30cm |
ZA66L-6001-0023#L3R003 | FSSB Optical Cable, Inside wiring, 3 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0026#L100R3 | FSSB Optical CableExternal wire, 100 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0026#L10R03 | FSSB Optical CableExternal wire, 10 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0026#L1R003 | FSSB Optical CableExternal wire 1 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0026#L20R03 | FSSB Optical CableExternal wire, 20 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0026#L30R03 | FSSB Optical CableExternal wire, 30 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0026#L3R003 | FSSB Optical CableExternal wire, 3 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0026#L50R03 | FSSB Optical CableExternal wire, 50 Meter |
ZA66L-6001-0026#L5R003 | FSSB Optical CableExternal wire, 5 Meter |
ZA81L-0001-0083#3C | AC LINE FILTER WITH COVER, type A, AC Reactor for PSMR-3 |
ZA81L-0001-0101#C | AC LINE FILTER, type B, AC Reactor for PSMR-5.5 |
ZA81L-0001-0163 | AC Line Filter for PSM-11HVi and PSM-18HVi |
ZA81L-0001-0164 | AC Line Filter for PSM-30HVi and PSM-45HVi |
ZA81L-0001-0168 | AC line filter, HV, 5.4 KW, 3phase |
ZA81L-0001-0169 | AC line filter, HV, 10.5KW, 3phase |