美國Burr-Brown 配件各類型號 一級代理商
PCI-20001C-2A | ISA Board | Expandable ISA board with 32 bits of digital I/O. Use with standard-density,34-conductor digital cable. |
PCI-20002M-1A | Option Module | 16/8-channel, 12-bit, analog input option module. Use with standard density analog cables. |
PCI-20003M-2 | Option Module | 2-channel, 12-bit, analog voltage output option module. Use with standard-density,26-conductor cable. |
PCI-20003M-4 | Option Module | 2-channel, 12-bit, analog voltage or current output option module. Use with standard-density,26-conductor cable. |
PCI-20004M-1 | Option Module | Digital I/O option module. Use with standard-density,34-conductor cable. |
PCI-20006M-2 | Option Module | 2-channel, 16-bit, analog voltage output option module. Use with standard-density,26-conductor cable. |
PCI-20007M-1A | Option Module | Counter/timer/pulse generatot option module with quadratrue decoder.Use with standard-density,34-conductor cable. |
PCI-20008A-1B | Cable | Analog,high-density,shielded cable,26-conductor. Length is 4 feet(1.2m) |
PCI-20009A-1B | Cable | Digital, high-density, ground-plane cable, 50-conductor. Length is 4 feet(1.2m) |
PCI-20013A-1 | Cable | Digital, 16-channel, ground-plane cable, standard-density, 34-conductor. Length is 6 feet(1.8m). Use with PCI-20018T-1 and PCI-20048T-1 only. |
PCI-20015A-1 | Cable | Analog, 16/8 channel, shielded cable, standard-density, 26-conductor. Length is 4 feet(1.2m) |
PCI-20018T-1 | Termination Panel | 8-channel, oto-isolator, digital I/O termination panel. |
PCI-20020M-1 | Option Module | 1-channel trigger/Alarm, option module. |
PCI-20021M-1B | Option Module | 8-channel 12-bit, analog voltage output module. |
PCI-20023M-1 | Option Module | 8-channel, very higy-speed, 12-bit, analog input, 8-channel, option module. Use with standard density analog cables. |
PCI-20024T-1 | Termination Panel | Analog Customizer termination panel. Use wity high-density, 26-conductor cable. |
PCI-20024T-2 | Termination Panel | Analog Customizer termination panel. Use wity standard-density, 26-conductor cable. |
PCI-20025T-1 | Termination Panel | 32-channel digital Customizer termination panel. Use with up to 2 high-density, 34-conductor cables. |
PCI-20025T-2 | Termination Panel | 32-channel digital Customizer termination panel. Use with up to 2 standard-density, 34-conductor cables. |
PCI-20028A-3 | Bracket | Strain-relief cable-mounting bracket. |
PCI-20029A-1 | Enclosure | Quad termination panel enclosure with cover. |
PCI-20031M-1 | Option Module | Analog input expander/sequencer option module. Use with up to two standard-density, 26-conductor cables. |
PCI-20033A-1 | Accessory | Module extender to facilitate PCI-20002M-1 module calibration. |
PCI-20036A-1 | Cable | Digital, 16-channel, unshielded cable, standard-density, 34-conductor. Length is 4 feet(1.2m) |
PCI-20041C-2A | ISA Board | Expandable ISA high-performance board with interrupts, pacer clock, 32 points digital I/O, and inter-board bus. Use with standard-density, 34-conductor cables. |
PCI-20041C-3A | ISA Board | Expandable ISA high-performance board with DMA, interrupts, pacer clock, 32 points digital I/O, and inter-board bus. Use with standard-density, 34-conductor cables. |
PCI-20048T-1 | Termination Panel | 16-channel, opto-isolator digital I/O termination panel. Use with PCI-20013A cable. |
PCI-20061A-1 | Cable | Digital, 16-channel, ground-plane cable. Length is 6 feet(1.8m) |
PCI-20087W-1A | ISA Board | ISA digital I/O, 40-channel, TTL compatible board. Includes MasterLink software libraries. Use withstandard-density, 34-conductor cable. |
PCI-20093W-1A | ISA Board | ISA analog output board, 8 channels, voltage or current. Includes Master Link sofware libraries. Use with standard-density, analog cable. |
PCI-20098C-1F | ISA Board | ISA multifunction IO board; 45kHz. Includes Master Link software libaries. |
PCI-20098C-2F | ISA Board | ISA multifunction IO board; 100kHz. Includes Master Link software libraries. Use with high density analog and digital cables. |
PCI-20201M-2 | Option Module | Memory expansion option module for use with PCI-20202C-1 and PCI-20202C-2 SmartCarrier. |
PCI-20201M-3 | Option Module | High-speed memory expansion option module for PCI-20202C-3 SmartCarrier. |
PCI-20202C-1 | ISA Board | SmartCarrier processor board with DSP and 28MHz clock. Includes DSPView Software. |
PCI-20202C-2 | ISA Board | SmartCarrier processor board with DSP and 40MHz clock. Includes DSPView Software. |
PCI-20202C-3 | ISA Board | SmartCarrier processor board with DSP and 50MHz clock. Includes DSPView Software. |
PCI-20303T-1 | Termination Panel | Euro-Style, 16/8-channel, analog termination panel. Use with PCI-20310A-1 analog cable. |
PCI-20303T-2 | Termination Panel | Euro-Style, thermocouple, 7-differental channel, analog termination panel. Use with PCI-20310A-14 analog cable. |
PCI-20304T-1 | Termination Panel | Euro-Style, 16/8 inputs,2 outputs, analog termination panel for high-desity connectors. Use with PCI-20008A-1 high-density, 26-conductor cable. |
PCI-20304T-2 | Termination Panel | Euro-Style, thermocouple, 7 differential inputs, 2 outputs, analog termination panel for high-density connectors. Use with PCI-2008A-1 high-density, 26-conductor cable. |
PCI-20305T-1 | Termination Panel | Euro-Style, digital, 16-channel termination panel. Use with PCI-20311A-1 digital cable. |
PCI-20306T-1 | Termination Panel | Euro-Style, digital, 16-channel termination panel for high-desity connectors.Use with high-density, 34-conductor cables. |
PCI-20307T-1 | Termination Panel | Euro-Style, digital, 16-channel expansion termination panel. Use with PCI-20306T-1(expander cable included). |
PCI-20309A-1 | Accessory | Accessory kit with mounting hardware for up to five Euro-Style, 3U-size termination panels. |
PCI-20310A-1A | Cable | Analog, shielded cable, standard-density, 26-conductor cables. Length is 6.5 feet(2m). |
PCI-20311A-1A | Cable | Digital, ground-plane cable. Length is 6.5 feet(2m). |
PCI-20324T-1 | Termination Panel | Opto, Euro-Style, 8-channel, standard-connector termination panel. Use with PCI-20311A-1 digital cable. |
PCI-20324T-2 | Termination Panel | Opto,Euro-Style,quick-disconnect,8-channel,standard-connetcor termination panel.Use with PCI-20311A-1 digital cable. |
PCI-20325T-1 | Termination Panel | Opto,Euro-Style, 8-channel high-density connector termination panel.Use with PCI-20009A-1 high-density digital cable. |
PCI-20325T-2 | Termination Panel | Opto, Euro-Style, quick-disconnect, 8-channel, high-density connector termination panel. Use with PCI-20009A-1 high-density digital cable. |
PCI-20326T-1 | Termination Panel | Opto, Euro-Style, 8-channel, expander termination panel. Use with the PCI-20324T or the PCI-20325T. |
PCI-20326T-2 | Termination Panel | Opto,Euro-Style,quick-disconnect, 8-channel, expander termination panel. Use with the PCI-20324T or the PCI-20325T. |
PCI-20338A-1 | Power Supply | Power supply, 5VDC output at 6A. Universal line voltage, 85 to 264VAC. |
PCI-20339A-1 | Enclosure | Rack-mount enclosure for PCI-5B01-1 or PCI-20048T-1. |
PCI-20341M-1A | Option Module | 4-channel, 16-bit analog input option module. Use with standard-density, 26-conductor cable. |
PCI-20343A-1 | Cage | Tabletop enclosure for up to 3 Euro-Style termination panels. |
PCI-20353T-1 | Termination Panel | 5B,Euro-Style,8-channel,high-density/standard connerctor, termination panel. Use with standard- or high-density cables. |
PCI-20353T-2 | Termination Panel | 5B, Euro-Style, 8-channel, high-density/standard connerctor, termination panel, with quick disconnect terminal blocks. Use with standard- or high-density cables. |
PCI-20354T-1 | Termination Panel | 5B, Euro-Style, 8-channel expansion termination panel. Use with PCI-20353T-1. |
PCI-20354T-2 | Termination Panel | 5B, Euro-Style, 8-channel expansion termination panel,with quick disconnect terminal lbocks. Use with PCI-20353T-2 |
PCI-20355T-1 | Termination Panel | Digital output reed relay termination panel. Use with PCI-20311A-1 digital cable. |
PCI-20355T-2 | Termination Panel | Digital output reed relay termination panel, with quick-disconnect terminal blocks. Use with PCI-20311 series digital cables. |
PCI-20356T-1 | Termination Panel | Digital output reed relay termination panel. Use with PCI-20009A-1 high-density digital cable. |
PCI-20359A-1 | Accessory | Reed relay kit; 16 normally open relays. |
PCI-20360A-1 | Accessory | Reed relay kit; 16 normally closed relays. |
PCI-20361T-1 | Termination Panel | Digital input opto-isolated termiantion panel. Use with PCI-20311A-1 digital cable. |
PCI-20361T-2 | Termination Panel | Digital input opto-isolated termination panel, with quick-disconnect terminal blocks. Use with PCI-20311 series digital cables. |
PCI-20362T-1 | Termination Panel | Digital input opto-isolated termination panel. Use with PCI-20009A-1 high-density digital cable. |
PCI-20362T-2 | Termination Panel | Digital input opto-isolated termination panel,with quick-disconnect terminal blocks.Use with high-density digital cables. |
PCI-20363M-2 | Option Module | 8-channel simultaneous sample/hold option module. Use with standard-density analog cables. |
PCI-20364M-1 | Option Module | 16-bit integrating A/D option module. Use with standard-density analog cables. |
PCI-20369S-1 | DOS/Windows Software | MasterLink Software Libraries for DOS and Windows. Supports BASIC, C,&Turbo Pascal. 3.5-inch diskettes. |
PCI-20378W-1 | ISA Board | Digital I/O ISA board, 240TTL channels. Includes Master Link software libraries. Use with PCI 20393A-1 digital cable. |
PCI-20378W-3 | ISA Board | Digital I/O ISA board, 120TTL channels. Includes Master Link software libraries. Use with PCI 20393A-1 digital cable. |
PCI-20380T-1 | Termination Panel | Digital termination panel, Euro-style, 16 channel. Use high-density, 34-pinconnectors. |
PCI-20388A-1 | Adapter | Adapts PCI-20098C high density analog connector to standard densityanalog cables. |
PCI-20392T-1 | Termination Panel | Digital I/O termination panel, 48-channel. Use with PCI-20393A-1 cable. |
PCI-20393A-1 | Cable | Digital I/O ground-plane cable, 48-channel with standard-density, 50-conductor connectors, Length is 4 feet(1.2m). |
PCI-20394A-1 | Adapter | 48-channel digital adapter backplane for three, low-profile Euro-style termination panels. |
PCI-20394A-2 | Adapter | 48-channel digital adapter backplane for use with PCI-20324T-1, PCI-20325T-1,and PCI-20326T-1 termination Panels. |
PCI-20423A-1 | Adapter | Adapter to connect 37-pin D-subminiature bulkhead connector to two standard-density,26-pin analog input connectors. |
PCI-20427M-1 | Module | Interface/Expander option module with inter-board expansion capability, prototyping area, 8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs. |
PCI-20428K-1 | ISA Board w/Term. | Includes PCI20428W-1 board with PCI-2049T termination panel. |
PCI-20428K-2 | ISA Board w/Term. | Includes PCI20428W-2 board with PCI-2049T termination panel. |
PCI-20428K-3 | ISA Board w/Term. | Includes PCI20428W-3 board with PCI-2049T termination panel. |
PCI-20428W-1A | ISA Board | Multifunction data acquisition board, with 16SE/8DIFF analog inputs, 16 digital I/O, and 2 analog outputs. PGA gains of 1,10, and 100. |
PCI-20428W-2A | ISA Board | Multifunction data acquisition board, with 16SE/8DIFF analog inputs, 16 digital I/O, and 2 analog outputs. PGA gains of 1,2,4, and 8. |
PCI-20428W-3A | ISA Board | Multifunction data acquisition board, with 16SE/8DIFF analog inputs, 16 digital I/O. No analog outputs, unity gain. |
PCI-20429T-1 | Termination Panel | Analog/digital termination panel for the PCI-20428W series boards, PCI-20450P series DASport systems, and EDAS-1002E series multifunction EDAS systems. No cable required. |
PCI-20430A-1 | Adapter | Adapter for interfacing the PCI-20428W series boards, PCI-20450P series DASport systems, and EDAS-1002E series EDAS systems to 26-pin standard density analog and 34-pin stndard density digital termination panels. |
PCI-20431A-1 | Cable | Digital, high-density, unshielded cable, 50-conductor. Length is 4 feet(1.2m). |
PCI-20485S-1 | Windows Software | MasterLink II Software Libraries for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. |
PCI-20486T-1 | Termination Panel | Opto, Euro-Style, quick-disconnect, 8-channel,I/O switchable termination panel. Use with PCI-20311A-1 digital cable. |
PCI-20488A-1 | Adapter | AI-MAX Expansion Backplane, 3U analog input channel expansion, 128 channels. |
PCI-20489A-1 | Adapter | AI-MAX Multiplex Board, 3U analog input channel expansion, 16 channels. |
PCI-20490A-1 | Adapter | AI-MAX Backplane Extender, 3U analog input channel expansion, 128 additional channels. |
PCI-20491S-1 | Windows Software | Data Acquisition Virtual Instrument Library for Natoinal Instruments LabVIEW software, for PCI-20000 series data acquisition hardware. For Windows 95/NT operating systems. |
地址:廈門市同安區(qū)瑤江里165號80 1室
: xmyg2013