產(chǎn)品名稱:辦公椅腳輪耐久測試儀 Office chair caster durability tester
本機用于評估辦公椅輪子及椅腳之耐用性及耐磨性能,適合所有底座配備萬向輪的椅子。 The machine used to assess the durability and wear resistance of office chair wheels and feet , suitable for all base with casters.
重量 Weight:: 430kg
尺寸 Dimensions: 長(L) 寬(W) 高(H) 2600mm* 2200mm* 1000mm
標(biāo)準(zhǔn) Standard :QB/T 2280—6.6.1,QB/T 2280—6.6.7,BIFMA X5.1-2011 17,BIFMA X5.4-2005 19,BS EN1335-32009 7.3.5
標(biāo)準(zhǔn)配置 Standard Configuration: 控制箱 control box 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)載荷 1套 standard load 選配 Selected Accesory 空壓機 air compressor