EPXM壓力傳感器:The EPXM is a subminiature pressure sensor, specifically designed for Dynamic and High Frequency measurements with resonant frequency up to 1.7 MHz. Available with many various housings, EPIH is one of the smallest pressure sensors in the world. The EPIH is offered in pressure ranges from 0-5 to 300 psi (0-0.35 through 20bar).Variouscompensated temperature ranges are available from -40°C up to 80°C.
Suitable for dry gas and some fluids with Parylene or RTV protection (options). Nonstandard excitation, compensated temperatures are available as options. 所屬品牌: Entran
輸出: 9mV 或 5V
量程: 0-150,200,300,500,1000,1500,2000,3000,5000(PSI)
工作溫度范圍: -40℃~125℃
精確度:0.1% FSO
供電電源: 視輸入而定
典型應用: 航天、試驗設備、發(fā)動機