概述和型號含義 Description and Meaning ofModel
●LJZ-Φ65 ( Φ75) 型零序電流互感器適用于0.5千伏及以下.交流50Hz錢路中.作為有關電力系統(tǒng)高壓三相交流發(fā)電機、電動機的零序過電流保護之用。本型電流互感器只適用于戶內,且三相三芯電纜的外徑不大于Φ65(Φ75)毫米。
結構特點 Charaderistic of strudure:
●LJZ-Φ65 (75 )型零序電流互感器為全封閉澆注式,體積小,氣候適應性強,采用外加電容器補償,保護靈敏度高。
.This transformcr is epoxy resin casted withωtally-enclosed structure,wi也 smallsize,good flexibility for all kinds of climates. It adopts capacitors compensation,high prote ction sensitivity. This transformer use the advanced si1icon steel piece which is rolled into ring ty肘, the two secondary winding oftransformerrolled along the core,the coil Kl and K2with K2 tap. The coil aandx without the tap,the leadmaterialis lacquered wire, with the 中65皿.m(75m叫windowfor 也ree phase cableωgo through. This transformer adopts non- magnetism ma臼:rial base wi也 metal nameplate.
技術參數(shù) Technical data
·兩個二次線圈對地、兩個二次結圈之間應能承受工頻試驗電壓 3千伏{有效值}歷時 1分鐘;
Electric insulation intcnsity,this transfl口rmcr is busbar typc,just consider the insulation function of the sec口ndary winding.
.The two sccondary coi1 to car氈, the insulation resistancc bctwccn the two secondary coi1s is not less than 10 tcraohm,
.The two secondary coi1 to car氈, the one Minutc power 仕cquency withstand voltage between the two secondary coi1s is 3kV (valid)
.High protection sensitivity,the sensitivity oftransformer should meet the requirement in the ablejust test the insulation function ofthe secondary winding