


  • THDP0200高壓差分探頭


  • 型號
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  • 所在地
  • 更新時間2025-03-07
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 入駐年限1
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數(shù)量1958
  • 人氣值2619

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Key performance specifications Bandwidths up to 200 MHz Up to 6000 V differential (DC + pk AC) Up to 2300 V common (RMS)
THDP0200高壓差分探頭 產品詳情

Tektronix offers a broad portfolio of high-voltage probing solutions that enable users to safely and accurately make floating measurements.

Key performance specifications

  • Bandwidths up to 200 MHz

  • Up to 6000 V differential (DC + pk AC)

  • Up to 2300 V common (RMS)

Key features

  • Overrange Indicator

  • Safety Certified

  • Switchable Attenuation

  • Switchable bandwidth limit


  • Floating measurements

  • Switching power supply design

  • Motor drive design

  • Electronic ballast design

  • CRT display design

  • Power converter design and service

  • Power device evaluation


  • BNC interface (P5200A probes)

  • TekVPI® interface (TMDP and THDP Series probes)

  • TekProbe® interface (P5202A, P5205A, and P5210A Series probes)

Safe high-voltage probe solutions

The THDP0100 and P5210A have the largest differential dynamic range capability from Tektronix, allowing users to safely measure up to ±6000 V. The THDP0100 supports bandwidths up to 100 MHz and slew rates up to 2500 V/ns at 1/1000 gain. These probes are supplied with two sizes of hook tips and have an overrange visual and audible indicator which warns the user when they are exceeding the linear range of the probe.

The THDP0200 and P5205A are active differential probes that are capable of safely measuring differential voltages up to ±1500 V. The probes are effective in making measurements in IGBT circuits such as motor drives and power converters. The THDP0200 supports bandwidths up to 200 MHz and slew rates up to 275 V/ns at 1/250 gain.

The TMDP0200 and P5202A are designed for medium-voltage applications with differential requirements up to ±750 V. These probes have lower attenuation ranges and offer better signal-to-noise ratio.

The P5200A can be used with any oscilloscope and enables users to safely make measurements of floating circuits with their oscilloscope grounded. The P5200A Active Differential Probe converts floating signals to low-voltage ground-referenced signals that can be displayed safely and easily on any ground-referenced oscilloscope.

For safe operation, do not use the P5200A High-voltage Differential Probe with oscilloscopes that have floating inputs (isolated inputs), such as the Tektronix TPS2000 and THS3000 Series oscilloscopes. The P5200A High-voltage Differential Probe requires an oscilloscope or other measurement instrument with grounded inputs.

Connectivity options

The TMDP and THDP Series probes are equipped with the TekVPI® interface which allows smart communication between the oscilloscope and probe. Pushing the probe menu button will launch the probe control menu on the oscilloscope display providing access to all relevant probe settings and controls. These probes are designed to operate on TekVPI® oscilloscopes without requiring the TPA-BNC adapter.

The P52xxA Series probes are equipped with the Tektronix TekProbe® interface which communicates scale information to the oscilloscope. Direct connections can be made to oscilloscopes configured with the TekProbe® interface or to any oscilloscope when used with the 1103 TekProbe® Power Supply.

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