Monitor Groundwater Leaching
Use the Drain Gauge G2 to determine the volume of water and chemicals draining from the vadose zone into groundwater.
Identify Contamination
The one-and-a-half meter tall Drain Gauge is buried directly in the ground to measure flow rate in unsaturated soils and collect soil water samples for chemical analysis. Water samples can be collected easily through a surface port to analyze for chemicals, fertilizers, and other contaminants.
Measure Deep Percolation Accurately
One of the challenges with lysimeter measurements is that water tends to flow around receptacles buried in the ground. The drain gauge uses an ingenious duct and wick design to apply a constant tension and keep the flow rate within the gauge equivalent to the flow rate in the surrounding soil.
Made from Non-reactive Materials
The Drain Gauge is constructed from inert materials, so chemicals won't react with the tube, the sensors, or the collection reservoir.
Waste Landfill Sites. Used to identify drainage and monitor efficacy of cover systems.
Food Processing Waste Sites. Maximizes applications by monitoring water drainage rates and water quality below the root zone.
Environmental research. Measures percolation and recharge rates.
Farming operations. Measures and informs irrigation during a cropping season.
Golf Courses. Used to measure and control excess water applications and fertilizer loss.