Meter Counter Z96-F
Owner’s Manual
These counters are best suited for recording length of textiles, cables , paper and leathers, etc. They are usually set with machines for use.. Their lightweight design eases to be set on the machine and reduce costs. They are capable of counting to 10,000 meters or 10,000 yards depending on the model chosen. The large bright counter enhances visibility. They are widely used for manufacturers of long length materials or products.
Figures 5 figures, 6.5mm
Wheel Size Diameter of 106.1mm(M Type)
Diameter of 97mm (Yd. Type)
Weight 0.5kg
Reset Knob
Capacity 0-9999 m ( Type M)
0-9999Yd (Type Yd)
Max Speed 200r.p.m.
Temperature -15℃---+55℃
Dimension 157mm×71mm×50mm
4—φ4mm, 61mm×52mm
Precision 0.04%
Using your counter
1. Set the wheels on the steel axle, tighten the screws on the wheel.
2. Install the counter on machine with 4—φ4mm.
3. Keep the wheels pressing on the surface of the object which you want to measure . Make sure the wheels will follow the object to move.
4. Press the Button to reset.
5. Start the machine. Measurement is beginning.
6. Stop the machine. Make sure the wheels stopped. Read the figures on the counter. That’s what you wanted.