CUT Membrane Technology 公司的產品范圍在增加了一個高品質的耐用管式模塊 —— T-CUT PP(02-55 系列)之后進一步得到完善,它是可以過濾研磨介質并能在條件下使用的專業(yè)設備。 在整個 pH 值范圍(從 0 到 14)里都能使用聚丙烯膜。因此,耐磨蝕的聚丙烯膜管式模塊可以應用在酸液和堿液的回收利用領域。長期以來,聚丙烯膜管式模塊在諸如色素分離和懸浮液濃縮等其他工藝過程里得到成功應用的案例有很多。T-CUT PP 管式模塊僅由聚丙烯這一種材料制造而成,具有的機械耐受性和很好的耐用度,因此使用壽命很長。如果將性能超過平均水準作為,那么對稱安裝的聚丙烯膜能夠在所有領域得到大家的信服。 我們非常樂意根據您的要求為您量身定制裝有聚丙烯膜的模塊。
Type Description
Especially for the filtration of abrasive media and applications under extreme conditions, the product range of CUT Membrane Technology was supplemented by another high-quality and robust tubular module – the T-CUT PP (02-55 series). Polypropylene membranes can be used in the entire pH range from 0 –14. Thus, the abrasion resistant PP tubular modules have their application precisely in the fields of acid and caustic recycling. They have also been used successfully for a long time in many other processes, like pigment separation and suspension concentration. T-CUT PP tubular modules are made exclusively out of one material (polypropylene), allowing a very high service life due to extremely robust mechanical stability and long operating life. The symmetrically structured PP membrane is convincing everywhere where above average performance defines the standard. Upon request, we will be pleased to supply for custommade module sizes with polypropylene membranes.
1)Robust and long lasting
2)Resistant to a wide range of chemicals
3)Suitable for abrasive media
4)Easy to clean (chemically and mechanically)