PMK 無源探頭
一系列高性能微型無源探頭帶 BNC 連接器或 4 mm 插頭以適合多種儀器。 所有探頭均配有彈簧加載探針 未安彈簧的實心探針隨附兩種尺寸的彈簧端部。 各探頭均隨附基本探頭配件,或者作為備用套件提供。
CeramcoreTM Hybrid 探頭
可互換彈簧端部 0.8 或 0.38 mm 直徑
The PHV1000 is a High Impedance Passive Probe designed for instruments having 1MR input resistance. This probe is recommended for probing applications in service and development environments and is adjustable for low and high frequencies. It is also recommended for transient measurements up to 6kV such as EMC testing applications. The probe is rated with 1000V CAT II maximum input voltage and complies with latest safety standards. The DC fine adjustment enables trimming for preferred voltage ranges. Like every passive PMK probe the PHV 1000 features CeramCore™ technology. The probe's entire core is made of a high quality ceramic hybrid. Pure coaxial design and laser trimmed resistors ensure highest signal fidelity along the signal path offering high bandwidth and fast rise-times for accurate impulse measurements. It is equipped with PMKs signature spring loaded, needle sharp tips to support precise and safe measurements minimizing the risk of slipping.
Modular construction
Coaxial design
Interchangeable spring contact tip
900ps Typical system rise time
Pollution degree 2
探頭類型 | 無源 |
衰減 | 100x |
帶寬 | 400MHz |
連接器類型 | BNC |
型號(P) | PHV 1000 |
安全類別等級 | CAT I, CAT II |
安全類別電壓 | 1000 V ac/dc, 4000 V |
系列 | PHV |
安全類別 | CAT I 4000 V, CAT II 1000 V |
上升時間 | 0.9ns |