Limited Only By Your Imagination
Jaz Scripting Language allows you to write scripts for your Jaz Modular Measuring Suite that perform simple data acquisition, processing and exporting of results to your Jaz's SD card.
When your Jaz is networked via Ethernet, you can control it remotely with your PC, using a script for testing and debugging.
You can also run the Jaz script directly from your SD card -- without your PC.
At a Glance
Windows Requirements
Windows XP, Vista or 7 (32-bit and 64-bit supported)
Ethernet interface and local area network (LAN)
Jaz with optional Ethernet module
Linux Requirements
libc.so.6 (e.g. glibc-2.x)
Compatible with all modern distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat)
Ethernet interface and local area network (LAN)
Jaz with optional Ethernet module
Linux executable is command-line only
Stand-Alone Operation Requirements
SD card (up to 2GB supported by Jaz) with at least 1MB free
Jaz with SD card slot (Battery or Ethernet module)