>>QD-3605紙張吸水率測試儀 簡介Klemm Capillary RiseTester
This instrument is used for measuring the degree of waterabsorption of paper. the capillary rise in millimeters by suspending a specimenin a vat filled with water. The capillary rise of water in paper is the waterdistance rise in a strip of a paper suspended vertically with its lower endimmersed in water.
>>QD-3605紙張吸水率測試儀 符合標準
ISO8787 《紙和紙板——毛細吸收高度的測定——克列姆法》
GB/T 461.1 《紙和紙板毛細吸液高度的測定》
>>QD-3605紙張吸水率測試儀 技術參數(shù)
紙 樣 厚 度: Paperthickness: ≤1.5 mm;
試 樣 尺 寸:Sample size: 250mm×15mm;
標尺分度 值:Scale divisionvalue: 1mm ;
秒表分度 值:Stopwatch divisionvalue: 1s ;
同時測定試樣數(shù)量:Alsodetermine the number of samples: 10條;
外 形 尺 寸:Dimensions: 420mm×220mm×370mm(長×寬×高);(length × width × height)
儀 器 凈 重:Instrument netweight: 約11.3kg 。