| YY-383 | YY-383S |
Externalmaterial | Cold-rolledsteelsheet with melamine resin baked-painting |
Painting color | YSCstandardcolor(DIC-G-61) |
Temperaturerange | 4°C to 10°C | 4°C to10°C (dependonsupplywater temp.) |
Temperaturecoolingtime | 60 min (from25°Cto4°C) |
Temperaturecontroller | Digitalsetting,digital indication (PID control) |
Temperaturesensor | Pt 100 |
Refrigerator | 1.5 kw | 2.25 kw |
Cooling unit | Stainlesssteelpipecooling unit |
Refrigerant | R-407C(ISO140001compliance) |
Pump | Immersiblepump |
pHmeterandelectrode | Coolantconcentrationmeasurement | ---- |
Float switch | Lead-typeliquidsurface switch |
Pressure gauge | Pressuregaugewiththe contact switch |
Integrationflow-meter | Digitaldisplayflowmeter |
Water inlet | 12 mmdia.tubeconnector (with hand valve and solenoid valve) |
Coolantorwateroutlet | 12 mmdia.tubeconnector |
Coolantreturninlet | 40 mm dia.tubeconnector | ---- |
Drain | PVCpipefitting(with hand valve) |
Main tank | PVC, 100 L |
Filter | 50 to 100 micronfilter(2Filter) | ---- |
Chemicaltank(Threetanks) | PVC, 40 L (each tank) | ---- |
Externaldimensions | W900×D1200×H1500mm |
System |
Type | Re-circulation | Drain |
pH control | OK | None |
Filter system | OK | None |
ControlPanel |
Pressure gauge | Analogpressuregauge with upper limit contact Pressure range : 0~1.0MPa Accuracy : ±1% |
Temperaturecontroller | Digitalsetting,digital indication (PID control) |
pHmeterandelectrode | Digitalsetting,digital indication |
System control | ControlledbyProgrammable controller (PLC) |
Timer | 99hours59min(arbitrarily set) |
Emergencystopswitch | Mushroomtypelockswitch |
Lamps | Alarmlamps(Temperature, pH, Refrigerator, Pump)opening/stoplamps,Signal tower etc. |
Safety |
Over current | ProtectbyCircuitbreaker |
pH condition | Upperlimitalarmcontact of pH controller with upper-limit contact isconnected,and Lower limit alarm contact of pH controllerwithupper-limitcontact is connected. |
Refrigerator | ProtectbyThermalrelay |
Pump | ProtectbyThermalrelay and Level sensor |
Hi pressure | Bypressuregaugeupper limit contact |
Tank level low | ByTanklevelsensor |
Shortcircuitbreaker | Shortcircuit/overcurrent has occurred, the power supply isturnedoff. |
RequiredUtility |
Power supply | AC200/220/380V,3-phase50/60Hz,5 KVA | AC200/220/380V,3-phase50/60Hz,7 KVA |
Water supply | Fromfacility |