Key features
- Radiation hardened
- Side mounted receptacle
- Case grounded
- Operates at high temperatures (+399°C)
- Vibration measurements in nuclear, and high temperature environments
The Meggitt model 2273A is a precision piezoelectric accelerometer for use in industrial or laboratory applications involving high temperature or nuclear environments. It is capable of operation in the presence of Gamma and Neutron radiation. The 2273A incorporates a side mounted 10-32 receptacle and hex base construction with a 10-32 or M5 center stud mount. The accelerometer is a self- generating device that requires no external power source for operation.
The 2273A features Meggitt’s crystal to provide flat temperature response over the range of -300°F to +750°F (-184°C to 399°C). In addition, the construction provides mechanical isolation of bending motion from the mounting base. These features, together with an all-welded hermetically sealed enclosure, assure accurate and reliable data at high temperatures.
Signal conditioner models 133, 2721B, 2775A, 6634C, 68203 or equivalent are recommended for use with this accelerometer. The 2771A remote charge convertor is also compatible for applications using this high impedance accelerometer.