現貨供應NEWPORT 2835-C 光功率計
Newport Multi-Function Optical Meter
Model Number: 2835-C
High performance optical meter for DC, peak to peak, and pulse measurements.
Single or dual channel operation.
Channels may be displayed inpidually or simultaneously.
Power sensitivity ranges from 100 fW - 2 W (depending0n sensor) over a wavelength range of 0.19–1.8 μm using Newport 818 series low-power, semiconductor detectors.
High power measurements from 10 mW to 300 W over a wavelength range of 0.19 to 11 um are possible using Newport 818T series thermopile detectors
Includes both RS-232C and IEEE-488 interfaces.
System calibration is user-adjustable, with wavelength settings in 1 nm increments.
No detectors or calibration pods are included.
深圳市瑞普高電子有限公司是一家專業(yè)從事微波、電子射頻和光纖通訊測試儀器銷售、租賃、回購及維修的技術服務公司。我們主要經營安捷倫(Agilent), 泰克(Tektronix), 福祿克(Fluke), 安立(Anritsu) 等品牌的頻譜分析儀、網絡分析儀、綜合測試儀等電子測試測量儀器以及含誤碼儀、光譜分析儀等在內的光通信儀器設備。