Agilent/安捷倫 E5063A 射頻網絡分析儀
• 3 Hz to 8.4, 13.6, or 26.5 GHz; extend frequency to 110 GHz with Keysight smart mixers and up to THz with other vendors' mixers
• 10 MHz (standard), 25, 40, 255 or 510 MHz analysis bandwidth
• Full-band real-time spectrum analyzer capabilities with probability of intercept for signal duration as short as 3.84 µs
• Fast sweep capability (standard); fast power measurements (optional)
• ±0.16 dB absolute amplitude accuracy
• >78 dBc spurious free dynamic range, full band
• -136 dBc/Hz phase noise at 1 GHz carrier, 10 kHz offset
• -172 dBm displayed average noise level (DANL) with preamplifier and Noise Floor Extension (NFE)
Measurement applications & software
• N9068C phase noise measurement application
• Advanced analysis of >75 signal formats; 89600 VSA software runs inside the UXA
• Low noise path, external mixing, microwave preselector bypass, wideband IF output and enhanced display package (all standard)
• Keysight's PowerSuite one-button power measurements (standard)
Automation & communication interface
• Streamlined, 14.1 “ touch-driven interface
• LXI compliant, SCPI and IVI-COM
• USB 3.0, USB 2.0, 1000Base-T LAN, GPIB
• Open Windows 7 operating system (standard)